Akuma/GoukiSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Gou Hadouken | Gou Hadouken | Messatsu Gou Hadou
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Gou Shoryuuken | Gou Shoryuuken | Messatsu Gou Shoryuu
9-12 | Gamma- Expansion | Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku | Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku | Messatsu Gou Rasen
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsGou Hadouken: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Zankuu Hadouken: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air only)
Gou Shoryuuken: ~F, DF, F, x/y/z
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Tenma Kuujinkyaku: ~D, DF,F, a/b/c (Done in air only)
Ashura Senkuu: ~F, DF, F, 2 punches/kicks or ~B, DB,F, 2 punches/kicks
Hyakkishuu- ~F, DF, F, a/b/c then punch for Hyakki Gousai (Close to enemy's head),
kick for Hyakki Goutsui (close to enemy's body),
~D, DF, F, punch for Zankuu Hadouken or ~D, DF, F, kick for Tenma Kuujinkyaku
HypersMessatsu Gou Shoryuu: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Messatsu Gou Hadou: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Tenma Gou Zankuu: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, Done in air only)
Messatsu Gou Rasen: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Shun Goku Satsu: x, x, F, a, z (Lv 3)
AmingoSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-3 | Alpha- Dash | Ball Attack | Ball Attack | Anti-Air Vine
4-6 | Beta- Expansion | Plant Spike | Plant Spike | Anti-Air Vine
7-8 | Gamma- Balance | Ball Attack | Plant Spike | Anti-Air Vine
LauncherStanding Medium Punch or Crouching Medium Kick
SpecialsBall Attack: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Plant Spike: ~D, DB, B, x/y/z
Little Cactus Punch: ~,D, DB, B, a
Little Cactus Grab: ~D, DB, B, b
Little Cactus Kick: ~D, DB, B, c
HypersHyper Plant Grab: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches
Anti-Air Vine: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks
B. B. Hood/BulletaSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4| Alpha- Projectile | Smile & Missile | Smile & Missile | Cool Hunting
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Cheer of Fire | Cheer of Fire | Cool Hunting
9-12 | Gamma- Variety | Shy Strike | Shy Strike | Cool Hunting
LauncherStanding Medium Kick
SpecialsSmile & Missile: ~40$B, F, any button (punch for high, kick for low)
Happy & Missile: ~40$D, U, any button
Cheer of Fire: ~F, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Sentimental Typhoon: ~F, D, B, punch or ~F, DF, D, DB, B, punch (Target becomes dizzy when they stand back up)
HypersCool Hunting: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches
Beautiful Memory: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (WILL hit a second target unlucky enough to get in her range)
Hyper Apple For You: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (WILL hit a second target unlucky enough to get in her range)
BatsuSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Projectile | Guts Bullet | Guts Bullet | Super Guts Bullet
3-4 | Beta- Balance | Guts Uppercut | Guts Uppercut | Super Guts Uppercut
5-6 | Gamma- Expansion | Mikaduki Kick | Mikaduki Kick | Super Guts Bullet
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsGuts Bullet: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Mikaduki Kick: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c
Guts Uppercut: ~F, D, DF, x/y/z
Crescent Kick: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (In air only)
HypersSuper Guts Bullet: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Super Guts Uppercut: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
CableSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Viper Beam | Viper Beam | Hyper Viper Beam
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Scimitar | Scimitar | Hyper Viper Beam
9-11 | Gamma- Variety | Elec-Trap | Crack Down | Hyper Viper Beam
LauncherStanding Medium Punch
SpecialsViper Beam: ~D, DF, F, punch(Done in air too, punches to do more damage & hits. Press Up or down to curve the beam)
Crack Down: ~D, DB, B, kick
Scimitar: ~F, D, DF, punch (Done in air too)
Elec-Trap: ~D, DB, B, kick (Done in air too, hold the button used to delay the detonation)
Kinetic Shock: ~F, D, B, punch or ~F, DF, D, DB, B, punch
HypersHyper Viper Beam: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too. Press Up or Down to change beam curve. Mash punches to deal more damage and hits)
Time Flip: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1, sends out a clone of himself. If it hits, use this to your advantage and attack together for some deadly combos. Cable is able to use Hyper Viper Beam while his clone is still in play)
CammySpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Cannon Spike | Cannon Spike | Spin Drive Smasher
3-4 | Beta- Dash | Cannon Drill | Cannon Drill | Spin Drive Smasher
5-6 | Gamma- Expansion | Axle Spin Knuckle | Axle Spin Knuckle | Killer Bee Assault
LauncherStanding Strong Kick/Crouching Hard Punch
SpecialsCannon Drill: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Cannon Spike: ~F, D, DF, a/b/c
Axle Spin Knuckle: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Air Cannon Spike: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (In air only)
Cannon Revenge: ~D, DB, B, x/y/z
Hooligan Combo: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c then punch (to grab if near, cancel if not) or kick (to do an Air Cannon Spike)
HypersKiller Bee Assault: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Reverse Shaft Breaker: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Spin Drive Smasher: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Psycho Streak: ~B, $D, F, 2 punches (Lv 3)
Charizard/LizardonSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Variable | Flamethrower | Flamethrower | Flare Drill
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Flight | Flight | Flare Drill
9-12 | Gamma- Ground | Rock Smash | Rock Smash | Explosive Stomp
LauncherStanding Strong Punch
SpecialsFlamethrower*: ~D, DF, F, punch
Flight: ~F, D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Rock Smash: ~D, DF, F, kick
Seismic Toss: ~F, D, B, punch
Squirtle Assist*: ~D, DB, B punch (LP is Rapid Spin, MP is Withdraw Shell Slide, HP is Dynamic Punch**)
Ivysaur Assist*: ~B, DB, B, punch (LP is Razor Leaf, MP is Leech Seed, which traps the target leaving them wide open for an attack, HP is Sunny Day which lasts for 10 seconds)
HypersFire Blast**: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Explosive Stomp: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Flare Drill**: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Mega Punch X: ~B, D, F, 2 punches or ~B, DB, D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 3)
*- Both Pokemon can be in play at the same time. However, Ivysaur cannot be summoned for Sunny Day if the move's in play already.
