
[WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!) *POST-RELEASE UPDATING* (Read 414414 times)

Started by altoiddealer, April 16, 2013, 04:00:56 am
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[WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!) *POST-RELEASE UPDATING*
New #1  April 16, 2013, 04:00:56 am
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  • Robotics Engineer
    • USA
Disclaimer: Not affiliated with or endorsed by Augenblick Studios Inc. (the creators of Superjail!) or Cartoon Network.


After playing MUGEN a bit, I'm inspired to create my first MUGEN creation.
I'm a big fan of the show Superjail! (more so Season 1 - things went downhill after that IMO), so I chose Jailbot as my subject.
I feel that Jailbot is a great candidate as a customly sprited character, due to his "simple" structure and the excellent reference material from the TV show.

I'm a graphic designer by trade.  I'm also fluent with coding, and have flipped through many tutorials and I think I have what it takes.

I will be updating this thread progress is made, and I always appreciate comments/feedback!

PROGRESS: 100% :) Updated 10/28/2016


Spoiler: Some Videos (click to see content)

Last Edit: August 23, 2018, 05:30:20 pm by altoiddealer
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#2  April 16, 2013, 06:32:00 am
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  • Young Coder
    • USA
this looks promising. if you need a beta tester when the time comes id be glad to help out. what style are you going for? cvs-ish?
mugen or nothin

Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#3  April 16, 2013, 06:58:59 am
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    • USA
Im actually not entirely sure what differentiates CvS and the others :)  Im guessing that refers to the controls/behavior?

Im aiming for a 6-button char with combos, a couple specials, hypers, the works.  I like how Bender plays; that kind of style

Im currently gathering all reference data that I can; I exported all episodes to frames, and am rummaging through.  Very interesting stuff >:)

Thanks for offering to beta test! At this point, Im not sure how soon that will be... but Im motivated and should make steady progress which I will report here

Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#4  April 16, 2013, 07:14:29 am
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    • USA
Im actually not entirely sure what differentiates CvS and the others :)  Im guessing that refers to the controls/behavior?

Im aiming for a 6-button char with combos, a couple specials, hypers, the works.  I like how Bender plays; that kind of style

Im currently gathering all reference data that I can; I exported all episodes to frames, and am rummaging through.  Very interesting stuff >:)

Thanks for offering to beta test! At this point, Im not sure how soon that will be... but Im motivated and should make steady progress which I will report here

i havent played with bender but im guessing he is cvs-ish style lol. if not then he is most likely mvc style. anyway it doesnt matter because usually people kind of just use one style but have their own mechanics in there so the character is not any style just inspired by a style.

yea style refers to control layout and a few gameplay mechanics.

anywho i was offering just for way future refrences lol i know it will take some time until you even get close to that process. until then i will just look forward to the progession of the sprites and what not lol. very interested to see what moves and stuff like that you take from the show and how you use them.

mugen or nothin

Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#5  April 16, 2013, 06:18:39 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
That example sprite looks great, I look forward to see what you come up with. 
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#6  April 16, 2013, 08:17:46 pm
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  • Robotics Engineer
    • USA
That example sprite looks great, I look forward to see what you come up with. 
That's what I was hoping to hear :D
I know this character isn't nearly as detailed as many others, but being that its my first sprite ever created... I had my doubts.

Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#7  April 18, 2013, 02:15:02 am
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    • USA
this should be a good project to watch.

you should have an intro for Jailbot featuring The Warden
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#8  April 18, 2013, 02:20:07 am
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    • Skype - Istillhasnoname
Nice to see some more original spritework making its way into projects lately. I can't comment on much else since I haven't seen Superjail, but it's looking really good regardless.

Don't worry about beta testing just yet. Try to come up with a comprehensive gameplan first. Will it be a grappler? A rushdown character? A keepaway character? Keep these in mind and come up with a moveset that complements these choices.
When you get that down, you can worry about things like what gameplay style it will have, how many buttons, etc. Some of these things will change, but its general gameplan will probably remain the same. I'm glad to discuss various gameplay aspects if necessary, just don't ask me for coding help because I can't code at all. :P
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Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 12:32:50 am by Cankonoe
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#9  April 18, 2013, 06:21:01 am
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  • Robotics Engineer
    • USA
this should be a good project to watch.

you should have an intro for Jailbot featuring The Warden

I'm very glad to see how well received this WIP is!  :yippi:

I actually have a few different intros, victory poses, and a death animation (not sure if I can do multiple of these) in mind :)  I can say right now that the Warden will be in at least one intro, and in a death animation.  I have some creative ideas that I'm hoping are possible, although I don't know all of the limitations yet at this point.

Nice to see some more original spritework making its way into projects lately. I can't comment on much else since I haven't seen Superjail, but it's looking really good regardless.

