
KOFE Character Development Tutorial (Read 52607 times)

Started by swipergod, 9 years ago
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KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#1  9 years ago
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So who's number 70? Who am I doing this tutorial for? SVC Gouki. That's right. The Capcom fighter joins KOFE's roster. With representatives from World Heroes and Samurai Shodown, I thought the vs Capcom series deserved a nod as well since it was a huge part of both companies early 2000s success (still waiting for a sequel). Ok, so moving on:

Developping a KOFE character PART 1: Conceptualization

I've been trying very hard to achieve balance in this game. It's no easy feat. I also wanted to keep the characters fresh by trying to minimize recycling when possible. This is the part that you can choose to toss away if you want and do whatever, but I'm just explaining what normally goes into a KOFE character:

Special ability: Some characters do less damage, or are slower, or have a style that needs more diversity, so they will sometimes get a special ability like an air throw, a wall jump, normal attacks with autoguard, etc... What will you give your character?

Command attack: Some characters will have command attacks to help diversify they offense. An overhead, a slide, a dive kick, etc...

2 unique throws: Keeping in KOF tradition, characters have a kick throw and a punch throw that is more than just a turning version of their throw (exceptions being Iori, Elisabeth and Eiji). One throw will land the opponent in front of them, the other behind them.

Minimum of 5 special moves: There isn't a single KOFE character that doesn't have 5 specials. Some characters have 6. It allows for multiple ways to approach the battle. KOFE's gameplay has a heavy focus on specials and is less about the poking game.

2 DM (level 1), 1 SDM (level 2), 1 HSDM (level 3): To keep things balanced, every character has 2 level 1s, 1 level 2 and 1 level three super. There's no restrictions on supers in terms of heath.

3 Victory poses: Every KOFE character has at least 3 victory poses. Some even have 4. That's just to keep things fresh (the same winpose is boring).

There's a lot of other things to cover, which I'll do in part 2. This is the normal conceptualization I'll do first. Let's use Gouki as an example:

Special abilities: Gouki is going to be an exceptionally strong mid boss. I don't see a reason to give him any perks here.

Unique moves: Gouki will keep to his original gameplay here by having his overhead chop and dive kick. The dive kick will be doable at any point in the air to keep with KOFE standards.

2 Throws: He's got a shoulder toss and leg flip throw. All good here. In the spirit of Ken, I'll probably give him the rolling version.

5 special moves:

Air Fireball
Standing Fireball
Dragon Punch
Hurricane Kick (doable in the air)
(possibly an air to ground grab - unsure about balance - he has 2 command moves already)

2 DMs,

Super Fireball (doable in the Air)
Diving Chop (will have slight delay and seek the opponent's position)


Killing Strike


Raging Demon

3 Victory Poses: Vibration, Ten Symbol, Reaching to the Heavens Earth Shaking (new)

More to come as I start him. :)

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Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#2  9 years ago
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5 special moves:

Air Fireball
Standing Fireball
Dragon Punch
Hurricane Kick (doable in the air)
(possibly an air to ground grab - unsure about balance - he has 2 command moves already)

Hold on a minute there; how come his fireball and air fireball count as two separate moves? Shouldn't it count as one move, with maybe a 'doable in the air' added in parentheses? I know this may be nitpicking, but I just don't see the reason for it. And what about that one mixup special where he rolls into the air, and can then do a few different options from that such as a sliding kick or a divekick? It's your game, so you do what you want, but I see no reason not to add it in.
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#3  9 years ago
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The function of the air fireball works differently than other "doable in the air" moves because the trajectory changes and he releases 2 fireballs on SP. The standing fireball will have the ability to burn characters up close and do more damage a la Ryu (or was it Evil Ryu). My thought Gouki doesn't need me to squeeze more moves in, especially with the flexibility of the dive kick and KOF's short and super jump abilities (not present in Capcom games).
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Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#4  9 years ago
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Please, give Gouky some moves from CVS, MVC and SF3... he need all that make him different from Ken or Ryu.
Rahhhhhhh, AI is so hard to deal with !!!!
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#5  9 years ago
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Please, give Gouky some moves from CVS, MVC and SF3... he need all that make him different from Ken or Ryu.

