
KOFE v0.9 Feedback (Read 53817 times)

Started by swipergod, December 17, 2010, 02:25:57 am
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#21  December 24, 2010, 08:32:30 pm
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Cool.  I'm working on the update over Christmas, so let me know if anything else comes up.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#22  December 25, 2010, 05:26:30 pm
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You need to turn the Debug keys off.
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#23  December 25, 2010, 07:28:16 pm
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Sorry, forgot to.  That's a system fix though and I'm not re-releasing the system for now.  You can disable it in the config.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#24  December 25, 2010, 11:42:24 pm
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Marry Xmas/happy holidays people.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#25  December 26, 2010, 07:05:26 pm
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xmas to you too LA , and a happy new year To y'all  :D
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#26  December 27, 2010, 04:06:25 am
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Happy holidays everybody.

FYI, all reported issues have been corrected for the update pack.  It'll be up in a few days.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#27  January 03, 2011, 01:47:21 am
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-Some of her sounds are hard to hear. Like her grab sounds arent the same(or dont seem to be) the same as everyone else. The heavy grab sound.
-PDF says her Shermie catcher and flash are punch moves when they are actually kick moves.
-DP+k special. Im guessing her walking forward with her arm outstretched is her throw miss animation? If not... you might want to fix the range. I havent looked at her in FF yet so possibly ignore this one.

-His dp+k special occasionally misses Shermie in a corner. Im thinking this might just be my timing. I did it right after she was finished standing up and it missed.
-Jet counter sometimes passes through opponents. If you time it right during Shermie's far y, it will switch sides. Not sure if this is intentional.
-AI might screw up his Authority of Earth throw. If they jump over him they get thrown the wrong direction.
-Dancing Earth is a qcf move. PDF says qcb.

-Hp projectile misses Kasumi in a corner. LP does not.
-personal opinion on this one, but Her HDSM looks a tad odd in the corner.

-crouching y misses in a corner

General stuff:
-you might want to temporarily move Liz's spot over, or adjust the SP's player 2 cursor placement. It starts on an empty spot.
-Im guessing the select.def hasnt been updated for Shermie and Yashiro yet? Its an easy fix.
-Athena's stage song is labeled wrong. It says Athena2 when it is just Athena.

That's it for tonight. Great release

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 05:03:38 am by Lost_Avenger
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#28  January 03, 2011, 08:52:49 am
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- I'll look into the sounds
- Good catches on the typos
- That is miss animation.  Works as it should

- Seems to be a grab attempt during recovery time.
- He does a brief teleport, so it's intentionally possible
- Had the same problem with Goro
-Another typo

- k. will look into it
- can't win 'em all

- will increase hit box
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#29  January 03, 2011, 06:23:02 pm
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Can't use Yashiro and Shermie, (and yes, I downloaded their files,) and no matter what I do in the Select.def, they won't show up. I even tried experimenting a bit and wiping off Mature's name, putting Shermie there; Mature was still there. But I know there's a way to get those two in there due to previous feedback regarding them. Help?
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#30  January 04, 2011, 01:24:03 am
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uh... they work on mine. If you got the right select.def, their names have a ; in front of them. Delete that and the 2 /'s below them and they should appear. If not, check to make sure they are in your chars folder, cause you might have downloaded the wrong one or something?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#31  January 04, 2011, 01:35:31 am
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uh... they work on mine. If you got the right select.def, their names have a ; in front of them. Delete that and the 2 /'s below them and they should appear. If not, check to make sure they are in your chars folder, cause you might have downloaded the wrong one or something?

Tried it; didn't work. And yes, I do have the right characters. And, as I said, nothing will change. As i said, I deleted Mature's name and put Shermie's there, but when I loaded up the game, Mature was still in that same spot, and Shermie was nowhere to be seen; you can't even see Yashiro and Shermie in 'randomselect' yet I know I have them, and I know that there filenames match that of their lines on the Select.def. Is there something I'm missing here?
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#32  January 04, 2011, 07:35:28 am
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Okay, so they work now, and I've gotten to use them...and I have feedback, particularly Shermie. (Keep in mind that the following is strictly my own opinions; in other words, don't take following paragraphs the wrong way.)

Yashiro is great; of the two versions, I've always preferred the gameplay of the Non-Powered Yashiro, and your version only improves on that playstyle by making him a bit more versatile. It's Shermie that I have some qualms with. This Shermie is based on the Orochi version, which again is my preference, but her current moveset just doesn't mesh well. You see, O.Shermie is sort of a zoner character; her goal (to me anyway,) is to keep a certain amount of distance; her specials (in the official games,) are either range attacks, or they pushback or hamper the foe in someway. The point is, she's not the kind of character that's going to assaulting the foe outright, at least compared to various other characters.

