
C18 Z2 [Project] (Read 174070 times)

Started by Nicotinefist, April 13, 2017, 12:12:46 am
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Re: C18 Z2
#21  April 13, 2017, 10:30:22 am
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Welcome to the Z2 family,im no Team Z2 member but rather a member of it's fanbase.
Good Luck with 18,smooth animations as well,i look forward to her :thumbsup:
Also,excuse me for this but do you relate to a Nico B  by any chance?
thanks :) and Nope, not related to Nico B
bud if you get me a pal list I would be more than honored to make some for her.
Btw, as curiosity, will she have her infamous "Arm Breaker Kick" (Remember her vs SSJ Vegeta)?
oh yeah, definitely. it's kinda her trademark kick :)
I see you. Good stuff yo.
Hehe ::), thanks diepod
amazing, wish you luck on this, great work!
Thanks, Good luck with yamcha, it's looking pretty good
The animations and sprites are just amazing. I love how you give her some very graceful motions but also add a very nonchalant attitude. Perfect interpretation of the character.
The only thing that bothers me in her chest. It looks kinda misshapen.
Thanks :) and yeah, breasts are difficult to get right, I tried to keep them simple as possible, besides I didn't want to define them too much since she is not that busty.

Re: C18 Z2
#22  April 13, 2017, 04:55:01 pm
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I always forget to check this part of the forum. 18 is looking so good! really nice work, I can't wait to see more.
Re: C18 Z2
#23  April 13, 2017, 11:24:22 pm
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Oh my God, its actually YOU. :O

Everything looks amazing so far. :D
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Re: C18 Z2
#24  April 14, 2017, 12:13:54 pm
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I'm surprised how low profile you've been Nico, it's actually pretty cool seeing this. Also for the longest time after that champ edition trailer I knew I've seen those 18 sprites before in the Z2 Sprite thread, or Android 17 inspired thread.
Re: C18 Z2
#25  April 14, 2017, 10:13:25 pm
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Welcome, NicotineFist!

Your pixel art has been a staple on my channel for years; it's great to see you here!

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And if you provoke it...

I will slay you all.

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Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#26  April 16, 2017, 11:09:32 am
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Welcome to Team Z2, you lucky bastard.
New members to team Z2, new characters..
But most importantly:
Thicc AF.
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#27  April 17, 2017, 02:37:00 am
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  • Raging Fist
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#28  April 17, 2017, 12:50:40 pm
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This is dope ! I can see some SDBZ here and there, hdbz is really OVERHEATING ;)
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#29  April 17, 2017, 01:16:26 pm
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As we talked before, I'm really more and more hyped by this project.
C18 seems really to have great expression and moves with attitude!
Keep it up, buddy!
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#30  April 25, 2017, 09:55:41 am
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I'm a fan of your Hawkeye char and for sure you will do a super-job here with A18.
I'm glad to see HDBZ project members increasing with no loss of quality. The game, when finished, will be legendary. Thank you all.
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#31  April 25, 2017, 10:41:44 am
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Congrats Nico ! I love the style a lot :)
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#32  May 26, 2017, 01:03:34 am
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Sorry for the bump, but anything new about C18?
New anims or something?
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#33  May 26, 2017, 02:12:50 am
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Actually I made a bunch of anim, but for now:

Also thank you guys for all of your comments :)
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#34  May 26, 2017, 05:31:33 am
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I can actually feel the weight in her hop as she moves. Good stuff bro.
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#35  May 26, 2017, 05:36:12 am
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Makes me think of
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#36  May 27, 2017, 07:54:03 pm
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#37  May 27, 2017, 08:04:20 pm
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I'm Nico_18 (aka Nicotinefist)

Hey I remember you. Glad to see you back, and I think you'll find Guild has less drama then where we last saw eachother.

Good luck with the new project. :thumbsup:
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#38  June 01, 2017, 11:57:55 pm
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I just hope that this wont be like DBZ games where Androids (barring Cell) are incapable of charging energy.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I just miss, period.
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#39  June 02, 2017, 04:42:59 am
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I just hope that this wont be like DBZ games where Androids (barring Cell) are incapable of charging energy.

She will be able of charging energy. Although we definitely have something special in mind regarding she stocking energy, compared to the rest of the roster.
Re: C18 Z2 [Project]
#40  June 02, 2017, 05:34:06 am
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Actually, on that topic, there was something I enjoyed out of the Budokai series that some later DBZ games dropped, in that when the androids charged their energy, they did not have the typical fire-shaped aura around their bodies like everyone else in the series, just dust clouds and energy waves.  I would love to see that return, I thought it was an nice nod in the lore about how they don't use your typical ki source, rather Gero's machinery inside them.  Same when they fly at high speed, no signature color-coded aura trail following them.

Otherwise other games have given the androids the plain white aura trail of most humans, and it felt off-putting personally.