
Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all? (Read 5252270 times)

Started by Flowrellik, June 12, 2016, 08:03:52 pm
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Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#1  June 12, 2016, 08:03:52 pm
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  • Raging Fist
Idk how or why, but for some stupid reason I got banned at BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for a bogus reason, stating about me being negative and whatnot, which is untrue. Over there I had not made a single negative post, and during  the freett shutdown phase even helped out in archiving stuff for them, which it seems to be deleted as well. Afaik I did not do anything wrong to Dizzy or anyone on the staff nor have I said anything harmful or done anything harmful.
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#2  June 12, 2016, 08:19:15 pm
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Did you respond to a SJW thread? :p you come off pretty negative in those or political threads! But other than that I dunno
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#3  June 12, 2016, 08:34:11 pm
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If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#4  June 12, 2016, 09:49:25 pm
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  • Raging Fist
last I said was not in any SJW thread but dealing with their updates. apparently BLACKLISTED WEBSITE now is doing adfly with their download links with no way to bypass it. I simply asked about the situation and what's happening, and I ended up having my post deleted and my account banned. This is absurd. I did not say anything negative about the situation.
But that just gets weirder. Idk if its a new change or what, but a majority of members are now lurkers (including me). I don't know what the hell is going on over there. I was not negative or even remotely hostile over there.

I am Casvalrel over there. this is proof
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#5  June 12, 2016, 09:54:09 pm
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Lol adfly, getting 2 cents out of every download of materials you didnt do to save them on servers you dont own in order to keep your trashy site around the 4shared links up.
All while risking infecting everyone that uses your site.

Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#6  June 12, 2016, 09:57:25 pm
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  • Raging Fist
yeap. I use adblock to block their ads and bypass it and it works. I have no intention of robbing people of their money, but I've had too many malware problems in the past because of adfly. Safety before riches.
But yeah, If I recall Dizzy is an admin there yes? Where is he now.
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#7  June 12, 2016, 09:59:34 pm
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yay dictatorship!
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#8  June 12, 2016, 10:00:05 pm
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we think it's scummy when people here use adfly for their own shit, putting other people's content behind adfly links is way worse
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#9  June 12, 2016, 10:03:23 pm
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  • Raging Fist
To that I agree with you.. This is sad. BLACKLISTED WEBSITE was damn good site to me since it herald alot of links from the past considered dead. Hell I even HELPED Those guys by uploading and sending sites during the Freett Shutdown incident!
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#10  June 12, 2016, 10:05:00 pm
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What a bunch of shitbags. Making money off of others' work...
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#11  June 12, 2016, 10:06:35 pm
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Not that it means they can't be crappy anyway, but unless serious I like to think a forum should at least gives warnings before a perma ban. Did you at least get that?
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#12  June 12, 2016, 10:07:17 pm
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I completely blocked that site for a reason
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#13  June 12, 2016, 10:09:34 pm
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we think it's scummy when people here use adfly for their own shit, putting other people's content behind adfly links is way worse
Agreed, I've run across videos with links to a couple of my characters, direct linking to the download page of my site via an AdFly link. If it was the main page and not afly'd I'd actually value that courtesy. For free fanart stuff it's wrong on a lot of levels..

If this was '05 I'd be slinging shit over it, but now I just /smdh fam and sigh, I'm too old and rich for this. :)

Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#14  June 12, 2016, 10:10:30 pm
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whats worse is that now adfly has an anti-adblock feature that doesn't allow you to go on with out disabling it. so you're pretty much forced to open your computer to alot of malicious shit.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#15  June 12, 2016, 10:12:06 pm
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I can look into it if you want. I don't meddle with moderation affairs usually, but if you really didn't do anything, it sounds a bit rude to perm you.

I know the staff is pretty nervous right now because of all the abuse with download accelerators, plus we've been ddos'd recently.

Now is not the time to play all around idiots on the Archive my friends xD
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#16  June 12, 2016, 10:15:56 pm
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we think it's scummy when people here use adfly for their own shit, putting other people's content behind adfly links is way worse
Agreed, I've run across videos with links to a couple of my characters, direct linking to the download page of my site via an AdFly link. If it was the main page and not afly'd I'd actually value that courtesy. For free fanart stuff it's wrong on a lot of levels..

If this was '05 I'd be slinging shit over it, but now I just /smdh fam and sigh, I'm too old and rich for this. :)
How lame is that. In this case you can easily change the name of the page so the links are busted, or depending on how good your HTML-Fu is, you can check the redirect and send back to the main page / forbid entry :P (disclaimer : I don't know how adfly works, maybe they have a workaround or something)
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#17  June 12, 2016, 10:19:29 pm
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  • Raging Fist
thank you blade. Afaik, i do not use any sort of DL accelerators at all, and I have no hacking skills. If anything as a common member I just have a big mouth :V.  Hell I'm a fracking stage creator.
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#18  June 12, 2016, 10:22:52 pm
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  • The Barbarian
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How lame is that. In this case you can easily change the name of the page so the links are busted, or depending on how good your HTML-Fu is, you can check the redirect and send back to the main page / forbid entry :P (disclaimer : I don't know how adfly works, maybe they have a workaround or something)
That's not a bad idea actually! The redirect to main method would work for me, since the adfly stuff is scummy, but if Youtubers are too lazy to google the basic info they can use that at their own risk. I've been putting off a site redesign since it's boring but doing little things like that seem fun, I'm going to give the a whirl after I force myself to draw some buttons. Thanks!
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#19  June 12, 2016, 10:27:16 pm
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I surprised about Adfly in Mugen Archive when I have seen this at the first time.
The worst I use adblock but the page forces me to deactive my adblock. :doom:
Re: Anyone here being banned from BLACKLISTED WEBSITE for no reason at all?
#20  June 12, 2016, 10:33:09 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
I can look into it if you want. I don't meddle with moderation affairs usually, but if you really didn't do anything, it sounds a bit rude to perm you.

I know the staff is pretty nervous right now because of all the abuse with download accelerators, plus we've been ddos'd recently.

Now is not the time to play all around idiots on the Archive my friends xD

Dont worry, with the shitty way they are acting they are going to have worse to worry about than DDOS soon. You are giving everyone else a good justification for reporting your site.