But, she only had 4 specials, so you needed to give her at least one more...and you gave her one of Shermie's grapples. I hate to say it, but to me, it just doesn't work. Shermie (Non-Orochi) is a grappler, plain and simple. I'm sure her playstyle is more specific, but that's what she basically is, and being a grapper, she has to constantly assault the foe in order to get right up close and use those grapples, at least to an extent. That kind of gameplay conflicts directly with O.Shermie's playstyle. Not, if that was the only move you could have given her without designing a new one, it wouldn't be as much of a gripe, (not to mention SNK likes to give everyone and their mothers command grabs anyway,) but I've played KOF02UM, and in that game, they gave O.Shermie a brand new special. Without going into great detail, it further enhances and increases her playstyle without directly conflicting against it (that is, the playstyle,).

Yashiro worked because O.Yashiro's playstyle wasn't that far off from Yashiro's, relatively speaking, to the extent where his additions only enhanced him. But Shermie and O.Shermie are posses very different breeds of playstyles; whereas Yashiro's changes added, O.Shermie's didn't affect her at all; what's the point of a new move (so to speak,) if there's hardly any use for it? (Seriously, unless you gut her like a fish, she has need to grapple at all, so what's the point?) Again, it's all just my opinion, but you might want to consider giving O.Shermie a 6th special that enhances her playstyle instead of conflicting with it, and as I said, one exists. But, it's all up to you.
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#33  January 04, 2011, 08:52:27 am
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You're obviously a Shermie fan. ;) I went through this same type of feedback with Iori and Kim wayyyyy back when they were released and spent many paragraphs justifying my choices there.  I won't go into that much detail here since you've clearly stated this is feedback based on opinion: 

Shermie's zoning has not been affected because she didn't lose anything.  She still has all her O Shermie moves, she's just gained a throw.  If the throw was an electric throw like Benimaru, would it be as big an issue?  Case point, KOFE Ash who is also a zoner has a command throw.  Shermie has difficulty "escaping" close up attacks because her moves have slow start up and are meant for distance.  The throw offers her balance to cope and punish close up.  The DM throws also help for balance, making her a threat close up or far away as well as making her moves more unique instead of a Benimaru or Ash clone.

The fact that you're comparing O Yashiro to Yashiro saying that the styles are similar is also opinion (as you've stated).  That's like saying Goro is similar to Vanessa.  It just sounds like you prefer Yashiro's blend to Shermie's.  Nothing wrong with that, since you're welcome to modify Shermie as you wish for your personal use.  I find Shermie balanced and unique enough for now.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#34  January 04, 2011, 09:25:27 am
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This isnt feedback, but where did Shermie's theme come from? I love it! It sounds kind of "boss theme" -ish.

Possible bug in Adel's throw. I countered his throw(where he switches sides and then punches you). I ended up switching sides anyway(while doing the throw counter animation). This was against the AI. I was using Iori if it helps(though I dont think it will matter)

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 09:47:17 am by Lost_Avenger
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#35  January 04, 2011, 10:08:52 am
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Ugh Athena....Fang Arrow(her air DM) crosses up, and the she throws you out of it, and the throw looks VERY wonky....

But are there truly grown men in this world?!
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#36  January 05, 2011, 03:59:52 am
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Shermie's theme is in the music credits in the pdf

HE, which throw looks wonky?  Fang arrow needs to be blocked high, but shouldn't be more prone to cross ups then other character's air moves.  Will test.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#37  January 21, 2011, 06:21:06 pm
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I meet this bug when I play rugal,when I used rugal's HDSM at gesse on geese's stage,I meet this bug,the HDSM doesn't have an end,at you know,gesse stage don't have wall,his hcb+p doesn't have this bug but his HDSM does
Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 06:26:20 pm by theanhvn
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#38  January 22, 2011, 02:03:47 pm
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Noted from the other post in the board.
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Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#39  April 21, 2011, 04:44:51 pm
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Is Mary missing sprite 5031.50 for anyone else?

Right after I finish sending the email the guild starts working again... Oh well:

Ivalid state/invalid action during Mature's projectile. Ivalid state 1105

Invalid action in state 2000(or 2800, the font is hard to read). He also has a truncated integer in state 3001.  He also had an invalid action 20000 when he finished me with one of his supers. Ash had that problem before if I remember right. He also changed to invalid state 121(common AI problem)

Krizalid needs a hit override. Im guessing it was the move where he goes behind you and slams you. I hit him with Kula's anti air while he did that move and got stuck in the hitstate.

Just in case you dont get the message.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 10:47:03 am by Lost_Avenger
Re: KOFE v0.9 Feedback
#40  May 10, 2011, 04:50:17 pm
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