I don't think that should be an issue here. Unless you add in Lost Avenger's Ryu add-on, (which I'm not sure is even available anymore, but don't quote me on that,) Gouki should be the only true shoto in the game, meaning there wouldn't be a need to make him different from Ken or Ryu because Ken or Ryu won't even be in the game. (Though again, you can still add Lost Avenger's Ryu in if you want to.)
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#6  9 years ago
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Regardless, Swiper always has diversity when it comes to the moves the characters have, he has changed some chars moves quite a bit so every character you play feels different.
cloning is tough to get around especially when there are 70 chars in this game.
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#7  9 years ago
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Developping a KOFE character PART 2: The SFF

So you know what character you want to make and how, you'll need an sff. You could go make one, or if someone has already made the character you want to edit, you can use theirs. I do this since it's a huge amount of time to make an sff. For Gouki, I'll be using Don Drago's sff of SVC Gouki.

So what should the sff have? The sff can have as many moves and effects as you want, but for KOFE you'll need to have specific sprites in your sff to ensure that the character is compatible will all moves in the game. These sprites aren't optional.


0,0 = the first sprite in your stance animation

11,0 = any crouching sprite

Gethits: Some of this is standard mugen fair, but I'll put them all here just in case.

5000,0/5000,10/5000,20 -> Getting punched in the face. Some characters have 5000,30 but it's not required
5001,0/5001,10/5010,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the center of the sprite
5002,0/5002,10/5002,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the head of the sprite

5010,0/5010,10/5010,20 -> Getting punched in the stomach. Some characters have 5010,30 but it's not required
5011,0/5011,10/5011,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the center of the sprite
5012,0/5012,10/5012,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the head of the sprite

5020,0/5010,10/5010,20 -> Getting hit while crouching. Some characters have 5020,30 but it's not required

5030,0/5030,10/5030,20/5030,30/5030,40/5030,50 -> Getting hit into the air and then falling back down. 5030,20 & 30 as usually where the character flattens out before falling down.
5031,0/5031,10/5031,20/5031,30/5031,40/5031,50 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the center of the sprite
5032,0/5032,10/5032,20/5032,30/5032,40/5032,50 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the head of the sprite

5040,0/5040,10/5040,20 -> First sprite is the character hitting the ground with their back, the next is the "lie dead face up", last is the bouncing off the ground face up
5041,0/5041,10/5041,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the center of the sprite
5042,0/5042,10/5042,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the head of the sprite

5050,0/5050,1/5050,2/5050,3 -> Diagonal up spinning animation

5060,0/5060,10 -> Hit straight up and going straight down (I'm ultimately hoping to remove the need for these)
5061,0/5061,10 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the center of the sprite
5062,0/5062,10 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the head of the sprite

5070,0/5070,10,5070,20 -> Forced into the ground (I'm ultimately hoping to remove the need for these)
5071,0/5071,10,5071,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the center of the sprite
5072,0/5072,10,5072,20 -> Same sprites as above, but axis is at the head of the sprite

5102,0 -> Face hits the ground
5162,0 -> Face hits the ground recoil
5172, 0 -> Bounce up in the air face down
5112,0 -> Lie dead face down

5182,0 -> Sprite for Blue Mary's bulldog (usually 5162,0 centered at the head)

5183,0/5183,1 -> Sprites for Clark's Death Valley Bomb (usually 5162,0 centered at the center and 5172,0 centered at the center)

5970,0/5970,1/5970,2 -> Blue Mary arm snap animation

5975,0/5975,1/5975,2 -> Blue Mary leg snap animation

6000,0/6000,1/6000,2/6000,3/6000,4/6000,5/6000,6/6000,7/6000,8/6000,9 -> Collapse KO

6005,0/6005,1 -> Hit in the air wire damage (think super stomach punch)
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Last Edit: 8 years ago by swipergod
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#8  9 years ago
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Looking at Don Drago's Gouki, it looks like I'll have to add some sprites to his 5030 set, add the custom sprites for Mary and Clark, add wire damage sprites, and renumber a bunch of sprites. So I'll post pics to show what I'll do in a bit.
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Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#9  9 years ago
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Well looking at the sff, I had forgotten that the run didn't really work with SVC Gouki. Using Ryo'a body made the head too big. So I used the run found in Warusaki's Ryu (I think) and added Gouki's head and beads.

