just a quick fun little module that's actually a conversion of an existing feature in my upcoming game Battle Dudes where you get a tally of your score after the round based on vitality and time, just like all the old arcade games.installation is easy as it is a zss file however you do have to add your own "score add" sound to the common.snd file, instructions are included in the zss file along with lengthy customization options. a sample score add sound is provided in case you don't want to grab your own.download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ydo2cpa5yyr8ilk/score.zip/file
So at this part:"if !IsHelper && !AILevel && Alive && !NumHelper(57484610) && GameMode = "arcade" && RoundState = 4 { Helper{ helpertype: normal; id: 57484610; name: "Score Tally by jay_ts"; stateno: 57484610; pos: 100000, 0; postype: back; keyctrl: 0; supermovetime: 9999; pausemovetime: 9999; }}"I found out I can change the modes the tally will trigger. is there a way to have it trigger in multiple modes?
I'm having this odd issue of my player being able to jump even after the round ends (before the tally happens). the round ends with a victory pose in the air or sometimes it doesn't end at all without tally appearing. Using the latest nightly but it also happened with a couple of versions before.