
Introduction Thread (INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO THE COMMUNITY HERE) (Read 6696073 times)

Started by shin. [OFWGKTA], July 07, 2007, 01:29:07 am
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#1  July 07, 2007, 01:29:07 am
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  • much love to r. kelly
This thread is just for those(mainly newbies) who want to introduce themselves and/or give a little background about themselves.
Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 02:46:04 am by TempesT


Re: Introduction Thread
#2  July 07, 2007, 08:07:13 am
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I will start introducing myself first, I am Samurai-Benoit (Nickname, I am going to change my nickname soon ;) ) I join this forum in year 2003 as I am requesting for Last Samurai Battle game, as a result I fail because it is unrequestable stuff with stolen creations and got my thread deleted. I enjoy playing other video games and fighting games alots sometimes me alone or with my friends. I enjoy reading, swimming, jogging and gym. In the past 2003, I enjoy WWE too, now I not interested in it anymore because I have never watch WWE for long and Chris Benoit as well as other good old wrestlers are gone :( I know Mugen from year mid-year of 2001 as I bought it in a pirated game shop and enjoy playing it till end-year of 2001, I have my internet connect and browse for information on Mugen, which I got on to Andre Lope's website first. I learn that there are more other characters from other fighting games that can be included in mugen. I get interested and look around his website. His website even have some forbidden stuff, which I get eddicted in it :P like there are hentai sprites/portrait edit of Nakoruru and Hotaru Futaba which get me interested in admiring them :P I browse and search around, and found out neogouki's mugen website, I like using his rock and joe as well as VK's gouki and kgenjuo's Ukyo. Later I found out mugen4ever and electbyte, then to Mugen Fighters Guild which there are large collection of characters and stages database, I download characters and stages like leechers, at the time I was figuring how to add characters and stages too, then I play the hell of it  :ninja: till the year 2005. On year 2006, I started to figure out how to create characters for mugen, like getting a rom and emulator on the internet, ripping sprites from there, reading some basic tutorials like adding sprites using mcm or fighters factory, creating palletes etc, up to now, I get interested in creating some kof characters since the data are easier to rips and program, as I am still undergoing training  ;)
Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 06:19:03 am by Samurai-Benoit
Re: Introduction Thread
#3  July 08, 2007, 03:57:24 am
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  • I'm a neko, who needs help.
I guess I found out about this whole M.U.G.E.N thing around christmas time '06. I was in my school bus and my friend told me about a game with "Characters from every fucking game made." I immediatley got interested as I have always loved fighting games. As soon as I found out and downloaded M.U.G.E.N I immediatley started downloading like a mad man. Now I have 200+ characters and 50+ stages. Then I decided to get in the "community" And now I'm here being a real dumbass in the forums.  --;

Well that's me!  ;D
Re: Introduction Thread
#4  July 08, 2007, 04:33:32 am
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  • Muay Thai drunk?
Hey, my name is Mike not telling you my last name, but it means stupid in Japanese :sugoi: I go to North Campus high. I'm in 10th grade. I can pretty much blend into all of the groups like, Ghetto kid's, Scene kid's, Punk kid's, Goth kid's, and the metal kid's[this is the one i am known for].  I joined the guild December 03, 2004. I've been with the whole mugen scene since it's been out. I make palettes when i get bored. I have a life, a girl friend. I practice BMX, Hang out with friends, Play gears of war, Marvel vs. capcom 2, Listen to Music:
-Mindless Self Indulgence
-Say Anything
-My Chemical Romance
-Bleeding through
Need anymore info?
Re: Introduction Thread
#5  July 08, 2007, 05:21:37 am
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  • I am a ghost.
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eh, here I go again.
Sup? My name is Brandon Marquis Markail Green. I joined the guild in 2004, just to be in a group of mugen fanatics. I am 19 years of age, being 20 in the 25 of July. Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I'm currently in the military, more specifically the Navy, working on submarines.

Even though i read the documentations with a vast knowledge of mugen coding, I still weigh myself low-tier in comparison to the rest of the creators in the guild. I like to consider myself the Dan Hibiki of creators. In my wing are 11 characters and their stages, thereby finishing the conversion of Dead Dance, a lesser known game by Jaleco. I'm also on the verge of making the stages of the Rushing Beat series of beat-em-up games, and Diddy Kong.

Personally, I'm into electronics and computers, videogames, music of all genre, capoeira, and my newest passion, Victoria. I'm socially spontaneous, due to my random thoughts, mild behavior, and mild to angry looks.

My catchphrase here is shaza, which I won't go about the origin.

I'm a musician, composer and instructor, making about 20 original rap beats, and 37 original scores, as well as a few tributes to various games.

I'm a writer, currently making a story called the Book of Generations.

I'm a programmer, currently making a video game project. I am in need of assistance in ideas, though.

I'm a webmaster of, which houses my mugen creations, some news, and my forum, which time and time i urge people to join.

I flirt with almost every woman in this forum, with the exception of bia, which for some reason, I am enamored with. eh...
Accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Veridis
Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 05:37:17 am by The Aboriginal One
Re: Introduction Thread
#6  July 09, 2007, 03:27:15 am
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I'll just do this to kill time.