**- Moves indicated with ** deal more damage when Sunny Day's in effect.
Charlie/NashSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Projectile | Sonic Boom | Sonic Boom | Sonic Break
3-4 | Beta- Anti-Air | Somersault Kick | Somersault Kick | Somersault Justice
5-6 | Gamma- Balance | Sonic Boom | Somersault Kick | Sonic Break
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsSonic Boom: ~30$D, F, x/y/z
Somersault Kick: ~30$D, U, a/b/c
Moonsault Slash: ~U, UF, F, a/b/c (In air only)
HypersSonic Break: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches then up to 2 more punches after the third wave (Lv 1)
Crossfire Blitz: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Somersault Justice: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Final Mission: ~30$B, F, B, F, 2 punches (Lv 3)
Chun-LiSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-3 | Alpha- Projectile | Kikoken | Kikoken | Kikosho
4-6 | Beta- Anti-Air | Tenshokyaku | Tenshokyaku | Hazan Tenshokyaku
7-8 | Gamma- Expansion | Sen'en Shuu | Sen'en Shuu | Senretsukyaku
LauncherStanding Hard Kick
SpecialsKikoken: ~D, DF, F, punch
Tenshokyaku- ~F, DF, F, kick
Unnamed move- ~D, DF, F, kick
Sen'en Shuu: ~D, DB, B, kick
Hyakuretsukyaku: Mash the kick buttons (Done in air too)
HypersKikosho: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Senretsukyaku: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Hazan Tenshokyaku: ~F, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
ColossusSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Dash | Power Tackle (Fwd) | Power Tackle (Fwd) | Super Dive
3-4 | Beta- Anti-Air | Power Tackle (Diag-Up) | Power Tackle (Diag-Up) | Super Dive
5-6 | Gamma- Launcher | Standing HK | Standing HK | Super Dive
LauncherStanding Hard Kick
SpecialsGiant Swing: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too. Do a 360 on the D-Pad quickly to increase damage if it connects)
Power Tackle- ~D, DF, F, kick (Done in air too. LK/MK goes forward while HK goes Diag-Up (Diag-Down in air))
HypersSuper Dive: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too. Do Down+punch/kick to dive down early.)
Super Armor: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1. Colossus gains more Defense and won't flinch nor be thrown. However he won't be able to block nor will he be able to increase his Super bar gauge until it ends or he switches.)
Cyber Akuma/Mech-GoukiSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Projectile | Cyber Gou Hadouken | Cyber Gou Hadouken | High Mega Gou Beam
3-4 | Beta- Anti-Air | Shining Circuit Gou Shoryuuken | Shining Circuit Gou Shoryuuken | Scramble Gou Punch
5-6 | Gamma- Expansion | Lightning Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku | Lightning Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku | Lightning Gou Rasen
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsRocket Arm: z or ~D+z
Cyber Gou Hadouken: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Zankuu Bolt Hadouken: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air only)
Shining Circuit Gou Shoryuuken: ~F, DF, F, x/y/z
Lightning Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Booster Rocket Tenma Kuujinkyaku: ~D, DF,F, a/b/c (Done in air only)
Winged Ashura Senkuu: ~F, DF, F, 2 punches/kicks or ~B, DB,F, 2 punches/kicks
HypersScramble Gou Punch: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
High Mega Gou Beam: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Thunder Gou Shower: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, Done in air only)
Lightning Gou Rasen: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Shining Gou Shock: x, x, F, a, z (Lv 3, done in air too)
DanSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover9-12 | Alpha- Projectile | Gadoken | Gadoken | Shinku Gadoken
1-4 | Beta- Anti-Air | Koryuken | Koryuken | Super Koryuken
5-8 | Gamma- Variety | Premium Signature | Danku-Kyaku | Hissho-Buraiken
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsGadouken: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Koryuken: ~F, D, DF, x/y/z
Premium Signature: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
Danku-Kyaku: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (Done in air too)
HypersShinku Gadoken: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches
Koryu-Rekka (Pal 1-6)/Super Koryuken (Pal 7-12): ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Hissho-Buraiken: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Legendary Taunt: ~D, F, D, F, Taunt (Lv 1, restores little health with every successful taunt)
Chohatsu Densetsu: ~D, B, D, B, Taunt (Lv 3, restores health overtime for a while)
Way of the Man: ~z, a, B, x, x (Lv 3, leaves Dan at 1 Life if he connects)
Falco LombardiSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Blaster (M) | Blaster (M) | Assault Blaster
5-8 | Beta- Variety | Reflector | Falco Phantasm | Hyper Fire Bird
9-12 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Fire Bird (M) | Fire Bird (M) | Hyper Fire Bird
LauncherStanding Hard Punch
SpecialsFalco Phantasm: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too, aerial version serves as an Aerial Rave Finisher)
Fire Bird- ~F, DF, F, punch (LP for forward, MP for Diag-Up, HP for Up)
Blaster- ~D, DF, F, kick (LK for 1 shot, MK for 2, HK for 3)
