
ONLINE 4v4 Marvel vs Capcom: Maximum  (Read 34832 times)

Started by PIZZAHIGHFIVE, January 09, 2019, 10:41:15 am
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ONLINE 4v4 Marvel vs Capcom: Maximum
#1  January 09, 2019, 10:41:15 am
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  • It's the end for villians
    • Mexico
Marvel vs Capcom Maximium

ONLINE is Available with PARSEC GAMING
Visit the Discord to learn how to join and play! It's very easy!


Wassup, I been working on this full game for the past 2 years.  Here is it's history..  It started off as a Marvel vs Capcom mugen, a legit one, no MVC Homer Simpsons or no DBZ or DC characters or goof characters. I'm a big MVC player and I've played some tournaments, i'm not famous or anything but i do play competitvely MVC1, UMVC3 are my super good games while I get destroyed on MVC2 so fast honestly lmao but I still am way better than the average person, So if anyone wanna fight on some MVC on fightcade lemme know ;)  Well the point is that I WANT a legit MVC game that really feels like a real Capcom game when it comes to mechanics and playstyle that I am very competitive with.

     So I compiled the BEST mvc characters by some of the best mugen creators including the new mvc characters like Michelle Heart, Carnage, and hell of a lot more, but all strictly Marvel or Capcom.  So the game was fun till after playing it for a long time, I realize that many characters have errors...fixable errors but they got pretty damn annoying. They all had many errors from hitbox issues, broken wtf issues, random glitch issues, classic combos missing from certain characters, the list goes on.  So even tho these were the best MVC version of that character I could find they still had errors that made the game eventually annoying if I wanna play it seriously. So even tho all of these Mugen creators are patient, talented and amazing (and thank you of coarse all characters that are being used will be credited in a Read Me file called "Thank you to these")  it is very normal to make mistakes or forget certain things.

       So for about 1 year now I've been editing all these characters and fixing all these errors.  That is where most of my heavy duty work goes to, fixing mechanical issues and errors which has been absolutely fantastic and I for one can say it is now funner than any existing actual MVC game.  because now that I go back to playing any other real mvc game I end up getting bored quickly now cause it is more limited, I realize how much funner my mvc is and it has the same characters but with more chars, and they all have been cleaned up with all the maximum effort I could give :)

- 3 VS 3 Tag


- 4 VS 4 Tag

- Tag Cancel, now during any time, even supers!

- Call assists, now during supers and during super jump

- 76 Marvel characters and 76 Cacpom characters. you can't f*ck with it.

- Characters have been privately edited and cleaned up, all original creators will still be credited.

- Unreleased stages, rare no one has seen these stages... like a MVC styled Desert Highway - Overdrive Ostrich stage, and a Onimusha stage for example.

- Unreleased Final Boss... created by me.  No one has ever seen him before.... All I can say is he is harder than Onslaught, and has 2 forms.   

- Uses Add004 lifebars and powerbars. but I am currently editing them giving em a MvC touch. Also the power bars will be the 6 gems , so you will be able to build up to 6 bars!  INFINITY

and some gameplay

Entire game is now 1.1 and all stages have some zoom out for more better MVC fighting
Buy DBZ / Street Fighter shirts here. Compra camisetas de DBZ y King of Fighters aqui.
Last Edit: August 27, 2019, 05:08:47 am by PIZZAHIGHFIVE
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#2  January 09, 2019, 07:19:23 pm
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    • Mexico
Interesting project, to add a zoom effect to stages, add to the camera section this values and test changing values

startzoom = 1
zoomin = 1
zoomout = 0.7

For complete information, check this tutorial by Electro

Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#3  January 09, 2019, 07:41:13 pm
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  • "Nobody Blocks Block Man!"
  • The Ultimate Lurker
This project looks pretty cool~
I will forever refer to "Stands" as "Personas" and i will never be stoped
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#4  January 11, 2019, 05:45:12 pm
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this project will be amazing when you release PIZZAHIGHFIVE, in your videos i could see the quality.

EDIT: I send to you a message in your youtube video asking some, when you see answer to me:
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 05:53:30 pm by Ramon Garcia
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#5  January 11, 2019, 10:40:13 pm
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considering this is a compilation of edited characters, will you be editing them to have the same system? counter, snapback, etc.?

or are they going to retain their own systems, with some characters using mvc mechanics, some using mvc2, some using spec ops, etc
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#6  January 29, 2019, 10:15:04 pm
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  • It's the end for villians
    • Mexico
Interesting project, to add a zoom effect to stages, add to the camera section this values and test changing values

startzoom = 1
zoomin = 1
zoomout = 0.7

For complete information, check this tutorial by Electro


WOW thank you so much for your help!  quick question... I think this project is running on Mugen 1.0, will these zoom effects still work?  or do I have to convert my screenpack to 1.1 first?  How can I easily convert my screenpack to 1.1? and I will get to work on it immediately

@Umezono     There is NO Snapbacks for I do not know how to add those and chars do not have snapbacks either in their codes.  very few chars have that "counter" like chars made by Infinite. I personally would like to remove those "counters" one day..   I try and keep everyone pretty based of MVC1 or MVC2 when it comes to movement, way they combo etc.  In no way is this a remake of MVC2 or anything..  but its a celebration of Xmen vs SF through MVC2 more like it..  friends who have played it claim it feels like Marvel vs Street Fighter or Marvel VS Capcom 1 when it comes to how it "feels"

I have no Spec Ops Chars, Illusionesta kinda complained about his char and how I was using it so I just removed him from the game completely, I don't want drama. 

