
Joe by Trololo (95%) (Read 32593 times)

Started by Trololo, March 13, 2016, 02:02:14 pm
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Joe by Trololo (95%)
#1  March 13, 2016, 02:02:14 pm
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Joe by Trololo
Spoiler: For old Version (click to see content)
So, as I said, I wanted to change his style to more classic one.
Well, here is it! Unjustly forgotten char edited into unjustly forgotten style.

Main changes:
-Sparks, sounds and all other such stuff.

(P.S.: need hyper port...)
-Added chain combos [Light=>Stronger]. But for balance I nerfed Knee bash, so now he can't be executed after hard attacks.

-Running, running, running. Adapted from Sky's Joe Ghost. Still, need a lots of work.

-And main stuff of update- some intros and wins. You saw their anims.

-Also, because of technical problems, I had to delete Wraith Counters. Inventing moves to change them.
Well, I can say, that he still needs a lots of work. But now I can call him, at least, 95% ready, cause there is only ONE serious problem now- voice.
D-load link
And P.S.:
All P.o.T.S. style fans- don't worry. After he gets, at least, 100% ready, I'll re-edin him in P.o.T.S. style back. But as a different version.
Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 01:32:28 pm by Trololo
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#2  March 13, 2016, 02:08:02 pm
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    • Zimbabwe
You can't really get negative feedback on a character that you said "done 90%", because we know it's like a huge Beta. :)
I hope you'll get quality feedback, dude!
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#3  March 13, 2016, 02:21:53 pm
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  • It's always possible with willpower and a funnel.
    • Denmark
What's up with the "I'm retired"?
[img width=600
Keep it real, keep it original
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#4  March 13, 2016, 02:24:00 pm
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Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#5  March 13, 2016, 02:54:06 pm
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  • The answer lies. In the heart of battle.
    • France
That really was unexpected, eh?
I love it.


Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#6  March 13, 2016, 03:01:53 pm
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    • USA
im really liking the moveset you gave him, it's awesome to see Sean's stuff finally used plus your edits were seamlessly intergrated so they all blend well, nice job man! still wondering why he still has terry's voice tho lol if you want i can give joe a very fitting voice that's not commonly used
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#7  March 13, 2016, 03:07:44 pm
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    • Russia
im really liking the moveset you gave him, it's awesome to see Sean's stuff finally used plus your edits were seamlessly intergrated so they all blend well, nice job man! still wondering why he still has terry's voice tho lol if you want i can give joe a very fitting voice that's not commonly used

As I said, I used Terry's voice because there is NO voice for Joe. So, give me an exmple. And thanks for oppinion.

That really was unexpected, eh?
I love it.

It wasn't? Well then, I'm appratiated somaone really waited for so long... XD


Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#8  March 13, 2016, 03:09:02 pm
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    • USA
alrighty, i'll send you an updated .snd file when i get the chance
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#9  March 13, 2016, 03:10:06 pm
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Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#10  March 13, 2016, 03:11:21 pm
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You changed his hair. :(
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#11  March 13, 2016, 03:16:13 pm
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You changed his hair. :(

Yeah... Just you know, I prefere his more classic version.
Still, I think I need to create an alternative SFF for those, who prefere his new haircut.


Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#12  March 13, 2016, 03:20:54 pm
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    • USA
please do, i liked sean's hair :D

sprites still look good regardless :)
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#13  March 13, 2016, 09:59:37 pm
  • ***
Terry's voice kinda made me delete him..but good job.  I'll stick with the old one.
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#14  March 14, 2016, 12:30:20 am
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Terry's voice kinda made me delete him..but good job.  I'll stick with the old one.

Well, Terry's voice is the matter of time.
Still, you know that this Joe is that kind of character, which one just don't have a voice. So, intil one day he'll have Terry's voice.
Besides, I uploaded him mainly for tech. examination and moveset examination. So, if you liked this part, i'm glad about it.
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#15  March 14, 2016, 01:12:09 am
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    • USA
So first off, I just wanna say that this is pretty sweet lol. Didn't know too much about Joe before a couple of months ago [I started at SFII] But I enjoy playing as him here. Just a bit of feedback and suggestions, some admittedly a bit nitpicky.