Reflector: ~D, DB, B, kick (Done in air too. Behaves like his Smash Bros one, dealing damage to whoever it hits. It also hits when returning to Falco. It'll vanish if Falco or itself is struck by an opponent)
HypersHyper Fire Bird: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Arsenal Barrage: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Assault Blaster: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Arwing Rundown: ~D, B, D, B, 2 punches (Lv 3)
Fox McCloudSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Dash | Fox Illusion | Fox Illusion | Hyper Multi-Kick
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Blaster Shot (Diag-Up) | Somersault Kick | Somersault Strike
9-11 | Gamma- Projectile | Blaster Shot | Blaster Shot | Sniper Fox
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsFox Illusion: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Fox Fire: ~F, DF, F, a/b/c
Multi-Kick: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
Blaster Shot: ~D, DB, B, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Somersault Kick: ~30$D, U, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Reflector: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (Done in air too. Fox is immune to Normal/Special Projectiles as he'll turn those into a energy shot from his Reflector. There's a chance he may not take damage from other attacks at all, but that doesn't save him from moves that hit multiple times.)
HypersHyper Fox Fire: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Hyper Multi-Kick: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Somersault Strike: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Sniper Fox: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Star Fox Assault: ~D, F, D, F, 2 kicks (Lv 3)
GaomonSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Variable | Gao Rush | Gao Rush | Hyper Gao Rush
5-8 | Beta- Dash | Rolling Upper | Rolling Upper | Hyper Gao Rush
9-12 | Gamma- Balance | Gao Rush | Rolling Upper | Hyper Gao Rush
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsGao Rush: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Rolling Upper: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
HypersHyper Gao Rush: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches/kicks (Lv 1)
GuileSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Somersault Kick | Somersault Kick | Somersault Strike
3-4 | Beta- Projectile | Sonic Boom | Sonic Boom | Sonic Hurricane
5-6 | Gamma- Balance | Sonic Boom | Somersault Kick | Sonic Hurricane
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsSonic Boom: ~30$B, F, x/y/z
Somersault Kick: ~30$D, U, a/b/c (Done in air too)
HypersSonic Hurricane: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches/kicks (Lv 1)
Crossfire Assault: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1, done in air only)
Somersault Strike: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Crossfire Blitz: ~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 3)
HayatoSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Expansion | Shiden | Shiden | Rasetsuzan
3-4 | Beta- Anti-Air | Guren | Guren | Guren Tenha
5-6 | Gamma- Balance | Shiden | Guren | Engetsu
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsShiden: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Guren: ~F, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Plasma Combo: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
Byakkohou: ~D, F, 2 punches
HypersRasetsuzan: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Engetsu: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Plasma Field: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1, if it hits, he can do any of the other Hypers except
the Lv 3 and this without depleting the Super Bar temporary; Also, he can do X-Over
Combinations at a cost of 1 bar instead of 2)
Guren Tenha: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Black Hayato: Ura Rasetsuzan: x, z, B, a, c (Lv 3)
J. Talbain/GallonSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Climb Razor | Climb Razor | Moment Slice
5-8 | Beta- Variety | Million Flash | Beast Cannon | Final Flare
9-12 | Gamma- Projectile | Dragon Flare | Dragon Flare | Dragon Wrath
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch or Standing Hard Kick (Close)
SpecialsBeast Cannon: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too, LP is forward(ground)/Diag-Down(Air), MP- Diag-Up(Ground)/Forward(Air), HP- Up(Ground)/Diag-Up(Air))
Climb Razor: ~D, DB, B, kick (Done in air too)
Wild Circular: $F, $D, $B, a/b/c
Million Flash: ~D, DB, B, punch
Dragon Flare: ~D, DF, F, kick (Done in air too)
HypersFinal Flare: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too, LP+MP- Forward(Ground)/Diag-Down(Air), MP+HP- Diag-Up(Ground)/Forward(Air), LP+HP- Up(Ground), Diag-Up(Air))
Dragon Wrath: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Moment Slice: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1, done in air too)
ES Wild Circular: $F, $D, $B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
2 Minutes to Midnight: ~x, x, F, a, z (Lv 3)
Jill ValentineSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Variety | Emergency Dodge (Cerberus) | Emergency Dodge (Zombie) | Rocket Launcher
5-8 | Beta- Dash | Charging S.T.A.R.S. | Charging S.T.A.R.S. | Hyper Charging S.T.A.R.S.
