Spoiler: more screenshots (click to see content)porting this screenpack to IKEMEN wasn't as hard as I imagined. enjoy!https://www.mediafire.com/file/rnwtacwx0avscat/SimpleMUGEN_IKEMEN_GO_update_24-JUN-2023.rar/file (also comes with a slot expansion .def)get the screenpack for MUGEN 1.1 here: https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/simplemugen-simplistic-mugen-battle-2021-193231.0.html
Scribblymugen said, June 08, 2021, 11:33:46 pmhow can i found this version of ikemen go?https://github.com/Windblade-GR01/Ikemen-GO/releases
K4thos said, June 09, 2021, 12:23:26 amScribblymugen said, June 08, 2021, 11:33:46 pmhow can i found this version of ikemen go?https://github.com/Windblade-GR01/Ikemen-GO/releasesThank You!
Good job!Hey, is it possible to do 850 x 480 alternative version?I'm trying to do a few edits here but need some work I also put the animated portraits (which is possible on Ikemen)Lifebar looks ok(This is really the best resolution. look how perfect )Don't worry, I'm just doing those edits for myself. I won't share
screenpack updated for the latest build of IKEMEN GO. one thing I should mention is that the timer for the lifebars are a pixel misaligned and it's an issue that's present in the newest engine build.
screenpack has been updated with some minor visual changes along with some additional text for the lifebars.
screenpack has been updated with a fix that should prevent the engine from crashing. download link is the same but the actual rar has been updated.
Good job as usual. If you are using v0.99.0-rc.1 (or nightly), I would recommend you to use the "cell skip" feature, that way you would no longer need a custom select.def for the "more slots" version.