
Predefining palettes for arcade mode? (Read 14996 times)

Started by Dalkc, May 14, 2009, 12:46:24 pm
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Predefining palettes for arcade mode?
#1  May 14, 2009, 12:46:24 pm
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  • Just too much work for one reaper
Hi guys, quick question. Is it possible to make an opponent appear in arcade just as a certain palette? For example if I wanted Oni-Miko to always appear as her 12-P self, can something like that be done? (other than deleting other palettes off the char, of course)
14 characters.
Re: Predefining palettes for arcade mode?
#2  May 14, 2009, 01:31:23 pm
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The config file in your data folder (open mugen.cfg with a text editor) has the option to make the AI pick a random color or not. Then in the character's .def file, you give him his default palette.
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Re: Predefining palettes for arcade mode?
#3  May 14, 2009, 10:29:32 pm
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  • Just too much work for one reaper
But that affects all the characters in the game, doesn't it? Is there any way to make it happen just to one (or a select few) characters? :S
14 characters.
Re: Predefining palettes for arcade mode?
#4  May 15, 2009, 12:21:32 am
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lol, just make the character only have one palette?? ::)
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Re: Predefining palettes for arcade mode?
#5  July 13, 2024, 08:31:50 pm
    • USA
lol, just make the character only have one palette?? ::)

You're a jerk. His question is extremely valid because there are multiple characters nowadays that have many different modes and versions within 1 character. Why would we remove all those versions just have 1?