
Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta  (Read 561692 times)

Started by Aoshi24, August 11, 2014, 12:05:37 am
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Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta
New #1  August 11, 2014, 12:05:37 am
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NOTE:  To play the full beta, you need OpenGL supported graphics card. There is a light version alternate link for those who have old graphics cards.

+ SHISHIO MAKOTO!!  (Separate character download for MUGEN in the next day or so)
+ Gameplay and move set updates
+ Fixed certain bugs and infinites (kenki indicator, Soujiro, Sano, etc.)
+ Easier AI for Levels 1-3,

+ 10 characters/ 9 stages  (stages were not done by me)
+ 8 different difficulty levels
+ 6 attack buttons
+ Counter/parry system similar to Last Blade
+ Guard push, air/roll recovery, and wake-up attack
+ Chain combos and 2/3 button hypers (ex. QCF LP+HP)
+ Level 3 desperation move (low life and max power like KOF series)
+ Exclusive "Kenki" system which allows very slight health/power regeneration, combo breakers, and counter rolls
+ Character-specific victory movie clips

+ DanMT for color separation/portrait fixes/sprite refining for Kenshin, Battousai, Soujiro, and Sanosuke
+ EXELord from Infinity Mugen Team for the lifebar design
+ Warner for Kenshin sprites, Edogawa Inpo for Sano sprites, and Tokathiki for Enishi sprites
+ Sensei Yoda for Basarax Palace & Library Stages
+ DooM for DM-Dojo Stage
+ Sang Kalaza for Treant Forest & Mikyaku Impact Stages
+ Kuroneko for Tayutama Shrine Day Stage
+ Night for Hanzo Stage
+ Alfred for MB-Satsujin Kousatsu Stage
+ JAM for Basara X Osakahuyonojin Stage
+ Vince from
+ Cybaster and various members of
+ various members of

For more news and progress check out the sub forum..

Thanks again for all the support and to those who are involved with the project. If you would like to join the team, please let me know! Constructive feedback also helps! ENJOY!!!
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#2  August 11, 2014, 12:07:10 am
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    • Ukraine
I am definitely going to test this out. Congrats for releasing your beta. :)

-[Все слова это только слова.]-
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#3  August 11, 2014, 12:10:58 am
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Congrats on your release, its looking pretty darn good.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#4  August 11, 2014, 12:11:41 am
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Downloading right now. Ok so feedback thus far I haven't played a ton but something  strange happened.

Mugen crashed as soon as I set my joystick controls and tried to save them idk why. Also I am not a fan of the stock mugen sounds for the punches and kick moves I hope you can find something better than those. Also About Okita I get what you were going for but having him fall down and cough like he was as a game mechanic Idk I don't like it alot.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 12:24:58 am by Laharl
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#5  August 11, 2014, 12:40:30 am
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Nice catch! I had the "data" folder hidden and I guess it causes it to crash whenever there are any changes to in the options menu. I'll reupload and update the links.  Thanks!

As for Okita, I added this mechanic to be accurate to the manga and add balance to him since he is very fast and have a lot of attack options. This could change if there is a lot of feedback on this though.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#6  August 11, 2014, 12:43:47 am
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he doesn't feel all that stronger compared to the other characters I could be wrong though. I will keep checking stuff out :).

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#7  August 11, 2014, 01:28:51 am
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Links are now updated.  There shouldn't be issues with the options menu now.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#8  August 11, 2014, 01:50:50 am
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Marvelous! Thanks for share Aoshi! I really check this out right now! :D
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#9  August 11, 2014, 04:26:23 am
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    • Mexico
Finally, it's here! Got hyped just by watching the video. Thanks bud. Will download.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#10  August 11, 2014, 08:20:32 am
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I noticed some chars have english and others don't is english planned for the others at some point?

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#11  August 11, 2014, 12:58:09 pm
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how what a the time i'm waiting for this one.

great thx my friend... do you plan to convert HR or HD your characters ???  If you need help ask Eliott or Ralfab.
If not, it's even good enough that way.

thx for all.

great work !

Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#12  August 11, 2014, 03:48:35 pm
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I forgot to mention obviously enishi won't have english since he wasn't ever in the actual anime only that terrible movie :/.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#13  August 11, 2014, 05:54:07 pm
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Laharl:  To be honest, those english snd files were there by mistake.  At the moment, there are no plans for english dubs for the other characters unless I get some help.  Since RK doesn't have any english games, it requires a lot of time to rip from the show which I simply don't have.

Zorro: Thanks for the nice words!  I don't have any plans for HR since some character sprites still need to be refined and it would require additional coding.  To be honest, I like the way it is since it is reminiscent of the good old days of Last Blade and SamSho.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#14  August 11, 2014, 09:35:24 pm
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I can understand that, aoshi's was done really well I used it.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#15  August 12, 2014, 01:58:11 pm
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Glad to test this game of one of my favorite anime 10 years ago  :laugh2:
I like Kenshin so far, Batosai less. Some suggestions for Kenshin, perhaps you could give him more velocity for his specials (he should be faster IMO) but for balance give him more charging time before he slash his Katana.
Rahhhhhhh, AI is so hard to deal with !!!!
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#16  August 13, 2014, 12:02:57 am
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I don't know if this has been addressed but Soujiro has an infinite with his dive slash.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#17  August 13, 2014, 12:06:11 am
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so thats what its called I reported an infinite with soujiro but wasn't sure how to do it only saw the ai do it.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#18  August 13, 2014, 02:27:25 am
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Thanks for the tip tomohawkjoe!  A fan showed me a video of the infinite and I will definitely fix this in the next update.  I'll lower the hitstun and add a jump height requirement for the move.

teddylam: You got it.. I'll make Kenshin faster but not as fast as Battousai.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#19  August 13, 2014, 03:50:27 am
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I don't know if lowering the hit stun and raising the height requirement are both needed. The Dive slash is a great tool for pressure and I really like the idea of it. If you only reduce the hit stun it can act like the dive kick from Rufus in where it can still lead into combos and be used at a low height to pressure the opponent but it has to be spaced properly and can't lead into the infinite. If you only raise the height requirement it can act a little more like typical dive kick in that it can lead to good combos and still be used to pressure the opponent but can also be punished and wont lead into the infinite.
Re: Rurouni Kenshin Soul And Sword Beta 1.0 & 1.1
#20  August 14, 2014, 06:29:35 pm
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    • Dominica
Looks good, I always liked this serie, downloading thanks for shared