
MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts (Read 253733 times)

Started by MatreroG, 3 years ago
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MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#1  3 years ago
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There are a lot of comic book fans on this forum, so I'm going to start posting and sharing some background sketches, because I'm sure interesting comments will come up that can help me develop better stages.

First, I always thought Charlotte's Palace stage in Samurai Shodown 2 was ideal for setting up a Hellfire Club related scenario. So I'm showing everyone an easy edit that came out pretty quickly.
This is just a preview and probably has modifications. The characters are not part of the background, they're just a reference.

The following is an advanced design that I had saved for a long time. In this case, it's The Negative Zone. I did it at the request of RobsonMSH for their future Annihilus and Blastaar char projects. I hope at some point he can pick them up because those first sprites looked amazing.

What do you guys think?
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#2  3 years ago
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i saw them and they look really good
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#3  3 years ago
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Thanks drewski90.
Here are a couple more sketches that have already been around for a while and would have to be finalized sometime soon.

I like how they represented The Island of Madripoor in the 3rd episode of "The Falcon And The Winter Soldier". I hope they visit and explore the place even more in a future movie.
All this serves as an introduction to show a new concept stage that I can put together very quickly and simply. It is something like the roof of the Princess Bar. There are many graphic details to correct and add, such as the advertising billboards, that I think are in Chinese and should be mix it up and expand it to English, French or Cantonese, which as I understand are the main languages ​​in Madripoor.
Daken and Viper are not going to be part of the background, they are just a reference.

One more scenario, in this case inspired by the Future Imperfect operation from MARVEL's Avenger game.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#4  3 years ago
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Ooo, that Madripoor stage looks awesome! Looking forward to it!
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#5  3 years ago
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I had already shown some image in the MUGEN forums of this background concept. It is the Bar With No Name that appears in MARVEL comics and more recently in M.O.D.O.K. TV series.
So here is a simple video of the stage in action without many details. The idea is still to fill the second level, the bar, with cameos from C-class villains.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#6  3 years ago
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 Yes, I know, another Sentinel factory ... but it's my own version, the Trask Indutries.
Actually the stage arose and was being built around the Master Mold sprites that I ripped from Konami's X-Men game. So what better environment than the beginning of the development of the Sentinels.
I would like Master Mold to reveal itself from the shadows as the factory lighting comes on. And maybe give it a 3D effect, I have to test how it looks with the rest of the layers.

You can check the video to know what I'm talking about:
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#7  3 years ago
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The big urban park of Manhattan, New York. It is a simple sketch oriented towards the universe of MARVEL comics. Provisional stage name: Trouble in Central Park
Right now I'm not really sure about Squirrel Girl's cameo, which appears behind the tree (in the style of MK2's Living Forest). And probably do an alternate version at night, although this bg is already quite dark.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#8  3 years ago
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One more new sketch, in this case a scenario for Gambit, strongly inspired by the background in which he fights from the game X-Men Mutant Academy 2, the Bayou Hideout stage.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#9  3 years ago
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Since Skhsato123's last update on Ares (and considering that it was one of my favorites on Injustice Gods Among Us) it made me want to put together a background for him. I did not take into account a strong reference, rather several such as "The Areopagus Hill" from the pre-crisis comics, "The Bastion of War & Death" from DCUO and my whimsical interpretation of the character.

So this is going to be something like The Ares Domains:
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#10  3 years ago
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A quick new look at the Ares (DC Comics) stage.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#11  3 years ago
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
beautiful... like all your stages !!
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#12  3 years ago
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  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
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Muy bueno, compatriota!

If you want interactive objects (for example, that statue head can be broken if someone lands on it, or the stage can change colors and be set on fire as players lose life), I can help you develop such stuff (IKEMEN only).
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

For donations go to
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#13  3 years ago
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Another splendid idea! i love it.
You could just optimize your sff cutting the edges of your sprites.
Keep going and buena suerte compadre.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#14  3 years ago
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Thanks for the support guys.

Muy bueno, compatriota!

If you want interactive objects (for example, that statue head can be broken if someone lands on it, or the stage can change colors and be set on fire as players lose life), I can help you develop such stuff (IKEMEN only).
I saw the examples that you were releasing, so I will keep it in mind for future stages.

Another splendid idea! i love it.
You could just optimize your sff cutting the edges of your sprites.
Keep going and buena suerte compadre.
Yep, I know. Almost always my laziness and disorder surpass me  :jackie:

Another stage on the way. A warehouse or port area where Batman's C-class villains gather.
It will be a background with a logic similar to "Bar With No Name" but in the Gotham universe of DC Comics. The second level is going to be populated with cameos from lesser and unknown foes provided by Kimczi, again.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#15  3 years ago
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A possible background for Trigon that is on the way. This represents something like the arrival of the extra-dimensional demon on planet earth.
Some details that I plan to add are urban debris and flames around the scene. The portal is going to be animated but I am not sure about the temple of Azarath that is seen behind...
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#16  3 years ago
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A preview outside the comics theme and to celebrate the forthcoming Halloween.

Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#17  3 years ago
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I started working on some backgrounds with Navs41 & The Unlimited.
In this case, the stage is inspired by the Catwoman comic of the same name.
When In Rome.

One more background, Pretty Dolls Parlor.
The stage has a strong inspiration from the game "Batman: Arkham Knight - The Perfect Crime" side mission. In theory, it could have a second level where players fall into Porfessor Pig's hideout / laboratory / operating room.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#18  3 years ago
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Both stages look pretty great, Matrero. The one inspired in Arkham Knight's side mission is probably my favorite.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#19  3 years ago
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Thanks @Croix12 , Navs41 & The Unlimited they are doing a great job with the sprites.

Going back to MARVEL a bit ... I recently built this background for the upcoming Blade MUGEN char that is being developed by Clint.
As a provisional name it is called Blade's Safe Ground:confused:
Hope everyone approves.
Re: MatreroG's Stages W.I.P. Concepts
#20  3 years ago
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    • Argentina
From Navs41 & The Unlimited a quick look at Bane's Lair Stage W.I.P., primarily based on Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises" movie.
Last Edit: 3 years ago by MatreroG