9-12 | Gamma- Projectile | Grenade Launcher | Grenade Launcher | Rocket Launcher
LauncherStanding Hard Punch
SpecialsCharging S.T.A.R.S.: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too, hold HP to charge the HP version, release it to unleash the attack)
Emergency Dodge A (Zombie)- ~D, DB, B, kick (HK summons a burning zombie)
Emergency Dodge B/C - ~D, DF, F, kick (LK/MK is Dodge B, which summons a Cerberus. HK is Dodge C, which summons a zombie crow)
Return Fire: ~F, D, B, punch or F, DF, D, DB, B, punch (Jill readies for a counter. If struck, she'll push her target back and shoots them. Mash the punch buttons while she's shooting to let her shoot more bullets into her target.)
Grenade Launcher: ~F, DF, F, x/y (Hold the punch button to delay the explosion. Release to let it blow)
HypersHyper Charging S.T.A.R.S.: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Rocket Launcher: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Code: T-002: ~D, DB, B, 2 kick (Lv 1)
End of Tyrant: ~D, DF, F, kick (Lv 1, done only if you have a spare Super Bar and if the Tyrant finishes his attack)
Jones TsunamidusherSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Swordplay Arc | Swordplay Arc | EX Swordplay Triple Arc
5-8 | Beta- Ground | Swordplay Ground | Swordplay Ground | EX Swordplay Triple Arc
9-12 | Gamma- Variety | Dark Flame | Fountainer | Hyper Dark Flame
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsSwordplay Ground: ~D, DF, F, punch
Dark Flame: ~D, DF, F, kick
Dark Splash: ~D, DF, F, kick (Done in air only)
Swordplay Arc: ~F, DF, F, punch
Fountainer: ~D, DB, B, kick
HypersSorry, Dude: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Hyper Dark Flame: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
EX Swordplay Triple Arc: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Veroniva Combo: ~D, B, D, B, 2 punches (Lv 3)
Fatal Sword: ~x, z, F, a, c (Lv 5)
JuliSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Cannon Spike | Cannon Spike | Spin Drive Smasher
3-4 | Beta- Dash | Sniping Arrow | Sniping Arrow | Spin Drive Smasher
5-6 | Gamma- Expansion | Axle Spin Knuckle | Axle Spin Knuckle | Psycho Rolling
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsSniping Arrow: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Cannon Spike: ~F, D, DF, a/b/c
Axle Spin Knuckle: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Psycho Charge: ~D, DB, B, x/y/z (This increases your Super Bar gauge the longer you hold the button)
Juni Assist: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c
HypersPsycho Rolling: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Reverse Shaft Breaker: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Spin Drive Smasher: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Death Cross Dancing: ~F, $D, B, 2 punches (Lv 3)
KenSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover5-8 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Shoryuken | Shoryuken | Shinryuken
1-4 | Beta- Projectile | Hadoken | Hadoken | Shoryu-Reppa
9-12 | Gamma- Expansion | Tatsumaki Senpukyaku | Tatsumaki Senpukyaku | Shoryu-Reppa
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsHadoken: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Shoryuken: ~F,D, DF, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (Done in air too)
HypersShoryu-Reppa: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Shinryuken: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Shippu Jinraikyaku: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Kzuryuu Reppa : ~D, B, D, B, 2 punches (Lv 3)
M. Bison/VegaSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Psycho Shot | Psycho Shot | Psycho Crusher
5-8 | Beta- Variable | Psycho Field | Psycho Field | Psycho Crusher
9-12 | Gamma- Expansion | Scissors Kick | Scissors Kick | Knee Press Nightmare
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsPsycho Shot: ~B, D, F, x/y/z
Psycho Field: ~F, D, B, x/y/z
Scissors Kick: ~F, D, B, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Flight: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Do it again while in flight to cancel out)
Psycho Crusher: ~F, D, B, a/b/c (This hits less than the hyper one)
Head Stomp: ~30$D, U, a/b/c then x/y/z for Skull Diver when he connects (Done in air too)
Skull Diver: $D, $U, x/y/z
Warp: ~F, D, DF, punch/kick
HypersPsycho Crusher: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Knee Press Nightmare: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Psycho Explosion: ~F, D, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Psycho Punisher: ~D, B, D, B, 2 punches (Lv 3)
Magma DragoonSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Hiryuken (High) | Hiryuken (High) | Shakunetsu Hado
5-8 | Beta- Variety | Hiryuken (Low) | Kaen Supaiku | Magma Storm
9-12 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Shohiken | Shohiken | Nagareboshi Rakka
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsHiryuken: ~D, DF, F, punch/kick (punch to attack high, kick for low, which is good against chibis but the kick button one can't be done in the air)
