
V-Zilla (Read 233987 times)

Started by Shamrock, May 19, 2010, 06:08:57 pm
Re: Vozilla
#21  May 25, 2010, 01:54:56 am
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We are the MugenGuild Staff. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
Re: Vozilla
#22  May 26, 2010, 12:46:31 am
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im gonna need feedback from rajaa before processing this. since it involves him.
Re: Vozilla
#23  May 26, 2010, 01:02:05 am
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Vollzilla, The tyrant has reviewed your case and investigated the situation and all pertaining matters to the full extent of its abilities.
Verily, Subject Vollzilla and subject gill have been in discord in far too many occasions. Orders and requests by moderation staff have been ignored when presented and outright denied. There are records of user vollzilla requesting User Gill's Ip in exchange for his civility. A sort of bribe, must investigate further.

There is little to add to what the moderation staff has already informed you.
Stop discord with User Gill. the outcome of the small fights between both users are followed by User gill leaving calm and collected and user vollzilla on a state of mental disarray. When moderation staff issues requests to both persons to stop bouting and one obeys while the other doesnt the staff cant do anything more than process the one that doesnt stop to the full extent of the law.

Being insulting towards rajaa and shamrock is justified, they are ugly.

Reconsider if that is the attitude you want to show others.

Futher Fixed


But seriously, I think the serious one is fine. Except in the last part I would change it all together.

From this:

Reconsider if that is the attitude you want to show others.

To this:

Change the way you act towards others. The way you have been handling other people and situations is not only rude, but it far from guarantees you any justification for your actions on this forum. Your incorrect, misguided, unjustifiable persistence has become quite a nuisance, and if you continue to act the way you have been acting, we will have to move beyond textual negotiation to settle this matter.
Re: Vozilla
#24  May 26, 2010, 02:24:03 pm
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Vollzilla, I have reviewed your case and investigated the situation.
Truth is, you and gill have been going at each other far too often. You also failed to accept when a moderator asked you to step back. You even went as far as to ask for Gill's Ip in exchange for your civility.

As it was already told you. Stop arguing with Gill. When you argue with him and lose your cool, Gill walks off calm and collected and listens to the moderators. When a moderator tells both people to stop and one stops while the other flies off the handle, the moderator can't do anything to the person that stopped and complied.
Being insulting towards rajaa and shamrock doesnt make you look any better either.

Reconsider if that is the attitude you want to show others.
The way you have persisted in handling other people and situations is not only rude, but it far from guarantees you any justification for your actions on this forum.

Seriously? Asking for his ip as a exchange coin? For shame.

Sending now
Re: Vozilla
#25  May 26, 2010, 04:27:44 pm
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first, the ip thing was partially a joke.

second. i f'n hate rajaa. hate him. he acted like a dick to me in a chess match. it turned into a case where ever single move he was saying something incredibly rude. this was before his mod deal.

again, did no one see that i said i might have been somewhat receptive to whatever if someone else said it?

and shamrock is biased, plain and simple. i've reported all kinds of flame baits by gill, and they are dismissed by him every time. there shouldnt be any kind of flames coming my way from that asshole anymore anyway. if i'm on constant alert to where i can't say shit to him (the reason for the ban) then the same should be on him period...especially since 9 times out of 10 he initiates everything. hell, more than that. the one time i ever initiated anything was in that thread.

i mean, how can i not be pissed off. gill's been a total thorn in my side forever, and pretty much not shit done to him ever. little tip, he ignores whatever little comments whoever says to him. you might think other wise, but then explain to me why he has to keep pick, pick, picking again later. i start something 1 time and i get modded by a person i f'n hate because i think he's a POS. so obviously, its gonna be hard to keep cool. but not only that, he removed my pm ability too
Re: Vozilla
#26  May 26, 2010, 04:38:27 pm
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I love how every faction on here says I'm bias. If that was the case, wouldn't one club of people say I wasn't. You can't be bias when everyone hates you lol. If you ban them you are bias, if you don't ban who they want you to ban, you are bias.

Ok joking aside.

He told you the same thing he told the rest of us, I'm not listening to you, and I don't care what you say. That is what I read. He is still even claiming that Rajaa stopped his PMs after at least two mods, Mods that don't even like each other, told him that Rajaa can't do that.

I say we just make this thread public so everyone has a laugh, and the next time he does something he gets banned. In fact, why are we being so nice to this guy?
Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 08:36:05 pm by Shamrock
Re: Vozilla
#27  May 26, 2010, 08:30:16 pm
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Screw him and his ranting. If he acts up, he gets punished. Doesn't have anything to do with a chess match; Doesn't have anything to do with Shamrock, because Shamrock had nothing to do with him being banned; Doesn't have anything to do with being biased. He said he wasn't going to listen, so he was banned. If he wants to try it again, he'll get the same results.

