
Famicom Fighters (Progress Thread) (Read 1463085 times)

Started by KingPepe2010, May 26, 2013, 09:08:14 pm
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Re: Famicom Fighters
#61  June 12, 2013, 05:41:06 am
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Rad Spencer! Rad Spencer! *crowd chanting*
Re: Famicom Fighters
#62  June 26, 2013, 11:03:22 am
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Hey I'm new here and i love this idea you have here. I hope you won't get mad at me but i took Mario and UC and made Luigi and UCP2 for my copy cause i got a little bored with fighting the same three characters in a row....sorry for "hacking" a good game..... i'd show you but i cant figure out
-_-....Sometime's The Hardest Battle's Are Against Yourself....-_-
Re: Famicom Fighters
#63  June 26, 2013, 02:35:25 pm
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    • Sweden
You know who'd be a cool heavy character?

King Hippo with Eggplant Wizard as a striker partner. Perhaps, he could borrow moves from other Punch Out characters?
Re: Famicom Fighters
#64  June 26, 2013, 10:32:43 pm
  • looking for help with forming a plot-line.....
    • USA
I'm still rooting for Lil' mac as a character hope he make's it

     Posted: June 26, 2013, 10:33:57 pm
You know who'd be a cool heavy character?

King Hippo with Eggplant Wizard as a striker partner. Perhaps, he could borrow moves from other Punch Out characters?

that could work
-_-....Sometime's The Hardest Battle's Are Against Yourself....-_-
Re: Famicom Fighters
#65  June 26, 2013, 11:41:47 pm
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You know who'd be a cool heavy character?

King Hippo with Eggplant Wizard as a striker partner. Perhaps, he could borrow moves from other Punch Out characters?

Is that supposed to be a reference to Captain N: The Game Master?

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Famicom Fighters
#66  June 27, 2013, 05:28:16 pm
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Huh, who ever knew making an NES all star fighting game could be so epic lol. I actually would like to play this.
Re: Famicom Fighters
#67  July 10, 2013, 12:05:01 am
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Ack, sorry. Summer classes started up so I've been busy lately. Right now, Mega Man's moveset is done so all that's left is UC's helpers, Simon's helpers and well, Mega Man's helpers before the update.

@The Mystic101: Eh, I don't care. As long as you're not releasing it to the public pretending it's your own, I'm cool with it. Little Mac's got a good chance of making it in although all his sprites will have to be custom.

@rukifellth: I really can't do that since all of that since it breaks the character guidelines I posted a while ago. (Hidden characters will ignore these rules but I won't say much about them because well, they're supposed to be hidden)

 Thanks for all the support! I'll try to work on this as much as possible even with summer classes getting in the way. I might as well show some progress while I'm here too:
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Re: Famicom Fighters
#68  July 22, 2013, 11:54:34 pm
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I'd love to see more protagonists and mascots, especially ones that haven't been added to M.U.G.E.N in fighting form, yet, like Big Bang Blitz from Dengeki Big Bang!, Doropie from Magical Kids Doropie, Takamaru from Nazo no Murasamejou and Mike from Zoda's Revenge.

The more companies represented, the better. Companies that need at least two or four characters in M.U.G.E.N (excluding licensed games) are:

Vic Tokai
Culture Brain
ADK (yes, there are some NES ADK titles)
Square (other than Final Fantasy characters)
Enix (other than Dragon Quest characters)
Information Global Service (IGS, ntbcw the Taiwanese IGS)
Telenet Japan
T&E Soft
My Mugen Wish List would include protagonists, mascots and other iconic characters with everything they have brought straight from their source with little or no editing.
Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 11:58:03 pm by 1983parrothead
Re: Famicom Fighters
#69  July 23, 2013, 12:19:08 am
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All of this looks amazing!! I am really looking forward to the final result. I am one for nostalgia, so this is right up my alley since I grew up with just about all of these games. Keep up the fantastic work. :lugoi:
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Famicom Fighters
#70  July 23, 2013, 12:44:00 am
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I'd love to see more protagonists and mascots, especially ones that haven't been added to M.U.G.E.N in fighting form, yet, like Big Bang Blitz from Dengeki Big Bang!, Doropie from Magical Kids Doropie, Takamaru from Nazo no Murasamejou and Mike from Zoda's Revenge.

The more companies represented, the better. Companies that need at least two or four characters in M.U.G.E.N (excluding licensed games) are:

yeah quit doing this, you've been making these long-ass request lists in several project threads and it's getting kind of annoying

i kinda feel a bit guilty posting this in a thread for this project though since i finally got around to playing it, and i gotta say, this has a HUGE amount of potential. all the custom sprites/animations are really well done and i can't wait to see who else makes it in
Re: Famicom Fighters
#71  July 23, 2013, 01:29:18 am
  • ***
I'd love to see more protagonists and mascots, especially ones that haven't been added to M.U.G.E.N in fighting form, yet, like Big Bang Blitz from Dengeki Big Bang!, Doropie from Magical Kids Doropie, Takamaru from Nazo no Murasamejou and Mike from Zoda's Revenge.