Shohiken: ~F, D, DF, x/y/z
Kaen Supaiku: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Magumaterepotu: ~F, D, DF, 2 punches/kicks or ~B, DB, B, 2 punches/kicks
Moetatsu Guruma: ~B, D, F, a/b/c
HypersShakunetsu Hado: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Magma Storm: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Nagareboshi Rakka: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Tenryu Mokushiroku: x, x, F, a, z (Lv 3)
MagnetoSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | EM Disruptor | EM Disruptor | Magnetic Shockwave
5-8 | Beta- Capture | Hyper Grav | Hyper Grav | Magnetic Tempest
9-12 | Gamma- Launcher | Crouching HP | Crouching HP | Magnetic Tempest
LauncherStanding Medium Punch
Standing Hard Kick (Second hit)
Crouching Hard Punch
SpecialsEM Disruptor: ~B, D, F, punch or ~B, DB, D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Magnetic Forcefield: ~B, D, F, kick or ~B, DB, D, DF, F, kick
Magnetic Blast: ~U, UF, F, punch (Done in air only)
Flight: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Done in air too but you won't be able to block in that state)
Hyper Grav: ~F, D, B, kick or ~F, DF, D, DB, B, kick (Done in air too)
HypersMagnetic Shockwave: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Magnetic Tempest: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1, done in air too)
MorriganSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Shadow Blade | Shadow Blade | Silhouette Blade
5-8 | Beta- Projectile | Soul Fist | Soul Fist | Soul Eraser
9-12 | Gamma- Balance | Soul Fist | Shadow Blade | Brilliant Shower
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsSoul Fist: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Shadow Blade: ~F, D, DF, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Vector Drain: ~B, $D, F, a/b/c
HypersSoul Eraser: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Darkness Illusion: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1, done in air too)
Silhouette Blade: ~F, D, DF, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Brilliant Shower: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Splendor Love: ~B, D, DB, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Eternal Slumber: x, b, B, y, c (Lv 3)
Nick (AKA Dark Wolf)Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Wolf's Fang | Wolf's Fang | Dark Wolf Legion
5-8 | Beta- Expansion | Dark Wolf Call | Dark Wolf Call | Dark Wolf Legion
9-12 | Gamma- Variable | Bomb Throw | Bomb Throw | Dark Wolf Legion
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsBomb Throw: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
*WereGarurumon's Wolf Claw: ~D, DF, F, a
*WereGarurumon's Garuru Kick: ~D, DF, F, b
*WereGarurumon's Launcher: ~D, DF, F, c
Dark Wolf Call: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c
Wolf's Fang: Nick's Standing Hard Punch which fires 3 bullets without pressing z
HypersAssault: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Dark Wolf Legion: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
*Wolf Duo: ~D, B, D, B, 2 punches (Lv 3)
Dark Wolf Deathblow: ~x, z, F, a, c (Lv 5)
*Nick cannot do these commands if WereGarurumon is his partner in simul matches.
NorimaroSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Projectile | Tourist's Treasure | Tourist's Treasure | Hyper Strong Miracle Treasure
3-4 | Beta- Expansion | Multiple Slaps of Fury | Multiple Slaps of Fury | Hyper Strong Miracle Treasure
5-6 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Not So Grand 3rd Place Jump | Not So Grand 3rd Place Jump | Ultimate Grand Champion Jump
LauncherStanding Hard Kick (DON'T SLIP ON THE BANANA YOURSELF)
SpecialsTourist's Treasure: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Not So Grand 3rd Place Jump: ~D, DB, B, x/y/z
Multiple Slaps of Fury: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
HypersHyper Strong Miracle Treasure: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Ultra Variety Private Memories: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Ultimate Grand Champion Jump: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Omega RedSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Expansion | Standing HP | Standing HP | Omega Destroyer
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Omega Strike | Omega Strike | Omega Destroyer
9-12 | Gamma- Ground | Standing MP | Crouching HP | Omega Destroyer
LauncherStanding Medium Punch/Crouching Hard Punch (If the target was in the air when it connected)
SpecialsOmega Strike: ~D, DF, F, a (Foward)/b (Diag-Up)/c (Up) (Commands "Holddown" and any kick button together will cancel the attack)
Carbonadium Coil: ~D. DF ,F. x/y/z (Done in air too. But b (Diag-Down)& c (Down) are done in the air only. Push any punch button to absorb and drain your target's HP or any kick to absorb and drain their Hyper Meter. Commands "Holdback" any punch button will cancel the move. When the target is strained, hold the button of the version used and press any directional button to end the attack with a fling.)