SFF is just about done and we're ready to move onto coding.
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Last Edit: 9 years ago by swipergod
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#10  9 years ago
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very nice work, looks really smooth, i thought Don Drago's had a run though.
Last Edit: 9 years ago by Melcore
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#11  9 years ago
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If you look at that SFF, the run is Akuma's head on Ryo's body and it looks really weird. Not to mention Ryo is smaller than Akuma. The run Wakusaki did works much better. I'm also going to have to make an air blowback.
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Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#12  9 years ago
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 oh... :omg:  You had mentioned that before, i didn't know it applied to the Don Drago run even though you specified which one you were using
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#13  9 years ago
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lol no worries bud. So here's the Air Blowback that Akuma will use (straight from Dan Hibiki!):

An with that I have enough to begin coding. On to step 3!
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Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#14  9 years ago
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Updated the step 2 guide with sprites for referencing

Developping a KOFE character PART 3: The AIR part 1

So now that the sff is completed you'll need to ensure you have the animations that KOFE needs so you can code to your heart's content. Here are all the required animations you'll need in the game along with their standards (frames, ticks, etc...)


Stance = 0
Turn (Standing) = 5
Turn (Crouching) = 6
Stand to Crouch = 10
Crouching = 11
Crouch to Stand = 12
Forward Walk = 20
Backward Walk = 21


Ready to Jump = 40 (note this should be 3 to 4 ticks - charge down to up moves will be harder to do the shorter this is)
Neutral Jumping = 41
Forward Jumping = 42
Backward Jumping = 43
Short Jump = 950 (this is a reduced tick version of the neutral jump)
Jump Landing = 47 (note this should be 3 to 4 ticks)

Running/Back Dash

Ready to Run = 100 (always 3 ticks)
Running = 101
Run Stop/Backdash Land = 102 (always 3 ticks)
Back Dash = 105


Ready to Stand Block = 120 (always 3 ticks)
Stand Blocking = 130 (always 3 ticks)
Out of Stand Block = 140 (always 3 ticks)
Stand Block Stun = 150 (always 3 ticks)

Ready to Couch Block = 121 (always 3 ticks)
Crouch Blocking = 131 (always 3 ticks)
Out of Crouch Block = 141 (always 3 ticks)
Crouch Block Stun = 151 (always 3 ticks)

Ready to Air Block = 122 (always 3 ticks)
Air Blocking = 132 (always 3 ticks)
Out of Air Block = 142 (always 3 ticks)
Air Block Stun = 152 (always 3 ticks)

Dodge/Quick Recover

Forward Sidestep = 361 (always 33 ticks)
Backward Sidestep = 360 (always 33 ticks)
Quick Recover = 370 (always between 24-26 ticks)

Tag Mode

Jump In = 294 (2 frames at 2 and -1 ticks - first frame should be no sprite)
Jump Out = 295 (3 frames at 16, 4 and 20 ticks)
Jump In Attack = 297(2 frames at 2 and -1 ticks - first frame should be no sprite)
Jump Landing = 299 (2 frames at 6 and 10 ticks)
Null Screen = 999 (2 frames at 10 each - both frames should be no sprite)

I will do a new Post for get hits as there's a bunch of them
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Last Edit: 9 years ago by swipergod
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
New #15  9 years ago
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Developping a KOFE character PART 3: The AIR part 2

Gethits on the Ground

Light High Hit Start = 5000 (usually sprites 5000,0 & 10)
Medium High Hit Start = 5001 (usually sprites 5000,10 & 20)
Hard High Hit Start = 5002 (usually sprites 5000,20 & 30)

Light High Hit Recover = 5005 (usually sprites 5000,10 & 0)
Medium High Hit Recover = 5006 (usually sprites 5000,20,10 &0)
Hard High Hit Recover = 5007 (usually sprites 5000,20,10 & 0)

Light Low Hit Start = 5010 (usually sprites 5010,0 & 10)
Medium Low Hit Start = 5011 (usually sprites 5010,10 & 20)
Hard Low Hit Start = 5012 (usually sprites 5010,20 & 30)

