
Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations  (Read 38681 times)

Started by Segatron, June 13, 2012, 09:07:58 pm
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Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#1  June 13, 2012, 09:07:58 pm
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In this thread we're going to talk about the differences between certain fighting games and their film adaptations. What was done well, what could have been improved, etc, etc.... Now I have seen most of our favorite fighting games like Street Fighter, Double Dragon etc. in movie adaptions.Though There were a few flaws in it which had lead these movies or anime to flop or gain negativity. The major reason of why is because of their story and other stuff in the movie. Herre I will be discussing
Here is a small list below of those movies and Anime released. Most of them have alterations.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Most of them had altered story. Similarly They other things like production and direction was not satisfactory. In this topic I will Review the media (OVA,MOVIES & Cartoon) based on the popular games mentioned in the spoiler. Here We'll Discuss a lot about them.
So I am starting With First  Media based on CAPCOM's Street Fighter

When Street Fighter 2 was running wild (Hugely popular) Various media were featured on the game . Although most had altered the story-lines of the characters or sometimes the entire one.

 First media that was released was alive action featured some of the best actors. The Movie  named Street Fighter  had been a tribute to late actor Raul Julia who portrayed the role of M.Bison. Though this was his last movie he was praised for his acting but the movie had major flaws like
1. Ryu and Ken depicted as Con Men.
2. Charlie Nash as a UN Officer and his transformation into Blanka.
3. Frequent Fight sequences.
4. No coverage of the story.
5. Dhalsim as a missing/captured doctor.
6. Poor Choreography and laughable dialogues which are more suitable for children

Despite having grossed $99,423,521 worldwide, The movie was  had received negative views from all critics. Some features like Dhalsim as a doctor and Blanka's previous form as Charlie was features in 1995 cartoon series (Though entire series were pretty much based on the movie but it was more dedicated to younger audience).

The cartoon was were fair enough it had more sense and great story. Also Famous for its  :bison:
. THE series had ran for two years and Along them were Megaman and Darkstalkers cartoons.The American side was fair enough but the credit was gone to Japanese side.

There were three OVA's and unlike the American counterparts they did not have similar events and had different setting of story. The plot was seemingly close to original game story-line and it received positive reviews.
Later Two OVA based on the events of Street Fighter ALPHA The both movies had featured Akuma.
Though both ere not as successful as the previous one they still got good reviews. SF II had some scenes that would be served as the basis for Street Fighter Alpha. Many elements and character designs were integrated into future games of the series (in particular, the Street Fighter Alpha series). The film's final battle is very loosely adapted into Ryu's story in Street Fighter Alpha 3, where Ryu's sub-boss is a brainwashed Ken, whom he must defeat before facing Bison. The Brainwashed version of Ken  (referred a Violent Ken would later appear in the crossover SVC chaos)
The iight scene was choreographed better and had more adrenalin that was not present in the American counterpart.

The Production group (Group TAC  ) of the movie would later make an anime series with the altered story called Street Fighter II V in the anime The character like Ryu Chunli and Ken are depicted younger despite their game counterparts
Other changes found were are
1. Akuma appearing in most episodes
2. Chun li's father being alive secretly
3. Alterations of character design and clothing

The series reflected some fair scenes and moments like rivalry between Ryu and Sagat was respectable. Also Ryu and Ken learn  to make hadoken . Though characters like E.Honda,Blanka,Dee Jay and T.Hawk were not present in the series.
The Japanese side had earned more reception the American version. The Second Live Action called Legend of Chun li was also a not good as the story had been altered again and fans had criticized it due to major changes that were seen in the film.
So Far The Movies of Street Fighter had sucked big time while the animations had positive review.
Thus this conclude the Street Fighter Media Franchise
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#2  June 13, 2012, 09:20:44 pm
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Mortal Kombat

What was done well

The Costumes
The Story - nearly identical to the Game Story
Most actors were absolutly fitting for their roles, something hardly any other fighting game movie adaption ever archived
The Soundtrack, from Rammstein to Napalm Death, this one was a kickass Soundtrack
Dialogues werent serious, this was a movie of a fighting game, not final fantasy, its all about the fighting and Ninjas!

What was not so well
 - Special Effects are aged now
- Reptile being some sort of chameleon like creature

Seriously MK was and is the best movie adaption of a fighting game to date, it is a shame since this movie is nearly 20 years old already and no Street Fighter, Tekken, Dead or Alive adaption came even close to the entertainment this movie delivered

Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#3  June 13, 2012, 09:24:10 pm
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Mortal Kombat was good and no wonder it is not in any worst game lists then here. Although I don't get it why Jax never left his cybernetic arms  in the games while he left in the movie when he got condfidence to beat Motaro.
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 09:34:27 pm by Segatron
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#4  June 13, 2012, 09:29:43 pm
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please dont mention the 2nd ruined everything the first movie build up.
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#5  June 13, 2012, 09:34:32 pm
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Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#6  June 13, 2012, 09:36:37 pm
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Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#7  June 13, 2012, 09:44:13 pm
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Major Flaws which includes Bad Choreography, poor story which looks misguided, Bad Direction waste of money and others....
GBK667 I have to get more comments here After that I will write on KOF related media.

major flaws like
3. Frequent Fight sequences.
wait what

Cleary he is disappointed that there were not enough Chun Li showers scenes.

