
KOFE Hanzo (Read 40670 times)

Started by swipergod, October 07, 2016, 09:07:26 pm
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KOFE Hanzo
#1  October 07, 2016, 09:07:26 pm
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So I've been meaning to create this topic for some time now. Hanzo is KOFE's only 100% unique character since he doesn't exist in any game. I spent a long time figuring out if I could make a worthwhile "master" character for the Shiranui arts with the resources I have available. I wanted to make sure that when I proposed him, I would actually have a complete moveset in mind that works with KOFE. I also wanted to give him that in between feeling with Mai and Andy.

Andy represents the speed aspect of Shiranui arts. His moves float and slash like the wind. Mai represents the power of Shiraui arts. They strike hard and burn. Obviously Mai is still fast and Andy still has power, but this is how I slotted them to help me figure out how Hanzo should work.


- Zai En Ken: No Shiranui master should be without an elbow strike. The twist to Hanzo's is that the sp version will switch sides (like Jam in GG).

- Hisho Ryu En Jin: The flipping flame kick that both Andy and Mai have used in the past. The sk version leaps into the air and kicks while the weak kick version is the "retreating" version Andy had. sk version can be followed by the spinning Inza drop.

- Fire Rip Fist: This will depend on whether Andy will regain his long distance projectile or not. Either it will be a single/double projectile or SS Hanzo's crawling fireball

- Teleport: Because there isn't enough in this world. lol. Hanzo's will have the distinction of being doable in the air and he will place himself on the ground or in the air (ready to attack)

- Unnamed diving attack: Every ninja needs a dive attack. It's a diving grab that will caused a Horizontal launch (wire damaged wall bounce) that will allow for combos!


- Kagerou no Mai: The Shiranui staple.

- Genrei Hurrican: Steeling the move away from Elisabeth (who stole it from Benimaru), the old man will shower his opponents with powerful strikes.


- Chou Kagerou no Mai: The super version of the Shiranui staple. Mutiple columns summoned


- Invincible Fire Wheel: A massive fire attack made to rival the Kaiser Wave.

Hopefully he sounds awesome. :) I'm really excited to make him and introduce the myth to KOF.
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Re: KOFE Hanzo
#2  October 07, 2016, 09:38:02 pm
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What teleport exactly you will use? In SamSho 3 his teleport with illusion is great, and slash mode's super is good there too(engulfs himself in flames to hurt enemy and become invisible until hits or being hit). Instead of one of his column super I'd rather have grab super from SamSho 5 - piledriver witch ends in fire column. And crawling projectile is neat to have.
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 09:43:17 pm by ExL
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#3  October 08, 2016, 12:37:02 am
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What teleport exactly you will use? In SamSho 3 his teleport with illusion is great, and slash mode's super is good there too(engulfs himself in flames to hurt enemy and become invisible until hits or being hit). Instead of one of his column super I'd rather have grab super from SamSho 5 - piledriver witch ends in fire column. And crawling projectile is neat to have.

He said its a unique hanzo not in any other game, not same from Samsho
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#4  October 08, 2016, 12:51:42 am
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Hmmm not bad for a moveset. Just one thing I wish to ask: who will do the voice acting, and in terms of personality ideas, It would be nice to see him as serious and strict but caring, kinda like Gouken, but might also show a bit of intimidation on certain fighters, esp. those from Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury who see him as being dead. From what was known, he was one hell of a teacher for both Mai and Andy.
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#5  October 08, 2016, 03:56:40 am
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what voice are you considering to use?
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#6  October 08, 2016, 07:18:58 am
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Ya, didn't get that far yet. Maybe Yunfei from SSV? I'd need to hear what he says to see if the voice would make sense.

The Izuna Drop isn't really a Shiranui art. They tend to focus more on strikes and energy/fire techniques. You'd figure Hanzo would've trained Andy or Mai to do the Izuna Drop if it was part of the art.
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Re: KOFE Hanzo
#7  October 08, 2016, 09:28:42 am
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He said its a unique hanzo not in any other game, not same from Samsho
Hanzo Shiranui is in double difficult situation.
First part of it is being based of SamSho Hanzo, but not being clone of him just in KOF E - that's solved by him not having any weaponry.
Second part of it is being in same shoes as Gouken - being teacher he must have staple stuff of disciples, Mai and Andy, yet must be different than just hybrid and not being Hokutomaru.