Light Low Hit Recover = 5015 (usually sprites 5010,10 & 0)
Medium Low Hit Recover = 5016 (usually sprites 5010,20,10 &0)
Hard Low Hit Recover = 5017 (usually sprites 5010,20,10 & 0)

Light Low Hit Start = 5010 (usually sprites 5010,0 & 10)
Medium Low Hit Start = 5011 (usually sprites 5010,10 & 20)
Hard Low Hit Start = 5012 (usually sprites 5010,20 & 30)

Light Low Hit Recover = 5015 (usually sprites 5010,10 & 0)
Medium Low Hit Recover = 5016 (usually sprites 5010,20,10 &0)
Hard Low Hit Recover = 5017 (usually sprites 5010,20,10 & 0)

Light Low Hit Start = 5020 (usually sprites 5020,0 & 10)
Medium Low Hit Start = 5021 (usually sprites 5020,10 & 20)
Hard Low Hit Start = 5022 (usually sprites 5020,20 & 30)

Light Low Hit Recover = 5025 (usually sprites 5020,10 & 0)
Medium Low Hit Recover = 5026 (usually sprites 5020,20,10 &0)
Hard Low Hit Recover = 5027 (usually sprites 5020,20,10 & 0)

Gethits in the Air

Air Hitstun Face Up = 5030 (lasts 5 ticks)
Air Transition From Hitstun Face Up = 5035 (2 frames at 4 and 7 ticks)
Air Recover = 5040 (17 ticks + 1 frame set at -1)
Air Fall Face Up = 5050  (2 frames at 4 and -1 ticks)
Air Straight Up Hit = 5051 (3 frames at 3, 8 and -1 ticks - uses 6005 sprites)
Air Diag Up Hit = 5052 (4 frames at 3 apiece - uses 5050 sprites)
Air Fall Straight Up = 5061 (4 frames at 5,4,4 and -1 ticks)
Air Fall Diag Up = 5062 (4 frames at 5,4,4 and -1 ticks)
Tripped = 5070 (5 ticks + 1 frame set at -1)
Tripped Hit Ground = 5080 (2 frames at 4 and -1 ticks)
Hit off the Ground = 5090 (7 ticks)

Gethits to the Ground

Back Hits the Ground = 5100 (3 ticks)
Face Hits the Ground 1 = 5101 (2 frames at 3 and 2 ticks)
Face Hits the Ground 2= 5102 (2 frames at 3 and 2 ticks)
Face Up Lie Dead = 5110 (1 tick)
Face Down Lie Dead 1= 5111 (1 tick)
Face Down Lie Dead 2= 5112 (1 tick)
Face Up Get Up = 5120 (ticks should be in the mid 20s)
Face Down Get Up 1= 5121 (ticks should be in the mid 20s)
Face Down Get Up 2= 5122 (ticks should be in the mid 20s)
Face Up Bounce Up = 5160 (-1 tick)
Face Down Bounce Up 1= 5161 (2 frames at 3 and -1 ticks)
Face Down Bounce Up 2= 5162 (2 frames at 3 and -1 ticks)
Back Hits Ground from Bounce = 5170 (3 ticks)
Face Hits Ground from Bounce 1= 5171 (3 ticks)
Face Hits Ground from Bounce 2= 5172 (3 ticks)

Gethits Other

Throw Counter Get Hit = 811 (26 ticks)
Throw Counter Hit = 812 (26 ticks)
Guard Crush = 5600 (24 ticks)
Collaps KO = 5800 (10 frames at 8,4,4,4,4,10,6,6,6 and 10)
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Last Edit: 8 years ago by swipergod
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#16  9 years ago
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I really like what you've done with gouki pretty impressive ! The demon flip from svc is a must have for gouki though ...if you worry that he might have too many special moves,it could replace his fire hadouken because he alreay has a hadouken.
Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#17  9 years ago
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His red fireball is his SP version. It's not an extra move. Same with the double air fireball.  Gouki is pretty powerful as is (at mid boss level strength). We'll see if I add it, but he definitely doesn't need it.
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Re: KOFE Character Development Tutorial
#18  8 years ago
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Sorry, a bit asleep at the wheel here. I promise to release more here soon including the template.
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