The more companies represented, the better. Companies that need at least two or four characters in M.U.G.E.N (excluding licensed games) are:

yeah quit doing this, you've been making these long-ass request lists in several project threads and it's getting kind of annoying

i kinda feel a bit guilty posting this in a thread for this project though since i finally got around to playing it, and i gotta say, this has a HUGE amount of potential. all the custom sprites/animations are really well done and i can't wait to see who else makes it in

Mind if you tell Noside the same thing? I saw him make a long request list. Look back several pages.
My Mugen Wish List would include protagonists, mascots and other iconic characters with everything they have brought straight from their source with little or no editing.
Re: Famicom Fighters
#72  July 23, 2013, 03:43:09 am
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    • Mexico
I'd love to see more protagonists and mascots, especially ones that haven't been added to M.U.G.E.N in fighting form, yet, like Big Bang Blitz from Dengeki Big Bang!, Doropie from Magical Kids Doropie, Takamaru from Nazo no Murasamejou and Mike from Zoda's Revenge.

The more companies represented, the better. Companies that need at least two or four characters in M.U.G.E.N (excluding licensed games) are:

yeah quit doing this, you've been making these long-ass request lists in several project threads and it's getting kind of annoying

i kinda feel a bit guilty posting this in a thread for this project though since i finally got around to playing it, and i gotta say, this has a HUGE amount of potential. all the custom sprites/animations are really well done and i can't wait to see who else makes it in

Mind if you tell Noside the same thing? I saw him make a long request list. Look back several pages.
Don't drag me into this. lol

Re: Famicom Fighters
#73  July 23, 2013, 09:13:46 pm
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I don't mind the long list of requests in all honesty, just make sure you take a look at the guidelines I posted a while ago. (or at least, the parts that completely outright reject a character)

Bang - Depending on roster size, he may or may not get in. Besides, the person I'd rather use as a Vic Tokai represenative is...
Doropie/Francesca - Pretty damn good chance, if Vic Tokai only gets a single spot then she'll probably get it.
Takamaru - Not sure, this guy will most likely be a helper if anything.
Mike - Already has a cameo in UC's stage.

Also, I apologize if this update is taking a while to get out. Right now, Mega Man is done in terms of moveset, Urban Champ now has all his helpers, and the new HUD is already implemented. All that's left is Mega Man's stage and helpers as well as Simon's helpers.
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Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 09:47:32 pm by KingPepe2010
Re: Famicom Fighters
#74  July 23, 2013, 10:19:31 pm
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    • Sweden
I'd love to suggest Miria from Guardian Legends. That game was awesome, and it would be cool with a character that can shift between a ship and humanoid form, mixing fighting with SHMUP, not to mention her DUAL BEAMSWORDS.

She'd also be a representative to Compile, and to an extent, Irem.

Re: Famicom Fighters
#75  July 23, 2013, 10:45:31 pm
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    • Mexico
Re: Famicom Fighters
#76  July 24, 2013, 12:16:12 am
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    • USA
I'd love to suggest Miria from Guardian Legends. That game was awesome, and it would be cool with a character that can shift between a ship and humanoid form, mixing fighting with SHMUP, not to mention her DUAL BEAMSWORDS.

She'd also be a representative to Compile, and to an extent, Irem.

Ok, how come I've never heard of this game? As a character, this could be interesting. I need to play the game first to see what I can do with her. Also, the characters themselves only represent the publishers, not developers so she would be a representative for Irem in this case. (...although I might have to cheat a bit if I use someone from a Rare-developed game)
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Re: Famicom Fighters
#77  July 24, 2013, 12:16:35 am
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Kuros from the Wizards and Warriors series is a Rare-developed series. And before Guardian Legend, there was Super Star Force: Jikūreki no Himitsu.
My Mugen Wish List would include protagonists, mascots and other iconic characters with everything they have brought straight from their source with little or no editing.
Re: Famicom Fighters
#78  July 24, 2013, 02:47:32 am
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I've already said it wouldn't feel right if Kuros got in without using his weapon most of the time. About Super Star Force: Jikūreki no Himitsu, once again there's a much better Tecmo representative that I could be using. I don't think the pilot did anything outside of his ship except for shops but if he did, refresh my memory.
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Re: Famicom Fighters
#79  July 24, 2013, 03:46:16 am
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Does Hudson have a representative? You could use good-old Bonk.
Re: Famicom Fighters
#80  July 24, 2013, 04:48:00 am
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Bonk could probably work for Hudson. I was also thinking of either Bomberman or Master Higgins from Adventure Island for Hudson as well.
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