My name is Aaron Wong, I joined the guild about a month ago (I think) so I could get help on creating and so I can interact with the awesome community present in this forum. I'm 14, turning 15 next May. I live/was born in N.S.W, Australia and it is my 3rd year at high school.

I listen to asian pop, mainly. The only exception is the occasional Usher and Linkin Park.  I play the piano and I arrange scores for piano. As you could probably guess I like fighting games in general, the games I've played seriously so far are; GGXX#R, GGXXS, SF3TS, KOF2003 and KOFXI. I've stopped playing all those games to focus on MUGEN, but I'm currently on and off in KOFXI, because the time I have for arcades and such nowadays are quite limited.

I got into MUGEN some months ago, back then, all I did was download random characters to put in my EVE, just like how every newb starts nowadays. Then I started taking a liking to KOF, back then I really liked Sander's, Mouser's, H"'s and zzzasd's characters. And pretty much since then, I've deleted everything and started anew, with only KOF characters in my roster to play against. I try and make all the characters have the same system features as if it was a full game so instead of working on Kyo Kusanagi (my first WIP) I'm pretty much learning how to code things into other people's characters, until I get enough experience to code for my own.

My favourite creators are;
Jin - His Kyos are an inspiration to me as they play very solidly and his Kyo-XI/EX-Kyo are basically what I always wanted in MUGEN, and he makes great characters in general to play around with.
Ahuron - Lets say Ahuron is hit or miss, some of his characters are decent or good, but some are just bad, I guess. I just like the characters he decided to convert for MUGEN, lets just say, he got good taste.
Vans - I only knew him from the awesome KOFXI lifebars he released, until I got around to playing his Terry_WLS. Goddamn. Play one of his amazing KOF chars and you tell me why he's so awesome. Too bad I don't have him anymore; but last time I checked there has never been a better post-2003 Terry than his one.
CCIronmugen - Well, what can I say.. I've run out of ways to say how great these people are. People who know this guy will already know how cool he is, so I guess there's not much to put here.

As you can see, I very much enjoy KOF characters, and they are pretty much the only ones I have in my MUGEN roster. I don't have much to download nowadays, unless it's a update or release by one of those guys. I actually like all the dedicated KOF creators that make their creations faithful to their respective KOF games.

I'm still gathering coding knowledge, but when the time comes, I would like to release my own KOF character. :)
Last Edit: July 09, 2007, 03:29:32 am by Kei Dasshuu
Re: Introduction Thread
#7  July 09, 2007, 03:41:35 am
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  • Yume De Aetara fanboy of the highest caliber!
I am Urza the Otaku. I recently came from another forum called tribesone. I left that forum because the community was corrupted by dim-witted assholes.

I am an avid Tribes player (when my slow computer will allow a decent framerate), and a rabid anime fan.

I never use "lol" or anything of that sort.

Pleased to make your acquaintance. 

Ecchi, it calls to me...
Re: Introduction Thread
#8  July 11, 2007, 10:30:28 pm
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(I posted this in the wrong section, so re-posting here :) )

Hi everyone, my names Andy, and i have been a MUGEN fan for sometime now, i am currently working on my own project atm, alough i am totally clueless about making characters and how to animate your own sprites and moves, ive figured out how to make your own character list, selection screen and music into the game 

Ive never tried anything like this before and i am still finding it hard to figure things out, like making my own title screen and naming it with start music is a bit of a nightmare for me atm, and importing custom life bars, or ones i find on the net

I am 24 and have a family of 3 kids, and im married (so no rest for the wicked) i have lots of gaming experience as I loved streetfighter and Mortal Kombat when i was a kid (and still do), big marvel fan and dc comic fan so having some of the characters in my mugen game atm is awesome, here is a list of characters i have atm.

The Thing
Ryu from SFA3 series
Ken from SFA3 Series
Evil Dan
Dr Doom
Peter Griffien
Lui Kang
Teen Gohan
3D Vegita
3D Gogeta
Captain America
Another Kung Fu man
Master Fei Long
Tifa Lockheart

That is my entire rosta :)

Anyway any tips or helpful hints in the right direction would be most appreciated, and my Mugen Game is called Battle For The Universe. (dunno if its taken, either that or Beyond The Art Of Fighting).

Dunno if anyone can help, but im eager to learn and hopefully produce a top quality fighter for us all to share

or if anyone knows any top quality websites to look at for mugen stuff be appreacited :) (only found this forum the most helpful one on the net)

Re: Introduction Thread
#9  July 12, 2007, 03:09:16 am
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Angel Ryu and Holy Ken are stolen, you know that, right?
Re: Introduction Thread
#10  July 13, 2007, 06:45:06 am
hi im sgouki im new just found the site today. im not really into telling my life story so ill just leave it at this
Re: Introduction Thread
#11  July 17, 2007, 06:21:41 am
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  • Inside Crystal Mountain Evil Takes its form
Some of you know who i am im derryb of M.I some of u might not know me well lemme give a Intro my name is derrick I like Karate Video games Rping and MUGEN! and Music Importanly Family and Friends


Re: Introduction Thread
#12  July 17, 2007, 02:21:48 pm
Hello. A long while ago, I begged for some YT user to send me Charlotte, and I got it. That's how I got into mugen stuff.