@Block  THANKS BROTHA!  it is a freakin blast if you are into Marvel VS Capcom. 
Buy DBZ / Street Fighter shirts here. Compra camisetas de DBZ y King of Fighters aqui.
Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 10:56:16 pm by PIZZAHIGHFIVE
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#7  January 29, 2019, 10:50:38 pm
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Zoom doesn't work on 1.0. If you want to swap to 1.1, you don't have to convert your screenpack.
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#8  January 29, 2019, 11:31:07 pm
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@ArtistofLegacy   ok, so if I download a blank mugen 1.1, what do i grab from it  to drop into my MVC mugen 1.0 folder?
Buy DBZ / Street Fighter shirts here. Compra camisetas de DBZ y King of Fighters aqui.
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#9  January 29, 2019, 11:38:14 pm
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New Character

Buy DBZ / Street Fighter shirts here. Compra camisetas de DBZ y King of Fighters aqui.
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#10  January 30, 2019, 12:08:59 am
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    • USA
@ArtistofLegacy   ok, so if I download a blank mugen 1.1, what do i grab from it  to drop into my MVC mugen 1.0 folder?

It'd probably be easier to just transfer your screenpack/characters/etc. to a fresh 1.1 folder and go from there.
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#11  January 30, 2019, 07:44:38 am
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    • Mexico
gotcha, thank you.
Buy DBZ / Street Fighter shirts here. Compra camisetas de DBZ y King of Fighters aqui.
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#12  January 30, 2019, 03:53:17 pm
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New Character


Ohh neat, and I like how loose this Blade is looking, I honestly can't wait for that arcade run.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#13  January 30, 2019, 07:43:57 pm
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I congratulate you.  This must take a lot of effort. Is anyone else working with you on this?
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#14  January 31, 2019, 05:43:42 am
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Please tell me 1 of your new chars is an improvement of Invisible Woman by Arkady. She’s the only F4 char that doesn’t have a decent Mugen conversion
Re: Uncanny Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 tag
#15  February 04, 2019, 09:20:30 am
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@Agent_5      yes if you land more sooner than later then you can recover, some chars roll out faster than others

@Uche_of_MFG  Thank you yes it is a lot of work and no one else is working with me at the moment. 

@DakidBanks   You know what!  she is actually a runner up in my "characters to fix and make more playable" 



I SHIT YOU NOT, I just played Mugen online this week.  not Ikemen, but Mugen.

and it ran fucking fantastic, except with one of the players there was lag issues but i changed my settings so hopefully the issues are solved for next time.

So i am challenging any players right now who love to play MVC and have fun playing MVC!

I invite you to play this brand new mugen build of mine, online!

All you have to do is visit my Official Uncanny MVC Infinite Discord,
in here I will give you a link to download Parsec, and Parsec Controller Driver, and that is all!!

Then you send me a message, or just on the general chat that you want to play, I am always on and always looking for fresh players.

Mi juego de MVC ya se puede jugar ONLINE, aqui en mi Discord te digo lo que necesitas paque te puedo invitar a mi MVC MUGEN.

Buy DBZ / Street Fighter shirts here. Compra camisetas de DBZ y King of Fighters aqui.
Re: ONLINE Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 and 4v4
#16  February 04, 2019, 09:43:50 am
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yeah ive used parsec to play stuff like black heart, shades, cvtw, etc. its the best if everyone has the gear and internet.
Re: ONLINE Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 and 4v4
#17  February 21, 2019, 08:02:51 am
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OK so i'm back!  sorry i'm just very busy and when i have a chance, I want to play games with people, not really get in forums... but to report back, everything so far has been running great! You have NO IDEA how awesome it is to play MUGEN online!!! there is lag very little only 2 people have reported it to be a issue from the good amount of people i have played. everyone else we play good and have hella fun playing high level mugen fights!!  I have recorded all our fights and so far it's great! i haven't uploaded them yet on YouTube but I will!   

I can't believe I am actually playing mugen online this is something I only could dream about.    I will upload my online fights here but again I am sorry I am a very busy man and when I get a chance I just want to play! not really get on the forums etc.

Do not be shy! I am very friendly and nice, but i still have open challenge to ANYONE who likes to play.  games are this: Uncanny MvC Infinite which is 4v4 or 3v3   OR Capcom VS SNK 3 which is 2v2.

Both are private build games have been heavily edited by me, that includes the characters and their combos to fight better.


Buy DBZ / Street Fighter shirts here. Compra camisetas de DBZ y King of Fighters aqui.
Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 08:09:42 am by PIZZAHIGHFIVE
Re: ONLINE Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 and 4v4
#18  February 22, 2019, 09:28:06 pm
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I am interested in how you got mugen1.1 to work online?

I thought Ikemen was the only capable online
Re: ONLINE Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 and 4v4
#19  February 22, 2019, 09:31:29 pm
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I am interested in how you got mugen1.1 to work online?

I thought Ikemen was the only capable online
He is using Parsec which emulates couch multiplayer by allowing you to host and stream applications to your clients computers and giving them control of your keyboard or a virtual controller.
Re: ONLINE Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite 3v3 and 4v4
#20  February 22, 2019, 09:46:26 pm
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I am interested in how you got mugen1.1 to work online?

I thought Ikemen was the only capable online
He is using Parsec which emulates couch multiplayer by allowing you to host and stream applications to your clients computers and giving them control of your keyboard or a virtual controller.

wow thanks....And what about the 3on3 he mentions? How is that being operated? using mugen1.1
Also do you know if this would have the ability to let a human control p3 or p4
Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 09:53:31 pm by Ace-Million