NO !!!  I was talking about the Live Action not the animated.... GIRARD ! Besides I was satisfied because I saw the uncensored version of the animated film
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Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#8  June 13, 2012, 10:09:19 pm
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as far as live actino adaptations, mortal kombat is the best one, but it is obviously not as good as the best animated ones.
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#9  June 13, 2012, 10:17:29 pm
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Dont Make Me Laugh! ..but you just did

Heh..which animated fighting game movie adaptions would you desribe as the "best ones" and more entertaining and sticking to the source than the MK Movie?

The horrible Fatal Fury ones? The classic SF II Movie or the even worse SF Alpha one? The super bad adaption of Samurai Shodown or are there any i dont know?

Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 10:27:29 pm by GBK667
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#10  June 13, 2012, 10:19:12 pm
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Anime series were just good and As if I recall I liked Classic SF II animated movie. I got dissapointed with Alpha counterparts
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#11  June 13, 2012, 10:34:20 pm
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iirc, there were two alpha series, one with decent art and soso made up plot and another with understandable plot and awful art.
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#12  June 13, 2012, 10:50:07 pm
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The Street Fighter 2 movie is one of the best animated movies ever in my mind. The alpha movies were nothing to write home about. The 1st Aplha was decent even though it had those made up big bads. That kind of irked me and Generations felt like I was watching a different anime all together but with SF characters. The only decent part of that was when Sakura fought Ryu (was it Ryu? I don't even remember now)

MK was a GREAT live action. It's hard to say which was better between the 2 because they are such different mediums. I can watch them both over and over. I did too. When MK was 1st out I liked the Reptile Liu Kang fight so much I drew out the entire thing from memory on paper for fun in comic form.
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#13  June 14, 2012, 07:25:08 am
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So The best live action movie :MortalKombat
Best Animated movie:Street Fighter 2 The animated movie.

Others got messed up .
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#14  June 14, 2012, 07:49:32 am
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1. Street Fighter: The movie - should just be left for forgotten
2. Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie - was decent enough
3. Fatal Fury OVA series - acceptable
4. Art of Fighting- didn't watch it but Ive heard its not acceptable
5. Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer - to much Fan service  :-\
6. Samurai Showdown OVA series - made me feel like im watching a kids show
7. Street Fighter Alpha - I find it acceptable
8. Alpha Generations (Street Fighter) - lacking
9.King of Fighters Another Day - to short
10. Street Fighter: Legend of Chunli - *rage face*
11. King of Fighters: The Movie - Epic fail
12. Tekken: The movie - atleast its better then KOF the movie
13. Mortal Kombat : Defenders of the Realm-haven't seen it
14. Mortal Kombat - acceptable
15. Mortal Kombat Annihilation - honestlly , I thinks its better then the first, but thats just me
16. Darkstalkers Cartoons - LOL
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#15  June 14, 2012, 07:54:33 am
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street fighter the live-action movie was an extremely fun and satisfying watch and i'm keeping to that until i die, even then i'll probably still keep saying the same thing

also again raul julia's bison performance ALONE makes the film deserve respect than it gets
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#16  June 14, 2012, 08:13:15 am
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Segatron: fun fact

According to the Japanese version, the SFII OVA is actually a prequel to the live-action SF movie. When Ryu is about to jump-kick the truck, a voicr shouts something like "TEASER" or something suggesting that it will be continued. Then after the credits, there's a blurb that says that the story will be continued in the American SF movie.

Pretty sure that's what happens, too lazy to confirm right now (ie: popping my DVD in the player)
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#17  June 14, 2012, 09:15:58 am
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street fighter the live-action movie was an extremely fun and satisfying watch and i'm keeping to that until i die, even then i'll probably still keep saying the same thing

also again raul julia's bison performance ALONE makes the film deserve respect than it gets
You forgot Guile Van Damme and yummy Kylie Minogue as Cammy :P

6. Samurai Showdown OVA series - made me feel like im watching a kids show
If you mean the 90s movie, OK. But not the SS Warriors Rage OVA, with Shiki and Asura. That OVAS worths totally watching them.

Also, I liked Tekken movie. A lot. It was a correct adaptation, IMO (also, the 3some with Kazuya and Williams sisters <3)
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#18  June 14, 2012, 09:34:32 am
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Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#19  June 14, 2012, 09:57:21 am
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^^ you look really hot hot hot in that outfit!
Re: Comparison between fighting games and their film adaptations
#20  June 14, 2012, 10:04:43 am
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tvtropes says akuma does a cameo in every episode of SFII V but I only found him trice  :(