Recently, I have however embraced Juffo-Wup. Juffo-Wup is the hot light in the darkness, all else is unfulfilled Void. A single spore lands, finds nourishment in decay. It matures, and breathes a cloud of new spores, each filled with life. So progresses Juffo-Wup. Soon it happen again. The Non are not part of Juffo-Wup, but let's not go there.

I also like to lurk. In manyplaces. And to play. Soon I will get an avatar pic, which will have a funnay reference to some video game. Hooyah!
Re: Introduction Thread
#13  July 24, 2007, 12:32:54 am
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Chea I joined last month,I go by the name of Dwayne ,im 13, WAS an honor roll student  --;
dont even ask why im not in anymore.I live in L.I.C.I found out about M.U.G.E.N from my love of MvC2, searching on youtube looking at tourney vidsz, then i come across a vid that says Evil Ken Evil Ryu vs Broli.Then i started looking at millions of other vids and thats how i got hooked on mugen.Also my passion is for cats and in gaming and I've got a fetish for Asian girls.
<------------------- First Sig I Ever Created

To Ryu: How does it feel to have been in the same clothes for the last 15-17 years? Comfortable. Feels like I'm wearin' NOTHIN' AT ALL! NOTHIN' AT ALL! NOTHIN' AT ALL!!!!
Re: Introduction Thread
#14  July 24, 2007, 01:52:59 am
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I am Wujizah-Manof Panzermanathod. At the moment, I'd rather not explain how I got such a long username. All I'll say is, aside from the "Panzer", there are Wu Tang references buried within.

I've known about Mugen since late last year (I think years earlier, though, but I'm not too sure). However, at around February or March, I got into Mugen (thank's to legoman727). I looked for a few characters,  my first being BBH, Gallon, and Seth's Spider-Man. I decided to join two forums (Infinity and Infantry) to keep myself updated on new characters and to join a forum (not to join "the mugen community", though. What I'm saying is that I intended to join a forum to be part of a community and talk... and stuff, but not specifically to join "the mugen community)

Unlike most, I didn't live in the request sections, and the only bad request I posted was asking for a non-nude R.Mika at Infantry (I was told to post at the then called "Does this thing exist thread". I was confused, as I knew it existed, just not who made it.) I wasn't out to try to get every character, just ones I liked.

As time went by, I went to Infinity more than Infantry (There's less chance of being flamed and/or banned from having an open mind at Infinity than Infantry). However, I occasionally lurked in this forum for a while, as I didn't want to join a 3rd Mugen thread at the time.

So, I joined a few days ago. AFTER 10,000 YEARS, I'M FREE!!!

Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: Introduction Thread
#15  July 28, 2007, 03:46:25 pm
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I'm shirokuma. I'm new to the whole Mugen thing, but I was once dabbling in game design a little while back. I got into it because I wanted to practice making music for video games, (I'm studying to be a music producer.) but after I saw what Mugen can do, I decided that my ultimate goal is to hash out an original idea.
Re: Introduction Thread
#16  July 29, 2007, 08:08:00 pm
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My name is Mike, recently found out about MUGEN on google whilst searching for...something ???

Was hoping to eventually make a few chars but well, pixel art doesn't seem to be my thing  :S

Hopefully I can contribute something to the community though.

Oh and I'm from the UK and I love werewolves, (In case you couldn't tell :P)
Re: Introduction Thread
#17  July 29, 2007, 08:15:13 pm
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  • Suprise Buttsecks!!!!
    • USA
I am John Crossett most of you know me by Omega Zero im 22 turning 23 this year, ive been around since late 05, but no knowledge of coding yet, im hoping to go to school 1 day for computer programing coding spriting and game development, so i can make some hardcore mugen characters 1 day, other then that im psyched about my trip to Ellis Island in New York City. I also have fruity loops 7.0 which i made the storm eagle sexeh remix from.

aright y'all have a nice day now.  ;D
Re: Introduction Thread
#18  July 29, 2007, 10:37:51 pm
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hi guys. I'm Adam but you guys can call me barrysun.
I've been doing alot of mugen playing alot. (nearly almost have it for a year) I've got alot of videos on my channel on youtube.
Re: Introduction Thread
#19  July 29, 2007, 10:42:18 pm
 Name is Javi

I just joined this forum because im really looking for some mugen lifebars but I will be a regular poster here and there. Ive left college on hold because Id like to live in Europe for a while I have alot of hobbies some of wich include MMA , Bull Riding,fixing Harleys, video games, some of my more intellectual hobbies are reading,chess,animals, and wildlife.

Re: Introduction Thread
#20  July 30, 2007, 12:38:10 am
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hi..Javi..welcome here.. ;D
-I hate haters and S.o.S chars.....
-time to migrate from winmugen...