I see nothing that prevents him borrowing few moves from SamSho, Hanzo was changed in games, for example his illusion teleport was replaced was general smoke bomb one(illusions was left for Galford). Damaging fiery vanishing is also not breaking character's nature, neither crawling fire projectile or piledriver. Using them would differentiate him from Mai and Andy yet having all staples in place giving him more ninja-like arsenal. To be honest my concern is in him being in shotoclone situation with disciples is greater than with borrowing(with adaptation of course) some stuff from SamSho.
I'm all for uniqueness and thinking mixing Saizo and Hokutomaru in can also benefit Hanzo. I like slide move both of them have, Saizo's Blue Flame Slice mechanic can be applied to Zai En Ken: No Shiranui, adding dashing variant to it.  Would be nice to have analogue of Hokutomaru's Rakka-Zan - Jitsu and Karakusa-Giri without sword invlved in them...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not demanding anything, I'm just concerned about Hanzo Shiranui not falling victim of being either Hanzo Hattori, Mai or Andy clone(especially last two as they already present in game), but rather be unique hybrib picking bit here and there with unique twists on picked stuff. And Hard challenge that is.
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#8  October 08, 2016, 03:25:31 pm
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Hanzo Shiranui isn't based off Hanzo Hattori. The decision to dress him in black and give him a red scarf comes from Hokutomaru. I thought it would be cool to make it seem like Haokutomaru actually dresses the way he does to honor Mai's Grandfather. The cut over his eye comes from the story of his and Jeff's battle with Krauser. They scarred his head, so I wanted Hanzo to be scarred from that battle too (yes he and Krauser will have a special intro).

Spriting wise, his basic attacks will be based off of Hanzo and Fuuma from NGBC. But that's to simplify the spriting process.

The fire vanish move is essentially what the SDM is but he doesn't turn invisible since that's not a great mechanic for human players who would control him. If you look at the proposed moveset, you should see that he doesn't clone Mai or Andy and has new mechanics (no fighter has Jam style attack, Andy/Mai don't have move follow ups), so there shouldn't be any worry at this point.
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Re: KOFE Hanzo
#9  October 08, 2016, 03:52:32 pm
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Won't argue, I'll rather wait and see actual footage/or playable version, maybe I worry too much. I have really high hopes for him and want him as great as possible. And that "I thought it would be cool to make it seem like Haokutomaru actually dresses the way he does to honor Mai's Grandfather" IS cool, sounds like legit part of lore as scar detail :nuttrox:
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#10  October 08, 2016, 09:25:22 pm
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Won't argue, I'll rather wait and see actual footage/or playable version, maybe I worry too much. I have really high hopes for him and want him as great as possible. And that "I thought it would be cool to make it seem like Haokutomaru actually dresses the way he does to honor Mai's Grandfather" IS cool, sounds like legit part of lore as scar detail :nuttrox:

Yeah, Hanzo Shirauni actually.

Since he does have Neo Dio and a few Capcom guest characters, there is no need for a SamSho guest character if he probably have a Last Blade, I don't know.

But this KOFE sounds delightful. Makes me want to ask for his Morrigan and Alex to build a SNK vs Capcom.
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#11  October 08, 2016, 10:35:41 pm
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No Alex in my game sadly. The best part of Hanzo is he's being made for mugen, so you can always alter him for your personal preferences. :D I will also see how he play and see if anything isn't working out.
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Re: KOFE Hanzo
#12  October 08, 2016, 11:21:42 pm
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I'm excited, a new origins character is always a great bonus in any full game.  Idk why but I play your kof alot more than the originals to be honest I like it more, and ill use characters I normally won't use. I cant wait to see this guys sprite he sounds awesome.
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#13  October 09, 2016, 02:58:59 am
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No Alex in my game sadly. The best part of Hanzo is he's being made for mugen, so you can always alter him for your personal preferences. :D I will also see how he play and see if anything isn't working out.

I saw him on your site. That is a correct description of him. Plain awesome!!!
Re: KOFE Hanzo
#14  November 30, 2017, 07:49:35 am
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i sorry for this but i see this and hanzo a shinibi...i think is the name of the mai´s grandpa hanzo shiraiuni