
Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management (Read 272953 times)

Started by lui, July 10, 2017, 10:32:21 am
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Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#1  July 10, 2017, 10:32:21 am
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Hey all! So uh, this project originally quietly died awhile ago as you can see. Basically, thepaniqd disappeared. Literally. It's been quite a long time since we last heard from him and we pretty much drifted away slowly from the project since he just straight up disappeared from the internet. Like, seriously, I still don't know what he's up to this day. Hatter eventually cancelled Annihilus since his interest lied elsewhere and welp, I eventually got tired of waiting. A lot of my sprites I made for the new characters aren't even good enough to show off since my standards have increased since my spriting has improved majorly so I canned them as well. The project indeed died for a awhile.

HOWEVER. I recently am in development of a new project. But, the idea is a bit ambitious so instead of jumping on the gun and burning myself out like other projects, I decided to practice for a full-game project by finishing one that barely got it's feet off the ground. I will now take it upon myself to finish the base roster and have the game launch. I will be scaling down the ambition of the project for the launch as a result, which means I won't be thinking of brand-new characters for now or interactive stages like planned. Right now, I'm focused on remaking the original MSH roster first and foremost with one character being replaced due to lack of interest from myself, I'll elaborate more on that later.

SO! With that being said, I present to you a new, updated, more stable build. The first thing I did is fix up the weird infinites the game had originally, I'm not sure how thepaniqd overlooked some wonky code but he did. I fixed it, with the help of Just No Point, by adding in a brand new juggle limit system for the normals which is my workaround for infinites. Secondly, parries are removed, I never saw much use for them and they felt tacked on. There's a whole changelog for this stuff so check it out in the download!!se5lnbIT!UrhDhh-0a98zV_-OgdJcQOwEriRBGFf0M3yHxfYmE98

*ps mediafire is acting wonky so if someone could upload this to mediafire that would be great, thanks!*

I'll be starting up a new WIP topic for this so stay tuned.

Oh also Captain America and Spider-Man are gonna be worked on next. I'll be releasing new builds in a similar fashion to how HDBZ releases updates.

please be sure to report bugs to this topic like before:
Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 08:34:50 am by Walruslui


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#2  July 11, 2017, 06:45:52 am
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so uh, to my knowledge it seems I accidently goofed up and left some infinites in the latest build. ill be updating the game as fast as I can to get rid of these issues!
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#3  July 11, 2017, 06:28:26 pm
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Ok just tested it and I love it, it looks and plays great, love both Doom and Psylocke's movesets, I'm not a fan of low hp supers tho, but that's me.
What's the planned roster? if there's one

Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#4  July 12, 2017, 01:31:37 am
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Agree with Quickfist - digging the style and gameplay.  Love the presentation, from the screenpack to the hitsparks and other effects.  The new moves for Doom and Psy are cool and fit them well IMO. 

With my short playtime I only noticed a couple small things::
-Voices seem a bit low, especially Psylocke
-Pylocke's 2k throw can only be performed with b+2k.  Not sure if it's intentional, but Doom can perform both throws by holding back or forward

Hopefully you keep up with this!


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#5  July 12, 2017, 01:56:56 am
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Oop, I'll get to the throw issue right away.

Theres a huge balance update coming today that hopefully is the final ones for doom and psylocke.

Next build will include new stages and characters.

And while I appreciate the compliments regarding the visuals and new move ideas for psylocke and doom, you gotta give that to thepaniqd as hes the original creator for the game, I'm simply picking up his work, making it solid and finishing off the final product. The next build will show off *my* ideas alot more so stay tuned

 I'm going to have WIP threads soon for the new characters and would love it for suggestions on new moves.

Also regarding the roster, it's gonna be the normal MSH roster for *now*. Shuma will be replaced however but I am going to replace him with someone fitting
Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 02:00:09 am by Walruslui
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#6  July 12, 2017, 02:03:40 am
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i tried your full game and it looks good so far:

although there's a problem at the corner right of that spideymvsc_night stage


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#7  July 12, 2017, 08:36:03 am
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hey guys! a new update is out for the demo build!

includes a lot of gameplay changes so I hope it should be the most stable one until the next build with cap and spidey!

see the changelog for more info

psylocke and doom also now have new themes done by wizzywhipitwonderful and new stages to reflect that

the lifebar has also been updated
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#8  July 12, 2017, 03:41:03 pm
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Good to hear.

Am I still onboard as your musicman?
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And if you provoke it...

I will slay you all.

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Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#9  July 12, 2017, 04:02:49 pm
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Can you make the update a patch so we don't have to download the full thing again?


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#10  July 12, 2017, 08:32:33 pm
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Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#11  July 28, 2017, 03:30:23 am
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When can we expect news for Captain America and Spider-Man? The chars we got so far have really good gameplay and I am really interested in what their gameplay will be like.


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#12  July 28, 2017, 03:41:08 am
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I'm taking my time with them since I am still tweaking a lot of things from the base gameplay after some further digging. i'm not going to rush them at all so don't expect much news unless it's HUGE, but I will keep things within a reasonable amount of time so there's no fears of abandonment anytime soon :)
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#13  July 28, 2017, 07:25:05 am
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Why are you really thinking of replacing Shuma? He can be a great deal of fun with the game's system and the sprites in Cyanide's version have all of his moves accounted for.
Last Edit: July 28, 2017, 07:33:23 am by PBRTODD101


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#14  July 29, 2017, 12:12:34 am
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because i'm not really a fan of shuma and never really was interested in playing him. he will return in the future but for now i'll be replacing him with a villain who I think would fit very much :)

I got some news for you guys!
first off is spooderman progress!

rather than getting rid of the parry mechanic altogether I decided that Spider-Man should have the unique ability of parrying in the game due to his spider-sense being a thing! (yes I know the name says captain America it's just the custom font being weird, i'll fix it in no time)

his moveset will be traditional to the source games with some added abilities to spice things up, some ideas for zvitor's Spider-Man will be transferred over to this one as well.

and finally this game will have a new stage maker, the talented @AVPboy6754: has offered his assistance in stages for the game which should excite some :)

stay tuned for captain America news!
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#15  July 29, 2017, 12:21:59 am
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Looking good.
Which voice will you be using for Spider?


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#16  July 29, 2017, 12:25:14 am
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pfffft that's an easy one.

tom Kenny! nah I'm kiddin, you already know I'm gonna be using the josh Keaton voice :p
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#17  July 29, 2017, 02:58:05 am
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Let's go booooys!
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#18  August 03, 2017, 08:12:15 am
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Really Stoked that MSH:R is back in action all thanks to you Walruslui. Praying that this game gets good bro. Now are you still gonna add Taskmaster, She-Hulk, Star Lord & Scarlet Spider? Like in that one post?


Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#19  August 03, 2017, 08:16:14 am
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first two for sure since they already have sprites done. tho that's in the future.

as for the last two, I'm not spriting either of them anymore and even if i were i would re-sprite them since my spiriting has majorly improved since then
Re: Marvel Super Heroes Reborn is under new management
#20  August 03, 2017, 08:29:01 am
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Seems Legit, i seriously cant wait for your project to commence thru bro. Good luck,