
C18 Z2 [Project] (Read 174233 times)

Started by Nicotinefist, April 13, 2017, 12:12:46 am
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C18 Z2 [Project]
#1  April 13, 2017, 12:12:46 am
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    • Chile
Hey guys! for those who watched HDBZ Champ build trailer and saw android 18, yes this is happening. I would like to introduce mysefl,
I'm Nico_18 (aka Nicotinefist) and I am spriting C18. Team Z2 secretly have been guiding me through the development of this character and in general they have been supporting me a lot (love y'all guys).
Also C18 will be coded by the amazing XGargoyle

Here are some animations:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

News about her gameplay in the future. Stay tuned for future update :)
Last Edit: April 15, 2017, 12:44:37 am by Nico_18
Re: C18 Z2
#2  April 13, 2017, 12:22:13 am
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  • Fate's Persona
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Welcome to the Z2 family,im no Team Z2 member but rather a member of it's fanbase.
Good Luck with 18,smooth animations as well,i look forward to her :thumbsup:
Also,excuse me for this but do you relate to a Nico B  by any chance?
~ A swift blade makes monsters tame. ~
Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 12:34:13 am by AgentofDestiny
Re: C18 Z2
#3  April 13, 2017, 12:30:39 am
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    • Argentina
Those animations are perfect! Keep it up, Nico! I can't wait to see more of those anims and screenshots!

I watched the video they'd uploaded for the release because I loved seeing 18 there and the quality of the sprites!
Re: C18 Z2
#4  April 13, 2017, 12:35:33 am
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  • Spriting takes so long! I'm decent at it though!
    • USA
Oh man! Its epic!!!!! Your animations are looking so slick!
Also, query, that stance we saw in Balthazar's video, was it based off Extreme Butoden's stance?
Re: C18 Z2
#5  April 13, 2017, 12:37:54 am
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    • Brazil
That's awesome! Nice work Nico!!
Re: C18 Z2
#6  April 13, 2017, 12:50:48 am
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  • Raging Fist
bud if you get me a pal list I would be more than honored to make some for her.
Btw, as curiosity, will she have her infamous "Arm Breaker Kick" (Remember her vs SSJ Vegeta)?
Re: C18 Z2
#7  April 13, 2017, 01:17:05 am
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Maybe it's just me, but in her second to last sprite (kick with arms on hips) her legs kind of look as if they switch places as she steps forward.
Other than that, she looks great! :)
Re: C18 Z2
#8  April 13, 2017, 01:21:25 am
  • ******
Oh man! Its epic!!!!! Your animations are looking so slick!
Also, query, that stance we saw in Balthazar's video, was it based off Extreme Butoden's stance?
it looks nothing like that :p so nope!

And he made it before eb came out
Re: C18 Z2
#9  April 13, 2017, 01:38:02 am
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  • Spriting takes so long! I'm decent at it though!
    • USA
I just checked it and her stance for the split seconds we saw in the champ build trailer is very similar to the one from Extreme Butoden (not saying the sprites are the same, just saying the stance looks similar to the one from EB That and since Krillin was using EB sprites for references and base's some times, I didn't know if it was the same with Android 18.) And are you saying he made that stance 2 years ago! Like... dang that's a long time ago.
Re: C18 Z2
#10  April 13, 2017, 01:46:48 am
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This stance has been around for years.
Re: C18 Z2
#11  April 13, 2017, 02:13:30 am
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    • New Zealand
18 kinda stands like that in Super DBZ too, just with her legs closer together.
Hardcore Palette and Color Separation enthusiast
Re: C18 Z2
#12  April 13, 2017, 02:44:12 am
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    • Australia
Everything here is so smooth and fluid, I Love it :D
Great to see you working with the Z2 team Nico! the C17 sprite you gave me was incredible and im glad to see you using your skills on a full character
Re: C18 Z2
#13  April 13, 2017, 02:50:39 am
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Those animations are fantastic! Tons of personality. Interested in seeing what sort of moves and gameplay you can come up with, because the androids never made a big impression on me in the anime/manga.
Re: C18 Z2
#14  April 13, 2017, 04:23:20 am
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    • Chile
It looks spectacular and more knowing that it is the first female character of HDBZ
Y mas siendo de un chileno, un abrazo!
Re: C18 Z2
#15  April 13, 2017, 04:44:49 am
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    • Chile
Thank you all of you for those nice comments, it makes me really happy and they keep me motivated :).

Maybe it's just me, but in her second to last sprite (kick with arms on hips) her legs kind of look as if they switch places as she steps forward.
Other than that, she looks great! :)
Yes, actually that was kinda intentional, besides it's barely noticeable in game

I just checked it and her stance for the split seconds we saw in the champ build trailer is very similar to the one from Extreme Butoden (not saying the sprites are the same, just saying the stance looks similar to the one from EB That and since Krillin was using EB sprites for references and base's some times, I didn't know if it was the same with Android 18.) And are you saying he made that stance 2 years ago! Like... dang that's a long time ago.
her stance is based mostly in that sprite made by Chamat

based in that, I tried to "update it" as a practice, in order to practice the z2 style

Regarding of the use of EB sprites as a base for her, I'm trying to use them as little as possible (There are several good references there, so I'll be picking the most decent ones)

It looks spectacular and more knowing that it is the first female character of HDBZ
Y mas siendo de un chileno, un abrazo!
saludos compadre  ;)
Re: C18 Z2
#16  April 13, 2017, 05:36:20 am
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    • Cuba
amazing, wish you luck on this, great work!
Re: C18 Z2
#17  April 13, 2017, 05:42:18 am
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This is a surprise indeed.  Now 2 new fighters are joining ^..^ hope to see this become awesome as well.  Good luck.
Re: C18 Z2
#18  April 13, 2017, 06:17:28 am
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The animations and sprites are just amazing. I love how you give her some very graceful motions but also add a very nonchalant attitude. Perfect interpretation of the character.

The only thing that bothers me in her chest. It looks kinda misshapen.
Re: C18 Z2
#19  April 13, 2017, 09:06:47 am
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    • New Zealand
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As everyone else has said, the fluidity and personality packed into these sprites is incredible.
Formerly LunchPolice aka Quack
Re: C18 Z2
#20  April 13, 2017, 09:31:46 am
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Spriting is hard.