
My sprites, edits and animations (Read 1558421 times)

Started by Guillotine, August 15, 2019, 03:17:17 pm
My sprites, edits and animations
#1  August 15, 2019, 03:17:17 pm
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Hello, I rarely post but received at times some messages of interest for stuff I posted in the past, so I thought I'd put together a thread.
I have already posted these Ryo and Yamazaki but there have been a few additions, files have been updated. I'm reposting them here anyway.

Yamazaki's project started with the desire of having a stance that would transit seamlessy into his awesome 2k3 idle animation. Then I noticed the bad consistency, anatomy, shading etc... in the whole set and in the end, every single sprite has been heavily reworked, extra in between frames added for most attacks, a few animations ported from RB, whole new anims based on Wild Ambition attacks and more. 700+ unique sprites in the set.

Ryo is not as dramatic but has some retouches for consistency in most frames, better transitions, some reworked moves (kohoken especially), added inbetween frames for most moves. Some moves from Takuma and SVC Karate, and Ryo KOF98 and XI.

So this is a resized SVC Hugo spriteset, it's complete. I fixed the dithering and retouched all the bits and lines that looked bad cause of the resize, certainly there could still be some rough bits but I think he looks ok overall. A bit of backstory on why this happened, with some dead time at work I wanted some pixel art to do in the meantime that wasn't so impegnative and I could just do with little tought involved... and of course unpractical SVC Hugo size rubbed me the wrong way. Still, I lost interest at times and kinda regretted starting it but in the end I finished it. Hopefully someone will be interested in this!

This is my KOF Ryo set, thought to flow well with the classic AOF / KOF 13 onward stance I made. It's actually not a full set but what I skipped I felt worked well enough and can be found in XI/2k2 sets. Mostly I reworked animations I already did for NGBC Ryo but there's also something new, most already posted here. Feel free to use for your projects, maybe post them here if you'd like, thanks.

This Rugal GC is made to be more like 94-cvs, came out with a bit of a personal touch I guess, it also cycles into itself pretty ok.

Here's a file with all Rugal edits I made:

This buff Terry is a quick thing I thought about recently, a Terry more in line with RB - XIII or even FEXL.

Some more stuff

Enjoy, feel free to use, etc. I most likely have more stuff that is either very old and can't find right now or unfinished/unorganized, but I'll try to post more in the future.

Last Edit: June 03, 2023, 02:20:45 pm by Guillotine
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#2  August 15, 2019, 03:21:48 pm
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How long did Yamazaki take? This is impressive
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#3  August 15, 2019, 07:09:33 pm
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Very nice sprites
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#4  August 15, 2019, 08:15:20 pm
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Thanks for the visual. I can definitely use that Kriz stance. A lot of it is good for reference as well.
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#5  August 16, 2019, 09:07:49 am
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How long did Yamazaki take? This is impressive

Oh a hilarious amount of time for sure, took years on and off, filling dead time at work, multitasking etc. Certainly very inefficient and was also learning anatomy and animation at the same time, plus I kept adding anything that came to mind.
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#6  August 29, 2019, 06:55:16 pm
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This King is based off concept art for costumes in KOFXIV

Some old stuff I might or might have not just edited a bit because who is ever happy right?

iirc this slide was more static in SVC

This is a pose for cutscenes instead of the normal one which is just the stance iirc, complete with transition frames in and out

I was taken back a bit when I found these frames, then I remember they were only partially shaded in SVC so here they are complete.
2k3 must have been a dangerous time for SNK pixel artists.

Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 08:49:08 pm by Guillotine
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#7  August 30, 2019, 03:16:15 am
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You should continue man.
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#8  August 30, 2019, 06:59:09 am
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They're all great!  In particular, I've longed for Genocide Cutter like 94-cvs!!
By the way, can I conbine your sprites of Yamazaki with these which was painted by another person and use them?
I want to erase his tongue and slobber.
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#9  August 30, 2019, 02:34:31 pm
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You should continue man.

As long as I'm in the mood it's all good, thanks.

