You know, there is one thing, I want to say:
-You can call it official comeback.
So, here he is. Official and defenitive version of Joe by Trololo.
As you can see, I used Sean_Altly's sprites for it. Because I tired to wait everyone.
Also you can see, I slighty edited them...

Now about the gameplay... Of'coz it's P.o.T.S. style! XD
In moveset I tried to do three things:
-Try to add something from my previous versions of him.
-Be faithful to MFG's version, original version AND Ghost from "FF: Streetwise".
-And try to add something new, different.
And I think, I made it...
Now, why is 90%?
Because Joe still not ready. But all stuff he don't have dust doesn't exists. Unique voice, intros, winposes and normal taunts...
But still, from gameplay point he is absolutely ready. All normal attacks, some special moves and couple of supers. He is already 100% playable. So... I hope, this state of Joe will not give me offencive critics.
Special thanks to:
-Sean_Altly- For sprites. Too bad you're quit with MUGEN. But still (If I understood you right, of course...), you will continue you Joe. So, I hope my "release" will give you motivation to make some updates. Also feel free to use some of mine ideas. If they're good enough, of cousre...
-MEMO- for making his Templeate. So, you can hear there Terry's voice...
-P.o.T.S., Jmorphman, R@CE- for making their chars, from which I used come codes and/or effects. His AI is still a problem thoungh.
-And you. For D-loading, playing, inderstanding of mine situation and critics.
And now...
D-Load link. -------------------------------------