HypersOmega Destroyer: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Carbonadium Smasher: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air only)
Ruby HeartSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Sublimation | Sublimation | Pare-tonn're
3-4 | Beta- Capture | Rafele Cannon | Cheval Seller | Mille Fantomes
5-6 | Gamma- Expansion | Fantome | Fantome | Mille Fantomes
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsCheval Seller: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too, can change direction of the attack up to 2 times)
Sublimation: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
Fantome: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c
Rafale Cannon: ~F, D, B, x
Anchor Toss: ~F, D, B, y/z
HypersFlan Mer: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too, can change direction of the attack up to 4 times)
Pare-tonn're: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Mille Fantomes: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Tour de Magie: ~c, x, D, a, z (Lv 1, if the barrel hits, hit Punch to throw the knife high or kick to throw low.
end spots are random so one wrong knife throw and the Hyper attack will end)
Captain AmericaSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Shield Slash | Shield Slash | Hyper Charging Star
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Stars & Stripes | Stars & Stripes| Hyper Stars & Stripes
9-12 | Gamma- Dash | Charging Star | Charging Star | Hyper Charging Star
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsShield Slash: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too but he MUST have his shield)
Charging Star: ~D, DF, F, kick
Cartwheel: ~F, D, B, punch (Evasion move)
Stars & Stripes: ~F, DF, F, punch
HypersFinal Justice: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Hyper Stars & Stripes: ~F, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Hyper Charging Star: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Note: He still needs to be adjusted for some fixes. He's fully playable otherwise.
Captain CommandoSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Ground | Captain Fire | Captain Fire | Captain Sword
3-4 | Beta- Anti-Air | Captain Corridor | Captain Corridor | Captain Sword
5-6 | Gamma- Expansion | Captain Kick | Captain Kick | Captain Sword
LauncherCrouching Medium Punch or Standing Hard Kick
SpecialsCaptain Fire: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Commando Strike: ~D, DF, F, kick (LK for Ginzu/Sho, MK for Mack/Jennety, HK for Baby Head/Hoover)
Captain Corridor: ~D, DB, B, punch
Captain Kick: ~D, DB, B, Kick
HypersCaptain Sword: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Captain Storm: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
DeadpoolSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Trigger Happy | Trigger Happy | Happy Happy Trigger
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Katana-Rama | Katana-Rama | Happy Happy Trigger
9-12 | Gamma- Variety | Quick Work | Katana-Rama | Happy Happy Trigger
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsTrigger Happy: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Grenade: ~D, DF, F, kick
Teleport: ~D, DB, B, kick
Quick Work: ~D, DB, B, punch
Ninja Gift: ~D, DB, B, punch (Done in air only)
Katana-Rama: ~F, DF, F, punch
HypersHappy Happy Trigger: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Cutting Time: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Weapon XI: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
4th Wall Crisis: ~B, D, F, 2 punches (Lv 3, casually walks to the target, if Deadpool is hit he'll... HEY!!! I'm not telling you what happens next with this guy! You'll have to do the command and make the target hit Deadpool to see what happens next!)
IllumiNash* (SF5 Charlie)Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Sonic Boom | Sonic Boom | Sonic Blade
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Flash Kick | Flash Kick | Somersault Revenge
9-12 | Gamma- Dash | Knee Bazooka | Knee Bazooka | Sonic Blade
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsSonic Boom: ~D, DF, F, punch
Knee Bazooka: ~D, DF, F, kick
Flash Kick: ~D, DB, B, kick
Shadow Warp: ~B, DB, B, punch
HypersSonic Blade: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Somersault Revenge: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Revenge Rush: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Fatal Mission: ~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 3)
*His display name is Nash
IngridSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Sun Shot | Sun Shot | Sun Burst
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Sun Rise | Sun Rise | Sun Burst
9-12 | Gamma- Expansion | Sun Arc | Sun Arc | Sun Shine
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsSun Shot: ~D, DF, F, punch
Sun Rise: ~D, DF, F, kick
Sun Upper: ~D, DB, B, punch (Casts a reversal shield. If the shield is hit, Ingrid smacks the target into the air)
Sun Arc: ~F, DF, F, kick
HypersSun Burst: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Sun Shine: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1, done in air too)
Sun Stream: ~D, DB, B, D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 3. Casts a spell under the target. If it hits, the target will be lifted into the air and will be blasted with several energy beams)
JubileeSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
JuniSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
MarrowSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover5-8 | Alpha- Projectile | Bone-merang | Bone-merang | Bone Buster
1-4 | Beta- Anti-Air | Towering Spine | Towering Spine | Bone Buster
9-12 | Gamma- Expansion | Ricochet Slash | Ricochet Slash | Stinger Bones
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsBone-merang : ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Towering Spine: ~F, DF , F, punch
Ricochet Slash: ~D, DB, B, kick
Ride n Slash: ~D, DB, B, punch (Done in air too)
HypersStinger Bones: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Bone Buster: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Mr. FantasticSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Dash | Fantastic Whirlwind | Fantastic Whirlwind | Fantastic Assault
3-4 | Beta- Expansion | Fantastic Spring-Up | Fantastic Spring-Up | Fantastic Assault
5-6 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Fantastic Buzzsaw | Fantastic Buzzsaw | Fantastic Assault
LauncherCrouching Hard Kick
SpecialsFantastic Whirlwind: ~D, DF, F, punch
Fantastic Laser: ~D, DF, F, a
Fantastic Buzzsaw: ~D, DF, F, b
Fantastic Bomb: ~D, DF, F, c
Fantastic Spring-Up: ~D, DB, B, kick
Fantastic Punch: ~D, DB, B, punch
HypersFantastic Assault: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Fantastic Dive: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Fantastic Space Strike: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
ReginaSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Grenade Toss | Grenade Toss | Flamethrower
3-4 | Beta- Projectile | Gunfire | Gunfire | Flamethrower
5-6 | Gamma- Dash | Baton Strike | Baton Strike | Flamethrower
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsGunfire: ~D, DF, F, punch (Number of shots fired is determined by the punch button used)
Baton Strike: ~D, DF, F, kick
Dino Chase: ~D, DB, B, kick (LK summons a raptor, MK summons a pterodactyl, HK summons a triceratops)
Grenade Toss: ~D, DB, B, punch
HypersFlamethrower: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Dino Chase: T-Rex: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Elec-Baton Strike: ~F, D, DF, 2 kicks (Lv 3, if it hits, the target will be dizzy for 2.5 seconds. Follow up a combo before they snap out of it. If it cause a KO, the target will be dizzy then fall.)
