
A touchy Topic (Read 80098 times)

Started by courte2, January 10, 2008, 06:45:14 am


Re: A touchy Topic
#141  January 14, 2008, 10:58:34 pm
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  • ಠ_ಠ
To [E]:
Ha, you cannot possibly defeat me. Your power level is but an insignificant speck compared to my glory.  >:D

To Iced:

I once had someone, with complete seriousness, ask me where Caucasia was.
Re: A touchy Topic
#142  January 15, 2008, 06:15:25 pm
  • ***
  • Not the best time to realize your claustraphobic.
Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 06:20:09 pm by Leo037


Re: A touchy Topic
#143  January 15, 2008, 06:23:49 pm
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  • Watch my fro grow as you go, go, go, go, go.
    • Afghanistan
Shit we need reforms and we will sadly never know it :omg:.
Reforms are impossible. What would we change? We'd never come to a consensus. Government is evil. I know that there is corruption, and I know there's no real way to stop it. But it is a neccessary evil, without government things would get really bad really fast. The only way I can find to live with it is to put it to the back of my mind, and to focus on living. You can still be aware of the government's actions, but the government shouldn't be the first thing on our minds. We have so much more to be worried about. Government was established to ensure that we could live our lives, yet we waste most of our lives complaining about the system. GO AND LIVE
That was not my point at all. Read my entire post instead of part please.
I am just fine with Americans doing shit within their own bounds, but when they extend their stupidity to other nations, that's when I get upset. Americans believe whatever they're told by their so-called Free Press, operate only on what their own majority says, and have a heavily controlled education - FACT. Americans cannot realize that when they're dealing with other people, they have no idea what the rest of the story is, so they throw out terms such as, "terrorist!!", without knowing that they are the true terror. In other words; America is a Terrorist Nation and yet calls its enemies Terrorists :wacko:.
There is major significance in this list:
A few of America's atrocities (e.g.s):
- Iran
- Cuba
- Palestine
- Venezuela
- China (yes we should have done something about the OW further down the line)
- S. Korea's economic situation with the North
- South Africa (before)
My entire post is necessary to answer on my full point :) .

America fakes that it's outwardly good [through little things like Political Correctness], but in reality is the most hypocritical nation that exists today. Pointing a finger at everone else, with citizen's not even aware of their own evil, and politicians at the head driving it[the evil...*bit of an overstatement*]).
From what I know about the human race, America is merely an example.
It is not any better or worse than any other country when it comes to stuff like this. People for the most part are exactly alike, regardless of race sex religion etc.
Exactly my point. We say we are better, but indeed are exactly the same as all that came before us, if not worse.

As for political correctness:
When did we get so damn sensitive?
Not many care. But, "those who do care, tend not to know shit." is what we've all been saying.

Freedom of the Press my ASS. hiow can your Press be free if it is funded, funded, FUNDED by exterior organizations?? Obviously it won't tell the whole story, and obviously the information you get will be biased.
I agree wholeheartedly with that statement.
Who controls the media changes every so often.
If any country has a more liberal media than the US has had for the past 10 years, I would like to see it.
It is impossible to miss if watching any major network.
Almost all issues are strictly one-sided.
If you want to know exactly how something happened, I hope you were there watching it yourself.
There are many countries that have a better media than we do. Britain actually does. Anywho, when making a decision involving other nations, you must get the full picture from all nations.
Get the stories of why other people are mad from:
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For real life, I'd have to say that we would be forced to destroy the very idea of race, and be known simply by current nationality. Though I'm positive that any legislation of that variety would meet the same fate as the Equality Acts of the 60's and 70's.
Human Nature itself would deny that possibility
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 06:37:55 pm by Tee Hee Hee
Re: A touchy Topic
#144  January 15, 2008, 06:52:38 pm
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  • corner push pusher
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Re: A touchy Topic
#145  January 15, 2008, 06:57:51 pm
  • ****
  • Watch my fro grow as you go, go, go, go, go.
    • Afghanistan
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Re: A touchy Topic
#146  January 15, 2008, 07:11:06 pm
  • *****
  • corner push pusher


Re: A touchy Topic
#147  January 15, 2008, 08:34:16 pm
  • ******
  • ಠ_ಠ
We didn't really get off topic.
We just kind of extended the topic's boundaries.
throwing logs into the fire
#148  January 15, 2008, 08:36:48 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。


Re: A touchy Topic
#149  January 15, 2008, 08:38:27 pm
  • ****
  • Watch my fro grow as you go, go, go, go, go.
    • Afghanistan
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.


Re: A touchy Topic
#150  January 15, 2008, 08:40:27 pm
  • ******
  • ಠ_ಠ
Re: A touchy Topic
#151  January 15, 2008, 08:42:51 pm
  • ******
  • I am a ghost.
    • USA
I sense a firestorm in the near future...
Accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Veridis


Re: A touchy Topic
#152  January 15, 2008, 08:44:50 pm
  • ******
  • ಠ_ಠ
Re: A touchy Topic
#153  January 15, 2008, 08:46:14 pm
  • ******
  • I am a ghost.
    • USA
Ignorance, mostly.
Accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Veridis


Re: A touchy Topic
#154  January 15, 2008, 08:47:30 pm
  • ******
  • ಠ_ಠ
Most prefer to call it bliss.


Re: A touchy Topic
#155  January 15, 2008, 08:56:52 pm
  • ****
  • Watch my fro grow as you go, go, go, go, go.
    • Afghanistan
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 09:00:47 pm by Tee Hee Hee


Re: A touchy Topic
#156  January 15, 2008, 08:57:58 pm
  • ******
  • ಠ_ಠ
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Re: A touchy Topic
#157  January 15, 2008, 09:01:06 pm
  • ****
  • Watch my fro grow as you go, go, go, go, go.
    • Afghanistan
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.


