
Help with some Neo Geo sound stuff (Read 3638 times)

Started by Nikanoru, April 22, 2024, 07:35:03 pm
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Help with some Neo Geo sound stuff
New #1  April 22, 2024, 07:35:03 pm
    • Argentina
Hi! First post here, was reading the forums for a bit but there was some stuff i can't understand and maybe someone can help (user "N." could but i can't send PMs for some reason.. new account maybe?

1 = User N. posted a cheat table for ripping Fatal Fury 1's sounds but i wanted to know 2 things

First, how can i make a similar table but for other Neo Geo sounds and second, what's this "04" code value for...

(Code by N. for Fatal Fury 1)
  <cheat desc="Sound Mod? +256">
      <item value="0x00">00</item>
      <item value="0x18">18</item>
    <script state="change">

2 = Probably people in here know about the Caname emulator and its jukebox... a tool i myself used years ago and it works perfectly. My question is, why Caname's jukebox can be used to play sfx and voices but not UniBios?

Example = Some voice samples in Fatal Fury 1 are stored in the 184C code onward. If i use Caname's jukebox to play them, it works. But if you use the UniBios' jukebox, 184C or anything after it, the sounds won't play even though the sound code is correct. This is a problem that happens in lots of Neo Geo games using multiple addresses if you try to trigger them via the UniBios and i don't know why :(

Has someone managed to play those addresses via UniBios?

And lastly, back to the Caname emulator's jukebox... is it possible to somehow extract the codes that Caname uses and port them as a XML cheat or i'm out of luck? I'm quite sure that jukebox is using the same memory edit stuff like the one i posted above

If you're wondering why i don't simply use Caname is because i log sounds in VGM and only the normal MAME allows that T_T

If anyone can help (just knowing how to trigger the sounds via UniBios would be enough since i know the sound codes by using Nebula) much appreciated :3 (no idea how to tag users  so i can reach N.)

Edit = So i tried ArtMoney's memory view in both the UniBios jukebox and Caname's... the instructions that both sound players send seem to be quite different. Jumping instantly from value 0730 (first playable song in FF1, Richard Meyer's stage) to 184C via editing the address value with ArtMoney won't trigger the sound either using the UniBios. I'm stumped as to what exact addresses the Caname jukebox edits when using the PLAY and STOP command and the sound code selector but it's 100% obvious that both the UniBios and Caname's jukebox do different stuff in the memory :/
Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 01:04:57 am by Nikanoru