-No mid-super cancel for his kick super. It feels like after the second kick during the level 1, you should be able to cancel into the level 2 version.
   -On the note for his level 2 kick super, I would suggest giving him a few different kicks instead of the same one repeating twice, to keep the move from looking too "same-y"
-The counter super's pretty nice, neat nod to Ghost from Streetwise. Joe kneeing them in the back feels a bit weird though. Maybe either keep Joe where he is or turn the opponent around?
   -I would also personally speed the knees up a little and move him forward with each one, keep it a bit closer to source, I guess.
-I feel like Knee Bash should be able to cancel into Power Kick. It just feels empty without it, personally.
-Forward dash is too short.
-Readme is inaccurate. It says Joe doesn't have supers when he does.

Still a pretty solid character. A sweet original take on a character that didn't have too much going for him and fleshes him out a bit more.


Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#16  March 14, 2016, 01:14:26 am
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    • USA
if only you can do the same for chuchoryu's mike :'(
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#17  March 14, 2016, 05:05:31 am
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    • Russia
So first off, I just wanna say that this is pretty sweet lol. Didn't know too much about Joe before a couple of months ago [I started at SFII] But I enjoy playing as him here. Just a bit of feedback and suggestions, some admittedly a bit nitpicky.

-No mid-super cancel for his kick super. It feels like after the second kick during the level 1, you should be able to cancel into the level 2 version.
   -On the note for his level 2 kick super, I would suggest giving him a few different kicks instead of the same one repeating twice, to keep the move from looking too "same-y"
-The counter super's pretty nice, neat nod to Ghost from Streetwise. Joe kneeing them in the back feels a bit weird though. Maybe either keep Joe where he is or turn the opponent around?
   -I would also personally speed the knees up a little and move him forward with each one, keep it a bit closer to source, I guess.
-I feel like Knee Bash should be able to cancel into Power Kick. It just feels empty without it, personally.
-Forward dash is too short.
-Readme is inaccurate. It says Joe doesn't have supers when he does.

Still a pretty solid character. A sweet original take on a character that didn't have too much going for him and fleshes him out a bit more.

-With Super Cancel and canceling Knee Bash into Power Kick: in mine plans it should be. But it doesn't because original codes doesn't works. Reason is unknown, but I think, I'll make chaining with different way...
--About kicks: I also want to do this. But spriteset just have only one roundhouse. If he had roundhouse in body and in head one- I could made an animation more variative.
-About counter super: yep, my friends says me this too. I just tried ti give Joe more "dirty" personality with this move. Cause c'mon, he is kneeling opponent's reins off. But anyway, Joe still can to change, so why really to not make it forward looking, waster and with movement? But later.
-Well, try to make in nicier.
-Man, I though I fixed Readme! XD Thanks.

if only you can do the same for chuchoryu's mike :'(

Man, if I only had as good material...
In Sean's Joe all i had to do with sprites- changed his haircut. +- adaptation some of Joe Higashi's sprites, but still on Joe's legs.
Chu's Mike is... Let's just say, if he continued David_Bazbar's work, one afro cold be released earlier, than Joe.
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#18  March 14, 2016, 06:01:09 pm
  • **
Great job!!!, I like this: my work this inspiration to New works Ann that's superiors to I realised, my congratulations!!!
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#19  March 15, 2016, 12:37:10 pm
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    • USA
A couple more suggestions/ideas, but these are more specifically for the names of his supers.

Counter Super = Ghost Punishment
Kick Super = Roundhouse Roundabout
Level 3 = Specter's Fall
Re: Joe by Trololo (90%)
#20  March 15, 2016, 01:19:06 pm
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    • Russia
A couple more suggestions/ideas, but these are more specifically for the names of his supers.

Counter Super = Ghost Punishment
Kick Super = Roundhouse Roundabout
Level 3 = Specter's Fall

These are quite good, Thanks. I just not very good in making moves names.

Great job!!!, I like this: my work this inspiration to New works Ann that's superiors to I realised, my congratulations!!!

Yeah... My wish to recreate SF1 chars began after you works. Didn't you have any plans about continue them?