Re: A touchy Topic
#158  January 15, 2008, 09:03:45 pm
  • ******
  • ಠ_ಠ
Re: A touchy Topic
#159  January 15, 2008, 09:09:19 pm
  • ***
  • Not the best time to realize your claustraphobic.
Yeah, this govts killd alot of people over the last 200+ plus years, then again, The US still holds the record for most killed soldiers and civilians, all in the name of progress.  Civil War? Anyone remember that?
And not to mention the mortality rate increasing every year due to a crappy health care system, people who dont have healthcare, loose gun control [anyone see Bowling4columbine], gang affiliations that have to do with Rap preferences instead of defending territory, crooked cops, racists, facists who want to have there way no matter who gets in their way, Pro-lifers/Pro-execution hypocryses, greedy doctors, pirate DVD makers, acceptabilty of pandering, gay bashing, women abusing, child neglecting, human slave trafficking, no accountability or responsibilities when it comes to white collar crime, organized crime, random school shootings, runaway fathers, poor water maintenace so were all forced to buy bottle water but its okay to bathe in it, air pollution, gas prices, terrorists that were trained by the US govt but nobody pointed that out, stupid ignorant uneducated silver spoon fed ilbred... i wish that a mob of people would just go to that idiots house and drag him outside and throw out all of his crap and tell him hes fucken fired, his kids are fired, and anybody else named George, Dubya, or Bush for the next 500 years will not be constitutionally allowed to run for any office.


I got off topic, sorry. 

I've noticed on most TV CSI/LAWnORDER dramas, that when ever the Victim or a Criminal is Black, for some reason it has to be about racism.  That doesnt seem right to me, to portray Black Human Beings as the type of people to just readily pull out the race card everytime theyve been wronged, or accused of doing something wrong.

LawAndOrder example:There was this one episode where this black guy killed this woman cause of a money crime, he then puts on his case that hes the victim cause hes black and rich, even though that chr lived in a modest appartment in the upper eastside and wasnt part of any black support communty groups, and worked in a diverse realestate company where he made a point to no affiliate with any black employees.

CSI example:A group of hooded college students were going around in vegas beating people to death, one of the Main Chrs caught the group while still in his vehicle, he saw the guy pick up a rock gettin ready to finish off the guy theyre beating, without thinking he floors it and hits the guy, his hoody pals drag him out of his truck and beat the csi half to death. In the end, the guy that was killed's family sued the police department for 50 million claiming racism, the other hooded criminals were all under age kids so they were let go, and the same 1/2 beaten to death csi had to help out the guy he ran over's little brother from getting mixed up with some gang boss.

I dont know every black person in the US, but im very sure their not all one-dimensional.

God i miss, fresh prince and family matters.
Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 09:13:03 pm by Leo037


Re: A touchy Topic
#160  January 15, 2008, 09:20:32 pm
  • ****
  • Watch my fro grow as you go, go, go, go, go.
    • Afghanistan
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OK (TAO)O-V. This isn't it, but soneone's bound to try to rip this apart

Yeah, this govts killd alot of people over the last 200+ plus years, then again, The US still holds the record for most killed soldiers and civilians, all in the name of progress.  Civil War? Anyone remember that?
If that had anything to do with me, I'd reply,"Within it's own country is fine." If they pull unjustified crap outside, then I get upset.

And not to mention the mortality rate increasing every year due to a crappy health care system, people who dont have healthcare, loose gun control [anyone see Bowling4columbine], gang affiliations that have to do with Rap preferences instead of defending territory, crooked cops, racists, facists who want to have there way no matter who gets in their way, Pro-lifers/Pro-execution hypocryses, greedy doctors, pirate DVD makers, acceptabilty of pandering, gay bashing, women abusing, child neglecting, human slave trafficking, no accountability or responsibilities when it comes to white collar crime, organized crime, random school shootings, runaway fathers, poor water maintenace so were all forced to buy bottle water but its okay to bathe in it, air pollution, gas prices, terrorists that were trained by the US govt but nobody pointed that out, stupid ignorant uneducated silver spoon fed ilbred... i wish that a mob of people would just go to that idiots house and drag him outside and throw out all of his crap and tell him hes fucken fired, his kids are fired, and anybody else named George, Dubya, or Bush for the next 500 years will not be constitutionally allowed to run for any office.
The sad thing is, I'd have to say the ending part about a lot of our Presidents.

I've noticed on most TV CSI/LAWnORDER dramas, that when ever the Victim or a Criminal is Black, for some reason it has to be about racism.  That doesnt seem right to me, to portray Black Human Beings as the type of people to just readily pull out the race card everytime theyve been wronged, or accused of doing something wrong.
LawAndOrder example:There was this one episode where this black guy killed this woman cause of a money crime, he then puts on his case that hes the victim cause hes black and rich, even though that chr lived in a modest appartment in the upper eastside and wasnt part of any black support communty groups, and worked in a diverse realestate company where he made a point to no affiliate with any black employees.
CSI example:A group of hooded college students were going around in vegas beating people to death, one of the Main Chrs caught the group while still in his vehicle, he saw the guy pick up a rock gettin ready to finish off the guy theyre beating, without thinking he floors it and hits the guy, his hoody pals drag him out of his truck and beat the csi half to death. In the end, the guy that was killed's family sued the police department for 50 million claiming racism, the other hooded criminals were all under age kids so they were let go, and the same 1/2 beaten to death csi had to help out the guy he ran over's little brother from getting mixed up with some gang boss.
I dont know every black person in the US, but im very sure their not all one-dimensional
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 09:23:36 pm by Tee Hee Hee