Ryan Lion*Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Lion Fist | Lion Fist | Hyper Lion Fist
5-8| Beta- Throw | Lion Fling | Lion Fist | Hyper Lion Fist
9-12 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Somersault Kick | Somersault Kick | Somersault Strike
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsLion Fist: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z
Somersault Kick: ~30$D, U, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Lion Fling: His Punch Grab
HypersHyper Lion Fist: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Lion Blitz: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Somersault Strike: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
*- He has 2 .def files due to having different outfits. His moves are still the same.
Ryu*Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Shoryuuken | Shoryuuken | Shinku Hadouken
9-12| Beta- Projectile | Gou Hadouken | Gou Hadouken | Messatsu Gou Hadou
5-8 | Gamma- Expansion | Tatsumaki Senpukyaku | Tatsumaki Senpukyaku | Shinku/Messatsu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsHadouken/Gou Hadouken: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z, (Done in air too)
Shoryuuken/Gou Shoryuuken: ~F, D, DF, x/y/z
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c (Done in air too)
Ashura Senkuu: ~F, DF, F, 2 punches/kicks or ~B, DB,F, 2 punches/kicks (Pal 7-12 only)
Tenma Kuujinkyaku: ~D, DF,F, a/b/c (Done in air only, Pal 7-12 only)
HypersShinku Hadouken/Messatsu Gou Hadou: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Shinku/Messatsu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Messatsu Gou Shoryuu: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1, Pal 7-12 only)
Shin Shoryuuken: ~F, D, DF, 2 punches (Lv 3, Pal 1-6 only)
Shun Goku Satsu: ~x, x, F, a, z (Lv 3, Pal 7-12 only)
*Pal 7-12 is Evil Ryu
Saki OmokaneSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spider-ManSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-3 | Alpha- Capture | Web Ball | Web Ball | Crawler Assault
4-6 | Beta- Expansion | Web Swing | Web Swing | Crawler Assault
7-8 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Spider Sting | Spider Sting | Crawler Assault
LauncherStanding Medium Punch
Standing Hard Kick
SpecialsWeb Ball: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Web Throw: ~F, D, B, punch or ~F, DF, D, DB, B, punch
Web Swing: ~D, DB, B, kick (Done in air too)
Spider Sting: ~F, DF, F, punch (Punch again if the move hits for Spider Bite, which smacks the target down)
HypersMaximum Spider: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Crawler Assault: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Ultimate Web Throw: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
SpiralSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Launcher | Crouching Hard Kick | Crouching Hard Kick | Stampede Sword
3-4| Beta- Capture | Six Hand Grab | Six Hand Grab | Stampede Sword
5-6 | Gamma- Ground | Standing Hard Punch | Crouching Hard Punch | Hyper Metamorphosis
LauncherCrouching Hard Kick
SpecialsDancing Sword: ~F, D, B, x/y/z, (Done in air too)
Dancing Sword Ring Fling A: ~D. DF, F, x/y/z (x/y for forward and z for upward, done in air too)
Dancng Sword Ring Fling B: ~D, DF, B, a/b/c (a/b to shoot them in an expanding circle or c to fire them in 6 directions)
Six Hand Grab: ~F, DF, F, x/y/z (Grabs airborne target and proceeds with Spiral Buster, done in air too)
Warp: ~D, DB,B, a/b/c (Done in air too. Press any buttons or the directional buttons to show up in a different spot in the screen)
HypersStampede Sword: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
*Power Dance: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1, doubles her Attack and doubles Power received when attacking)
*Speed Dance: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1, boosts her Speed and combos faster)
*Metamorphosis: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 3, done in air too, knocks back target when started. She's unable to pull any punches at this state, attempting grabs instead. If a grab connects, she'll turn into the original Marvel fighters from MvC2 during the attack)
Hyper Metamorphosis: X-Over Combination only (Same as above but weaker and automatically attacks while moving forward without grabbing to do the move)
*These moves carry a timer and will NOT be cancelled into another, meaning you can't change from your Power Dance mode to Speed Dance mode or Metamorphosis until the timer for the one triggered runs out. These can be quickly cancelled however by switching out with a partner and go back or go to a Counter state and switch back at a cost of 1 Super bar.