They're all great!  In particular, I've longed for Genocide Cutter like 94-cvs!!
By the way, can I conbine your sprites of Yamazaki with these which was painted by another person and use them?
I want to erase his tongue and slobber.

hmm I don't think I have slobber anywhere, I assume it is in the person files.
Tbh I'd rather see my sprites used as they are....  but ehi do what works for you no worries, I publicy released them for free, thanks for asking.
Actually I have some more wip animations for Yamazaki that need more polish so check back from time to time.
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#10  August 30, 2019, 03:30:51 pm
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hmm I don't think I have slobber anywhere, I assume it is in the person files.
Tbh I'd rather see my sprites used as they are....  but ehi do what works for you no worries, I publicy released them for free, thanks for asking.
Actually I have some more wip animations for Yamazaki that need more polish so check back from time to time.

Thanks. These are examples of combining. I try to leave parts you fix as they are.

Last Edit: September 24, 2019, 05:12:32 pm by Soy Sauce
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#11  August 31, 2019, 08:06:58 am
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oh I see, those sprites have very little editing anyway, thanks for elaborating.
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#12  September 02, 2019, 10:54:58 am
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This Is just a refresh of KOF96 Vice stance, some minor editing. the howling animation has 1 or 2 extra frames and some editing for better flowing

This is Goenitz missing the super grab, normally he doesn't have a proper missing animation so it tends to be awkward to me, I believe there's only 1 new frame here but I think the animation works well enough

These Diana edits from Foxy I made as a test, Diana has so many details. I believe I used the palette she has as Kula's striker, probably a mistake cause of limited skin colors

I noticed some shading mistakes on Geese and Rugal sprites so I corrected and uploaded them again
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#13  September 02, 2019, 05:36:28 pm
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Great work Guillotine!
Keep on delivering!
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#14  September 03, 2019, 05:28:21 pm
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Great work Guillotine!
Keep on delivering!

Thanks, I am a fan of your sprites. No problem for now, I opened the vault and am finding stuff I didn't even remember that just needs polishing of various degrees, but also started some more animations because why not?

Here's a simple edit of Kula in more adult proportions/face, inspired by early beautiful Hiroaki pictures where she's clearly a young woman, then there's Urien and Yung Mie from Karnov I think?
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#15  September 04, 2019, 01:40:07 am
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that Urien looks amazing.
This is a generic forum signature.
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#16  September 04, 2019, 12:49:05 pm
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I'm not very familiar with SNK sprites, but this is impressive. Are you sure you didn't work for SNK at some point? :lol:
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#17  September 04, 2019, 01:03:20 pm
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    • Japan
These look pretty damn good, keep it up!  :bison:
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#18  September 04, 2019, 02:53:23 pm
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Thanks, I am a fan of your sprites. No problem for now, I opened the vault and am finding stuff I didn't even remember that just needs polishing of various degrees, but also started some more animations because why not?
Thanks, I am a fan of your sprites too, really like what you are doing.
From these lasts, Yung Mie is my favorite, great work indeed.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#19  September 05, 2019, 04:08:20 pm
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Thanks you all, much appreciated.

So this was a project at a time I guess til I got bored, and I think a Rocky came out about that time in mugen with pretty nice sprites, and I lost interest even more. Looking at it now, the arm and especially shoulder design from the 2k striker is pretty convoluted and kind of hard to convey properly in the resolution given, or maybe I just don't like it. If I had to do it now I'd change the design to a simpler form, or directly to the Robo Army design with just 3 holes in the shoulder and different details, just tried this in the last sprite.

Re: My sprites, edits and animations
#20  September 12, 2019, 08:13:16 am
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I posted in the past a similar RB stance for Krauser, but the chest movement was exaggerated and the arms were mostly static and it didn't quite work out. Now I tried it again with more subtle movement for both body and arms, I believe this is my best shot. Everytime I have to work on hands at this resolution I have a renewed respect for pixel artists that know what to do with them.
Last Edit: September 12, 2019, 05:49:16 pm by Guillotine