
Stage Documentation Request (Read 15135 times)

Started by DooM, April 18, 2009, 02:36:53 am
Stage Documentation Request
#1  April 18, 2009, 02:36:53 am
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  • MUGEN is so fun I hate it.
Hey Sakir,

could you write down some stage documentation listing all the possibilities that aren't included in your actual stages? I want to support the engine by making some exclusive stages for it.
Re: Stage Documentation Request
#2  April 18, 2009, 03:41:11 pm
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Yes i can write a small documentation of the current stage design in ShugenDo.
Currently the stage concept is not 100% done but i will also explain some future aspects on it.

I will post a initial documentation tomorrow.

Btw what kind of stage do you want to make ?
Currently i can offer 32Bit image support via png files.
But i also want to introduce stage sound objects.

And thanks for your support in this  ;)
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: Stage Documentation Request
#3  April 19, 2009, 12:51:01 am
  • ****
  • MUGEN is so fun I hate it.
Yes i can write a small documentation of the current stage design in ShugenDo.
Currently the stage concept is not 100% done but i will also explain some future aspects on it.

I will post a initial documentation tomorrow.
That'd be nice.

Btw what kind of stage do you want to make ?
Currently i can offer 32Bit image support via png files.
But i also want to introduce stage sound objects.
Well, something unique and exclusive for Shugendo engine. Maybe some original training room (better than the one made by elecbyte), but I want to know how far I can go there. Let's go wild with it.

PNG support sounds hot. Can't wait to see that quality in your engine.

And thanks for your support in this  ;)
I would support you even more but I wan't clear requests. I use my creativity only when making graphics, not when I think about what next I want to design.

Catch me on MSN sometime if you want some more graphical help.
Re: Stage Documentation Request
#4  April 19, 2009, 12:59:59 am
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png support sounds great,i will definately make alot of stages in the future


Re: Stage Documentation Request
#5  April 19, 2009, 04:01:11 pm
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I'm really not sure if there's someone who suggest this, but, I think it will be great to if the engine had the possibility to put shades in the elements of stages. To get this effect I had to edit the shades from a stage I'm working on in Mugen, but the result is too limited. :S

Sorry my bad english.

See ya!
Re: Stage Documentation Request
#6  April 19, 2009, 07:09:19 pm
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this seems promising
Re: Stage Documentation Request
#7  April 20, 2009, 02:07:46 pm
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The documentation will delay abit. Currently working on some things related to stages.
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: Stage Documentation Request
#8  July 06, 2010, 12:18:46 am
hmmm...nice "GOD of War" Mugen likey.
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