Strabimon/StorabimonSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Dash | Light Nail | Light Nail | Strabi-Reppa
5-8 | Beta- Anti-Air | Strabimon Uppercut | Strabimon Uppercut | Strabi-Reppa
9-12 | Gamma- Balance | Light Nail | Strabimon Uppercut | Strabi-Reppa
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsStrabimon Uppercut: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air too)
Light Nail: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
HypersStrabimon Rush: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1, done in air too)
Strabi-Reppa: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Strider HiryuSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
ThanosSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Capture | Death Sphere | Death Sphere | Gauntlet Power
5-8 | Beta- Dash | Titan Crush | Titan Crush | Gauntlet Reality
9-12 | Gamma- Launcher | Crouching HP | Crouching HP | Gauntlet Space
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsTitan Crush: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Death Sphere: ~D, DF, F, kick
HypersGauntlet Power: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Gauntlet Space: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Gauntlet Reality: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Gauntlet Soul: ~D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
ThorSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Projectile | Mighty Spark | Mighty Spark | Mighty Thunder
5-8 | Beta- Expansion | Mjolnir Might | Mjolnir Might | Mighty Thunder
9-12 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Thunderbolt | Thunderbolt | Mighty Thunder
LauncherStanding Hard Kick
SpecialsMjolnir Launch: ~D, DF, F, punch(Done in air too, aerial one has him coming at the target instead of flinging the Mjolnir)
Thunderbolt: ~D, DF, F, kick
Mjolnir Might: ~F, D, DF, punch
Mighty Spark: ~D, DB, B, punch
HypersMighty Rage: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Mighty Punish: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Mighty Thunder: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Tiger MaskSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
U. S. Agent*Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-2 | Alpha- Projectile | Patriot Slash | Patriot Slash | Hyper Patriot Charge
3-4 | Beta- Expansion | Patriot Charge | Patriot Charge | Hyper Patriot Charge
5-6 | Gamma- Anti-Air | Stars & Stripes | Stars & Stripes | Hyper Patriot Charge
LauncherCrouching Hard Punch
SpecialsStars & Stripes: ~F, DF, F, punch
Patriot Charge: ~D, DF, F, kick
Patriot Slash: ~D, DF, F, punch
HypersPatriot Rush: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Hyper Patriot Charge: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
*He cannot grab at the moment but can still Tech Hit out of normal throws from others. I need to find the original version to get the grabs. He doesn't have a Hyper/X-Over port either.
VenomSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Expansion | Venom Fang | Venom Fang | Death Bite
5-8 | Beta- Variety | Venom Rush | Venom Rush | Death Bite
9-11 | Gamma- Launcher | Standing M Punch | Standing M Punch | Death Bite
LauncherStanding Medium Punch
SpecialsVenom Fang: ~D, DF, F, punch (Done in air too)
Web Throw: ~F, D, B, punch
Venom Rush: ~D, DF, F, kick
HypersVenom Web: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Death Bite: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
WereGarurumonSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Anti-Air | Skyward Thrust Kick | Skyward Thrust Kick | Hyper Wolf Claw
5-8 | Beta- Dash | Forward Thrust Kick | Forward Thrust Kick | Hyper Wolf Claw
9-12 | Gamma- Projectile | Garuru Kick | Garuru Kick | Hyper Wolf Claw
LauncherStanding Medium Kick
SpecialsForward Thrust Kick: ~D, DF, F, x/y
Skyward Thrust Kick: ~D, DF, F, z
Aerial Thrust Kick: ~D, DF, F, x/y/z (Done in air only)
Wolf Claw: ~F, D, DF, x/y/z
Garuru Kick: ~D, DB, B, a/b/c
Kung Fu Upper: ~D, DB, B, x/y/z
Garuru Reversal: ~D, DF, F, a/b/c
HypersSmash Kung Fu Upper: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Garuru Fury: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1)
Hyper Wolf Claw: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Garuru Finisher: ~D, DB, B, D, DB, B, 2 kicks (Lv 3)
Wolverine EX*Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Tag System
PalNo | Type | Assist | Counter | Crossover1-4 | Alpha- Dash | Berserker Barrage | Berserker Barrage | Berserker Barrage X
5-8 | Beta- Launcher | Standing HK | Standing HK | Berserker Barrage X
9-12 | Gamma- Expansion | Crouching HK | Crouching HK| Berserker Barrage X
LauncherStanding Hard Kick
SpecialsBerserker Barrage: ~D, DF, F, punch
Tornado Claw: ~F, D, DF, punch
Dive Kick: ~D, DB, B, kick (Done in air too)
Lethal Lunge: ~D, DB, B, punch (Cannot be blocked)
HypersBerserker Barrage X: ~D, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Berserker Charge: ~D, DF, F, 2 kicks (Lv 1. Increases his attack power, allowing him to deal more damage for a short time)
Claw Frenzy: ~D, DB, B, 2 punches (Lv 1)
Weapon X: ~F, DF, F, 2 punches (Lv 1)
*- Replaces Bone Claw Wolverine