
MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N! (Read 1718907 times)

Started by ermaccer, September 20, 2019, 03:01:11 pm
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MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#1  September 20, 2019, 03:01:11 pm
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MugenHook is an opensource project aimed to add features to the M.U.G.E.N engine (1.1 only). It is programmed in C++ (well, mostly) with assembly bits. Most of currently added features are from Mortal Kombat games (cause I like them), though I do accept suggestions and/or feature requests.
It is under constant development, so expect updates often.

Current major features:
  • Animated portraits/stances on select screen - You can say goodbye to cursor tricks!
  • Animations upon selection - Make your character perfom an animation (eg. win) upon selection.
  • Cell based sounds - Assign different selection sound for every character in your roster (useful for announcers).
  • Hardcoded strings modification - Rename Simul/Single/Turns or customize your button names without hex editor or font tricks.
  • Disable game modes - Don't like a particular game mode in your fullgame? Simply disable it!
  • 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 - Spice things up with one switch, no seperate executables required!
There's also some minor ones like random stage select sound.

Please report bugs here if possible:

Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#2  September 20, 2019, 03:04:47 pm
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Ohh shit!! Nice to see you here aswell Ermaccer !
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#3  September 20, 2019, 03:16:35 pm
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Oh it's that thing from the Mortal Kombat projects.
I'll check it out sometime soon.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#4  September 20, 2019, 03:19:20 pm
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I cannot thank you enough for these features. We truly are in the future.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#5  September 20, 2019, 03:21:35 pm
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Hey bro! :)
Great that you post this amazing stuff here.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#6  September 20, 2019, 03:30:46 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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    • Brazil
Hey. this looks cool.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#7  September 20, 2019, 03:42:36 pm
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Whoa, good stuff man!  Makes me want to finally make the leap to 1.1

Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#8  September 20, 2019, 04:28:04 pm
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This is pretty cool, looking forward to see this get further developed
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#9  September 20, 2019, 05:41:54 pm
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I can't believe we had to wait until 2019 to get something like this! Amazing, cant wait for the possibilities in the future!
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#10  September 20, 2019, 06:17:55 pm
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  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
  • Competitive MUGEN when?
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Some suggestions:
- Having a frameLoader thing for each character like the Animated ports.
- Having P2's teammode change during arcade mode, for example, having a Single character as a boss after Tag/Simul matches.
- Adding new keys which combine the defaults key like for example, x+a.
- Have the string changes expand out to the normal Options screen.
Some feedback:
- Recode the anim selection for the Animated ports, some characters' anims, most notably the stance use anims in the wrong order, unless I use the workarounds mentioned on your wiki.
- No portraits or name appear on the versus screen if I change the amount of characters in Simul mode.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#11  September 20, 2019, 06:36:18 pm
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how do I enable 3v3 tags??
Jesus loves you
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#12  September 20, 2019, 06:38:47 pm
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This sounds pretty awesome. I'll test it out this weekend.
Suggestion: What about an Image stage selector, since the only way now is via custom fonts, which only allows for limited stages.

Example in spoiler.
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#13  September 20, 2019, 07:10:02 pm
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how do I enable 3v3 tags??

There's no real tag mode if you want that, there's 3vs3 and 4s4 just like old mugen hacks. To enable that simply change iSelectableFighters value in the .ini, note you can do 6vs6 and you'll select 6 players for player 1 only and the other will break, so just keep that at 4 max.

Some suggestions:
- Having a frameLoader thing for each character like the Animated ports.
- Having P2's teammode change during arcade mode, for example, having a Single character as a boss after Tag/Simul matches.
- Adding new keys which combine the defaults key like for example, x+a.
- Have the string changes expand out to the normal Options screen.
Some feedback:
- Recode the anim selection for the Animated ports, some characters' anims, most notably the stance use anims in the wrong order, unless I use the workarounds mentioned on your wiki.
- No portraits or name appear on the versus screen if I change the amount of characters in Simul mode.

Frameloader for each character is pointless, and impossible too. There's only one place where i can load extra frames required to display on select screen. The only thing that I am certain is possible is expanding the options string space. Frankly, I've done some research on keys and it seems it might be possible to add new one but that would require expanding script handler as well. Until I find a better way to pull off animations (which I doubt), you'll have to rely on workarounds for now.

This sounds pretty awesome. I'll test it out this weekend.
Suggestion: What about an Image stage selector, since the only way now is via custom fonts, which only allows for limited stages.

Can't access system.sff in memory yet (guess that's where images would be kept, to save on loading all stages .sff), so can't say anything at this moment.

Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#14  September 20, 2019, 07:33:43 pm
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Was about to ask if would be possible to use both sprites {for the select animation} and normal ports at the same time, then suddenly think one could simply add the animation over the port---

Does need a specific set of sprites and/or AIR animation in general tho or each char can have a custom one?

This is good progress visualy.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#15  September 20, 2019, 07:56:11 pm
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^ each character animation is custom, you can easily create what you're trying to do.

I know what i'm about to do all weekend lol
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#16  September 20, 2019, 08:06:19 pm
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^ each character animation is custom, you can easily create what you're trying to do.

I know what i'm about to do all weekend lol

Oh~ Was already liking that Battle Climax screenpack due ports, being able to animate the sprite that goes with the port sounds really good.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#17  September 20, 2019, 08:41:42 pm
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only thing i've encountered is that you'll have to move the portrait position in the system.def which he stated in the tutorial lol

otherwise using the scale code and all that good stuff in the system.def still works for this

A question i do have, is it possible to show P1 and his partner after selecting first fighter during simul/Tag?
My 2D stages folder:

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~ taking commissions for 3D stages, join the discord above if interested ~
Last Edit: September 20, 2019, 08:57:56 pm by Tay
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#18  September 20, 2019, 10:05:26 pm
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I get this error:

Latest version of MugenHook, latest version of x86 Ultimate ASI Loader, both placed in the root directory of MUGEN 1.1b.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#19  September 20, 2019, 10:15:03 pm
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    • Argentina
it works but I don't understand why stances animation doesn't appear :/
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#20  September 20, 2019, 10:25:17 pm
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Holy fuck, amazing !

Gonna test this asap.