When I'm using the editing section of the stage editor the preview window shows the images in the correct order. But when I preview the stage or look at it through the events preview window or any other preview window the images are in reverse order. Am I doing something wrong?
Okay, the preview windows are inconsistent because I have them running on two different systems, to make things easier for me. But the preview window in the events menu displays your stage correctly.Here's a quick fix for this. Also, if you run into anymore inconsistencies, just reload the editor preview by switching to the events menu then back to the stage editor.
It's not working for me. What I see in the preview window for the editor is not what I'm seeing in the preview window for the events or when I actually preview the stage via the options bar at the top of the screen. Have you released any templates for stage designing?Do I need to delete the folder in my documents?
Sorry for taking long, try this.There was still a few more problems with the editor, this should get your stage displaying properly.And make sure you don't have any objects with the same priority because that will cause the preview windows to look different.
It still doesn't work for me. I think I'm gonna wait till you release a stage template because I think the problem is me. Thanks for the help.