
CVTW2 Idea thread (poll up come vote) (Read 344390 times)

Started by Memo, August 13, 2016, 11:48:20 am
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Ton Pooh is in homies! but....

give her striders spot on main roster (strider can still be DLC later on)
5 (17.9%)
leave her as DLC for future release
15 (53.6%)
fuck Ton Pooh, who else ya got in line?
8 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 28

Voting closed: June 15, 2017, 09:02:09 pm

Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#41  September 12, 2016, 12:51:56 am
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Once this project has more progress, feel free to ask the Mods for control of the Capcom vs The World sub-forum. I asked for it to be moved to inactive projects a really long time ago but it never did, so it might as well get some use.

Download Last Bout now!
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#42  September 12, 2016, 12:53:40 am
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I apologize if I was supposed to do that and didn't. I'll get on it now. I can move it back when this gets going.
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#43  September 12, 2016, 04:42:55 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I apologize if I was supposed to do that and didn't. I'll get on it now. I can move it back when this gets going.

Once this project has more progress, feel free to ask the Mods for control of the Capcom vs The World sub-forum. I asked for it to be moved to inactive projects a really long time ago but it never did, so it might as well get some use.

Will do thanks!

Well I got Shimo done for now, making adjustments to the gameplay controls experimenting with a 3 button setup so far it looks like I might go with it
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#44  September 22, 2016, 06:06:58 am
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I think you should add your Terry to the game!
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#45  September 22, 2016, 06:16:27 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I think you should add your Terry to the game!

He will be in game that's a must.  But I'm still on ryu right now, I've remade the gameplay, controls, mechanics again. Switched it to a 3 button system now. A punch button, kick button, and a defense button that performs evades, advance guarding..defensive shit pretty much. With this system theres more flexibility, with combos, pokes stuff like that than the other set up I had. Once im happy with how he plays out ill send a demo for feedback and recode Ken, Joe and shimo like this and get to work on the rest of the cast!
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#46  September 22, 2016, 06:31:20 am
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Nice! The three button idea sounds real good. Congrats on getting permission btw
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#47  December 18, 2016, 05:03:56 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
I got a demo coming soon, alot of changes.
No 2 or 3 button system, now its the same as
The first cvtw, 4 attack buttons, 1 for throws,
1 for supers and also ut attacks.

Dash, roll FWD, a stun system that incorporates
Guard crush and hit stun in 1 bar, 1 ex special
Unique to the char, example ryu will have a ex hadoken
Ken a ex shoryuken pretty much that chars iconic special.

1 super for now, in the future 2. Both lvl 1 like yatagarasu.
2 super bars max

Its slower pace, combos are strict!

Oh and the reason its in idea engineering is because nothing
Is set in stone yet, these are my ideas in playable form for
Feedback....that I dont get much lol.

Stay tuned it will be uploaded soon and don't worry about the
Bars being low I'm gonna make my own starting next month
When I have time to draw some out.
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#48  December 20, 2016, 05:10:46 am
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    • Puerto Rico
And honestly, how it should be... lel, good shit. Glad ya still on this. :P
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#49  December 20, 2016, 05:06:11 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
And honestly, how it should be... lel, good shit. Glad ya still on this. :P

Yup had a change of heart, I might keep that simple 2 button shit for something else not
Related to this.

Everything's going pretty smooth, gonna add some A.I. To ryu so I can upload the proto.
It will just include him since I've been spending the majority of development fleshing
Out a gameplay system, didnt convert any body else yet, not until me and you guys haha
Are happy with the system.
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#50  January 13, 2017, 02:57:27 am
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    • Puerto Rico
got bored today and decided to figure out the roster, its not 100%
there's a couple chars I want in but didn't place in there yet.
The Capcom side is probably gonna be what you see here with
maybe 1 or 2 added as secret.
I'm not too happy with the world side I want a little bit more
diversity, chars that we didn't see in the last one BUT that are
sprited in a similar fashion.
I cant sprite sooo yea I wont be adding anybody new not seen in
mugen, unless you recommend me someone and I like it or if you
sprite it lol.

*my goal is to have ONE rep from what ever game they came from
example SF = ryu (that's it for sf) megaman x = zero, you get it..

and random in game pics
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#51  January 13, 2017, 02:59:16 am
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I just fall in love with that Palettes of Saki :D

Are you going to use Ramza's Zero?
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Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#52  January 13, 2017, 03:05:32 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I just fall in love with that Palettes of Saki :D

Are you going to use Ramza's Zero?

sakis got all power ranger pallets lol, red, blue, pink all of them.
yeah that's ramzas zero right there, the best one so far for mugen.
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#53  January 13, 2017, 03:11:11 am
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The roster is pretty promising! I'll keep watching this, and hope to see more of that :D
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Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#54  January 13, 2017, 03:17:01 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Oh boy... looking interesting
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#55  January 13, 2017, 03:19:30 am
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    • Puerto Rico
The roster is pretty promising! I'll keep watching this, and hope to see more of that :D

the roster was hard to put together when your only using 1 char from there game
or affiliation like xmen avengers, cap America got booted for black widow even thou I wanted
both, I have to keep it fair.
that Capcom side is pure Capcom roster, I'm trying to avoid making a SF vs the world.

Oh boy... looking interesting

ima send you something soon once I get saki done and all the mechanics balanced out.
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#56  January 13, 2017, 03:21:38 am
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  • Every night fucks every day up
  • Every day patches the night up
    • Puerto Rico
eyy... Cool.


Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#57  January 15, 2017, 03:15:45 am
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oh cool, nice to see it coming to fruition. I'm able to give feedback as well if you're up for it
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#58  January 15, 2017, 08:04:22 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
oh cool, nice to see it coming to fruition. I'm able to give feedback as well if you're up for it

Yea you know I'm down for feedback, its always welcome!
You guys should know me by know I like project feedback
I dont ever take it negative, I feel like I'm on a coaching session
At work I always need improvement plus I make this shit for us
To enjoy.

Right now any ideas or thoughts are welcome until I release the
Prototype I'm putting together then we talk about the gameplay

Actually I need some right now, I want to replace Ingrid and volnutt
With 2 different capcom reps but who? Who can take those 2 spots
Who's game isn't already represented on the char select?

I can think of cap commando, hayato, but I need a female rep!
Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#59  January 15, 2017, 08:17:39 pm
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I could suggest one of these two but FUCK, these two was never sprited before....

Linn Kurosawa from Alien VS. Predator or Chain Chierotto from Progear no Arashi xD

There's Roll, but Rockman already got a rep
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Re: Capcom vs the world 2 idea engineering topic
#60  January 15, 2017, 09:09:52 pm
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Fiona from haunted ground

Michelle heart

Also, why didnt you include kyo or a single kof rep? I count terry as fatal fury personally, kyo is a fighting game staple