Tee Hee Hee said, January 13, 2008, 04:09:23 pmeven if they are supposed to be 'Asian,' why can't they look 'Asian?'They look Asians. Only the eyes are changed, and that has already been explained : ask Walt Disney.Additionally, read Vagabond.
Baiken said, January 13, 2008, 05:11:13 pmTee Hee Hee said, January 13, 2008, 04:09:23 pmeven if they are supposed to be 'Asian,' why can't they look 'Asian?'They look Asians. Only the eyes are changed, and that has already been explained : ask Walt Disney.Additionally, read Vagabond.Well, when I came home I, decided to find a brief about Walt Disney and anime.All I could find about that was that Osamu Tezuka and Miyazaki, the pioneers of anime, drew heavy influences from Walt Disney, but the info I got couldn't/didn't answer my question. Searching for this information turned up a ton of results that weren't be 'on-topic,' so let me ask you to explain it for me, please??About the Vagabond book, who is it by??I hope I have time to read it.
Vagabond => Ino'ue Takehiko.Tezuka Osamu was pretty much the one everyone else based the definition of "manga" on, and he was influenced by Dinsey's works. And those had big eyes because "the eyes are the mirror of the soul" or whatever. Big eyes = easy to convey the feelings.And Tezuka copied that. And then everyone copied Tezuka. And then everyone had big eyes. But they're still Asians. Everyone has big eyes simply because Tezuka made big eyes, and Tezuka made big eyes simply because Disney did. No crap about having a complex with small eyes or envying the physic of European/American people. It's simply easier to draw feelings, convey feelings - plus it can look cute, what's not to like about it. It simply became a standard and everyone uses it, force of habit.
aditionally, when i go to the usa i don't see that many people wearing spandex an/or talking in a crappy shakesperian manner or having perfect body builer bodies.btw, afro-american people are such cry babies, i have not seen a single topic complaining about innacurate/stereotyped reperesentation of fat people, or any other races besides black.
Mostly americans, they have been given way too much "politically correctness" over the years and they seem to think that it grants them the right to be babyed and shielded from the world. Even in the internet.
Hey there, you're talking about retarded US citizens *which happen to make up 90% of our population here at least * Not all of us go crying over political incorrect BS, its an artistic representation and to make something recognizable in a cartoon you blow it out of proportion, which is what games often need to do.
Baiken said, January 14, 2008, 02:00:34 amSpoiler, click to toggle visibiltyVagabond => Ino'ue Takehiko.Tezuka Osamu was pretty much the one everyone else based the definition of "manga" on, and he was influenced by Dinsey's works. And those had big eyes because "the eyes are the mirror of the soul" or whatever. Big eyes = easy to convey the feelings.And Tezuka copied that. And then everyone copied Tezuka. And then everyone had big eyes. But they're still Asians. Everyone has big eyes simply because Tezuka made big eyes, and Tezuka made big eyes simply because Disney did. No crap about having a complex with small eyes or envying the physic of European/American people. It's simply easier to draw feelings, convey feelings - plus it can look cute, what's not to like about it. It simply became a standard and everyone uses it, force of habit.Interesting. I wonder if that has any implications toward "Real-Life" :embarassed2:?? 'Tis funny to think about.R[E]ika said, January 14, 2008, 03:05:01 amSpoiler, click to toggle visibiltyaditionally, when i go to the usa i don't see that many people wearing spandex an/or talking in a crappy shakesperian manner or having perfect body builer bodies.btw, afro-american people are such cry babies, i have not seen a single topic complaining about innacurate/stereotyped reperesentation of fat people, or any other races besides black.I have that same view; yes, I know I could labeled a cry-baby at times, but sometimes, on a racial level, I hate some of the things that get dragged into ot.Don Imus:WTF was racial about that?? That should not have been a racial issue at all, it should have been an AGE issue. Fuck, come on!! These girls were just college students, where is the black in that.Iced said, January 14, 2008, 03:09:46 amMostly americans, they have been given way too much "politically correctness" over the years and they seem to think that it grants them the right to be babyed and shielded from the world. Even in the internet.And it's amazing that we point a finger at China. America is the biggest lie on the planet. Poltics is the art of manipulating people here (maybe everywhere), and no one can see it.A few of America's atrocities (e.g.s):Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty- Iran- Cuba- Palestine- Venezuela- China (yes we should have done something about the OW further down the line)- S. Korea's economic situation with the North- South africa (before)E.G. Suburban kids do more drugs than inner city kids, because THEY HAVE THE MONEY!!! And yet adults like to talk all this crap about how bad kids from the city are and how they're arresting these folks because they're protecting their young. Through this entire thing, a ton of politicians were able to boost their political status 10-fold . Everything about our country is artificial. Our history, our love for all and anti-persecution, and don't even get me started on how CORRUPT our governemnt, especially our political system, is. Shit we need reforms and we will sadly never know it .mugenxero said, January 14, 2008, 04:10:39 amHey there, you're talking about retarded US citizens *which happen to make up 90% of our population here at least * Not all of us go crying over political incorrect BS, its an artistic representation and to make something recognizable in a cartoon you blow it out of proportion, which is what games often need to do.Yeah, we don't all cry over politically incorrect crap, but all the same, we feel a sense superiority over everyone else. Somehow we're supposed to police people we know nothing about, and operate under the guise/pretext that we're "liberating/helping" others or else lie to our own, telling us that some other random nation is a "Threat". Again, the American telling of history is so corrupt that it isn't funny and no-one seeks to look further into anything. Freedom of the Press my ASS. hiow can your Press be free if it is funded, funded, FUNDED by exterior organizations?? Obviously it won't tell the whole story, and obviously the information you get will be biased. (My main point in relation to what you said, mugenxero, is that America fakes that it's outwardly good [through little things like Political Correctness], but in reality is the most hypocritical nation that exists today. Pointing a finger at everone else, with citizen's not even aware of their own evil, and politicians at the head driving it[the evil...*bit of an overstatement*]).Americans are classic; with power always comes the feeling that the rest of the world is mindless.
R[E]ika said, January 14, 2008, 03:05:01 ambtw, afro-american people are such cry babies, i have not seen a single topic complaining about innacurate/stereotyped reperesentation of fat people, or any other races besides black.100% agreed.
R[E]ika said, January 14, 2008, 03:05:01 ambtw, afro-american people are such cry babies, i have not seen a single topic complaining about innacurate/stereotyped reperesentation of fat people, or any other races besides black.a) did you read the OP of this thread, or decided to just hop into it?? This thread got way off topic by the first page.b) who the hell is crying??c) perhaps the only insult felt is that african martial arts are never explored in fighting games... i wonderd) do you consider fat people a race??
courte2 said, January 10, 2008, 06:45:14 amRegarding African American Characters in Fighting games... man it just got tense in here :gulp:back in the early days, i suppose it was simply an evolution of character and art, but simply the portraits of some of the fictional african american characters is... god awful ugly in my opinion, take skate from streets of rage and brown bullet from agressors of dark combat. Such ugly children. Before anyone screams racist yes i am african american, and no i'm not even gonna touch Lucky Glauber and SNK+Black People = Basketball that's something for another place. your thoughts and opinions??...Why does the Op considers african american as if they were a race?Do you consider new yorkers a race as well?Protip: Black people from other nationalities arent African american.