Don't worry about beta testing just yet. Try to come up with a comprehensive gameplan first. Will it be a grappler? A rushdown character? A keepaway character? Keep these in mind and come up with a moveset that complements these choices.
When you get that down, you can worry about things like what gameplay style it will have, how many buttons, etc. Some of these things will change, but its general gameplan will probably remain the same. I'm glad to discuss various gameplay aspects if necessary, just don't ask me for coding help because I can't code at all. :P
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Thanks for the suggestions~ I've been thinking about those aspects.  I'm actually more worried about the behavior aspect than the spriting and coding.  I'll definitely map everything out real nice before I waste my time on stuff that won't work out.

I've spent a few hours these past couple days just compiling all the available reference material I possibly can.  The action in Superjail is unbelievably fast-paced, so there's practically limitless possibilities with this character :devilish:.  I could probably draw all the frames for Jailbot with just 2 episodes for reference... and there's 30!  :suttrox:  He has to be the most brutal animated character to ever exist.

After I get this all sorted out I'm going to focus on the behavior... and I'll probably take you up on your offer for ideas, which I very much appreciate

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Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#10  April 18, 2013, 06:24:35 am
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    • Skype - Istillhasnoname
Alright, nice to know you're taking this at a realistic pace. Just hit me up with a PM or tag me in a post or something if you want to discuss something. Good luck! :sugoi:
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Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 06:27:47 am by C.A.N
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#11  April 19, 2013, 04:07:55 pm
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  • I'm a empty vessel seeking to be filled.
    • USA
This looks good so far. It can use more contrast on the colors so that it doesnt look so flat. If you still (for some odd reason) have an old game boy or look at Adventure Time's little handheld character, maybe that will give more a little more ideas in terms of color.
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#12  April 22, 2013, 04:51:35 am
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  • I'll be back...
    • Cuba
looking good,I support this project
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#13  April 22, 2013, 05:34:20 am
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  • Don't Give me that Look!
    • USA
great project :2thumbsup:

as for figuring out attacks, that animation on your first post looks like it can be a nice command grab or super.
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#14  April 22, 2013, 07:55:16 am
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  • Young Coder
    • USA
excellent shading progress.
mugen or nothin

Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#15  April 27, 2013, 05:00:25 am
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
A method that worked out pretty well for the z2 characters during planning is to type out in excel moves and properties you want, every move you can think of,then you can move them around and see what you could do .

For Jailbot it would be cool to have a hyper where he recreates the jailing process ( although not taking as long ofcourse)

Flying off while the song plays and he transports the jailed character.
Something like this:
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for specials you can use grapples, shoves, even have him pierce the ground with his arms and have them come up somewhere else in the stage.
you can also use his body as a battering ram.
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#16  April 27, 2013, 05:53:17 pm
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    • USA
^ Thanks for the great feedback!

I hadn't thought to use Excel for mapping him out, but that definitely seems much more manageable than in Notepad, and I will certainly use that approach.  If you still have one, could you share one of the excel sheets you used so I can get a better idea?

I'll probably use the jailing animation for a hyper  ;D

I have a LOT of animations from the show to reference for his movelist, most of which are grabs, throws, or projectiles... and most of the grab animations can be cut short for punches, while his body can be used as a battering ram for (at least some) kicks.

As for having his arms come up from the ground, I would do it but I don't want to feel like I'm ripping off Bender (who also does that), but I'll keep it in mind for if I need more variety.

Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 01:25:27 pm by altoiddealer
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#17  May 13, 2013, 11:25:13 pm
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    • USA
I finally finished Jailbot's movelist. :yippi:

Many thanks again, Iced, for suggesting to use an Excel spreadsheet.  This worked out very well!!

If anyone would like to review it, that would be very much appreciated.  Its organized and includes reference images.

As with everything so far, I'm not 100% confident with myself and would feel better with a second opinion before I proceed with the sprite-work :)

Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#18  May 14, 2013, 12:32:28 am
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    • Skype - Istillhasnoname
I wouldn't mind looking it over unless not knowing anything about Superjail is going to impede my judgement. :P
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#19  May 14, 2013, 12:40:39 am
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
I would be willing to give it a read. :)
Re: [WIP] Jailbot (from Superjail!)
#20  May 14, 2013, 01:57:46 am
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  • Robotics Engineer
    • USA
Ah yes, progress report :)  I've tackled a number of sprites (including a fun little idle animation), but of course there's still plenty to go!

I've been occupied with something else recently, but that's almost taken care of and progress will soon resume! :yippi:

(Animations moved to OP)

Next post should have more goodies

Last Edit: November 24, 2013, 06:26:00 am by altoiddealer