
Hit Sparks and FX (Read 42612 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, April 06, 2014, 03:15:57 am
Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#21  June 18, 2014, 04:19:08 pm
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And at any rate, the hitsparks should be placed in the common files, so it's just a matter of compiling the screenpack, and it looks like there will be several available anyway.
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Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#22  June 19, 2014, 01:52:47 am
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I don't know exactly if here is the correct place to put this suggestion but..


I want to give a suggestion for minor things like this..

I think the Afterimages should be the most closer possible on the SFZ/SSF2 Turbo games

[State 1040, Afterimages]
type = AfterImage
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(1) = 0
time = 80
length = 30
framegap = 6
palcolor = 0
palbright = 1,1,1
palpostbright = 1,1,120
palcontrast = 104,172,142
PalAdd = -16,-16,1
PalMul = 1, 1, .85
trans = none

[This code is from a old SFZ2 Gouki when I don't remember his name, so, if anyone knows him, tell me to credit him]

It's a bit simillar to this:

And I suggest to you guys use this code on every Super Combo[Even in Level 3 ones]. This will give a nostalgia factor on Super Combo movements.

And I'm starting to create a concept for Super "SF3-Like" Combo BG.
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Re: Hit Sparks and FX
#23  June 19, 2014, 06:06:13 am
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I'm not sure about what after image styles we will use, but I will say that one is not SFA accurate. The after images should get a darker blue as they get further from the root.

I'm going to try something with the super bars when I get to coding them. The results will greatly determine how the after images will look.