Postcount-based, you are always automatically in one of these groups: User: 0 posts User: 10 posts User: 50 posts User: 250 posts User: 1,000 posts User: 3,000 posts User: 6,000 posts"Title" groups of some sort; these must be given to users manually by the administration: Donator Contributor CotM Winner CotY Winner SotQ Winner MFG Network Member Moderator Global Moderator MUGENGuild Founder Administrator
In no particular order DonatorPeople who donated a dollar or two to help Valodim pay for the server and bandwidth. ContributorUsers who have more actively contributed something to the MUGEN community than people who just download stuff and play all day (not that there's anything wrong with users who just want to play!). CotM WinnerWinner of the Character of the Month contest. Wear it proudly! CotY WinnerWinner of the Character of the Year contest. Wear it proudly! SotQ WinnerWinner of the Stage of the Quarter contest. Wear it proudly! MFG Network MemberMembers of the network associated to this forum. Basically, all those listed on the front page. ModeratorStaff members who are overlooking specific boards. This star only appears in those boards:SageHarpuiaJDJ - Resource ReleasesBasara-Kun - Mugen Discussiongui0007 - Mugen DiscussionNoctis - Development HelpZemilia - Requestsnick - RequestsRyoucchi - RequestsEF-12 - EF-12CSGames - Fighter CreatorTheFclass97 - IKEMENAlex - GraphicsFor the Full Game Development boards, please check that section for each board's moderators. Global ModeratorForum-wide moderation is their job:Cyan PaulJmorphmanZemiliaOrochi GillSpeedpreacherOdb718 MUGENGuild FounderThis star is exclusive to one person, quite obviously the man who founded the original MUGEN Guild website back in 2001: Nunor. Just a small token of respect. AdministratorLording over everything:IcedJust No Point