Leave him alone. He got his punishment, it's expired. Stop letting him punish us with his stupid ridicules and ranting. He's not doing anything but blaming-blaming-blaming-accusing-accusing-accusing. I don't care if he hates me. Him hating me is like Wolfmage loving Nekosage, it doesn't make any sense, and I really, really don't care.
Re: Vozilla
#28  May 26, 2010, 08:43:00 pm
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On that note; Orochi Gill doesn't necessarily take part in the argument, but he is extremely coy about instigating and probably needs to be punished for it at some time, it's unrealistic for us to expect someone to not respond to someone's constant badgering.
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: Vozilla
#29  May 26, 2010, 10:30:55 pm
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needs to be punished

You scare the shit out of me. I think you mean, how do we improve his behavior?

Gill basically is very critical of releases, yet he does give feedback more than a lot of the followers of the release's bitch-a-thons.

Almost everyone he has problems with is because he was critical of their releases. I remember why him and Vozilla starting go at it, "It was because Voz keep posting shit about his blog everywhere, and GIll kept report it and talking shit in all the threads. The solution was to combine the threads, tell Voz to post only in one thread, and tell Gill to leave him alone.

The problem was solved except the hatred between them.

If anyone has any ideas about how to make these forum feuds (which Gill has a few) go away I'm all ears.
Re: Vozilla
#30  May 26, 2010, 10:59:42 pm
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Thing is, after Gill has made his original and very prickly feedback (like tengu sorta) he doesn't pursue it. If users post things they should expect bad as well as good. Going off cos it's Gill and he posts like that to everyone is irrational.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Vozilla
#31  May 26, 2010, 11:40:28 pm
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Um no, I really mean needs to be punished, how long has he constantly been a catalyst. It's not Him Vs 1 person anymore, it's him vs a group of people, sometimes several groups of people. Wow you're so quick to ban people who were reported, but never look at the other side of the spectrum, and you're the one that's scared? HIlarious
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: Vozilla
#32  May 27, 2010, 12:55:29 am
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I'll tell you what, you feel he should be "punished", go ahead punish him. Punish the guy on the internet. Get vengeance for all those people.



It is the internet. You can't punish him. What are you gunna do, give him a computer virus?

Yeah anyone who takes the internet as serious as you is a scares me. I worry for their health.
Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 01:26:22 am by Shamrock
Re: Vozilla
#33  May 27, 2010, 02:54:47 am
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It's not him vs anyone. I haven't seen him sit there arguing with someone for ages. He makes a post (unfair or not, whatever) and people attack him for it. If they dislike him they need to ignore it rather than rant. Or report things. I haven't seen many reports regarding him lately either.

I may not do much in reports but i check there relatively often and Gill hasn't been a massive target for how seriously this seems to be taken.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Vozilla
#34  May 27, 2010, 03:15:57 am
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No lately he has been fine. In fact I haven't seen a major problem from him or Voz in over a year. That was until Voz decided he would no longer dial it back when we say to do so.
Re: Vozilla
#35  May 28, 2010, 12:32:47 am
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1: it has been proven that volzilla is an idiot and if he keeps being an idiot feel free to ban him. his behavior doesn't seem to improve
2: orochi gill really gets away with being a shithead most of the time and needs at least to be warned

any further questions
Re: Vozilla
#36  June 12, 2010, 06:21:54 am
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And another short argument with him in which he has overreacted to something Gill said. I have warned Gill off the topic and the type of comment he was making that volzilla is overreacting to. However volzilla is keeping up the complaints about it and as far as i'm concerned is not going to be happy until he manages to get Gill banned. Unless i see a genuinely banworthy offence i see no point.

I'm sure a number of you got PM's like this.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Vozilla
#37  June 12, 2010, 06:42:30 am
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He's still using the, "I got banned for my future intentions" thing. How could someone be so hurt over a 7 day ban?
Re: Vozilla
#38  June 12, 2010, 06:43:44 am
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He has quoted 5 posts to me. 1 over a year ago. The other 9 months. I mean jesus fucking christ who CARES if it's that old. If you wanted to dredge up old shit that was ban worthy i should probably ban myself.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Vozilla
#39  June 17, 2010, 07:39:48 am
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Spoiler: Oh man, I love checking my inbox (click to see content)
My reply

Orochigill has the right to have an oppinion on CVG. I wouldn't take actions on anybody for staing their dislike towards twilight or tekken or whatever as long as it wasn't disruptive on the thread at hand an on those cases they were either oppinion threads or he stopped at the time.

About you not announcing releases...I personally think it's better to keep it that way since nothing ood ever comes out of those threads.

While I do admit Gill's behavior isn't the best what are we supposed to do? It's a forum, he has the right to say what he wants on mugen discussion and the release boards.

And being totally honest...Volzilla's announcements are pretty bad more often than not. It's no wonder why he gets bashed so hard.
Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 07:46:32 am by Cyan Paul
Re: Vozilla
#40  June 17, 2010, 08:51:19 am
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volzilla takes what ever is written as a personal affront against HIM. It must be exposed! It must be destroyed!

He'd do it to everyone but he has a chip on his shoulder about gill. If someone releases something as part of a team most people who know of the rest of the work would compare to say it's better or worse. volzilla takes this as a personal attack and throws a sulk.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.