
Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit) (UPDATED 27-10-19) (Read 28262 times)

Started by Meldo, June 12, 2016, 02:11:48 pm
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Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit) (UPDATED 27-10-19)
#1  June 12, 2016, 02:11:48 pm
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
    • UK
Instead of destroying another character with Sadclaps code I decided to make the most of my abilities by fixing one for a change. The character in question is Narayan Maxime by Ryanide.

Change List;
New lifebar port (Courtesy of JDM)
A few bug fixes (Including the guardflags on his LP)
Improved damage
Throw animations tweaked
End of his kick combo is now a launcher
Air kick and Mammatus Alto no longer chain into themselves
Headstomp removed (might compensate for a dive kick later on)
Spirit Cannon no longer takes power from opponent
Added guard velocities on some of his moves
Hitground helpers on Saturn Rave and Edge Master removed
Edge Master no longer gives Maxime power
Final hit on Edge Master recoded
Wall hit code on Boost Kick modified
Hitsparks on Quicksilver are actual sparknos instead of explods
CLSNs improved
Hit recover animations fixed
New lose pose (Shown in one of the screenshots above)

2017 update:
Air LP fills up juggle bar a lot more so there's a limit if you use it when doing air combos
Adjusted damage in his supers
Adjusted air velocities in his helicopter super
kill = 1 codes added in his supers

2019 update:
CSLN overhaul
Air punch no longer connects to itself
Mammatus Alto no longer hits downed opponents
Wisp projectile collides with other projectiles (with HitOverride code blatantly stolen from DrKelexo)
Blue CLSNs added to his supers (I have no idea why the author decided not to add them in the first place, seeing as his supers already have nothitbys)
Shove (guard cancel) now takes 500 power
New palettes (by JordanoDaMano)
Damage dampener adjusted

Feedback is appreciated!
Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 11:50:10 am by Meldo Wiseau
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit)
#2  June 13, 2016, 07:23:02 pm
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
    • UK
Link updated, made a few changes and fixes to Maxime. Still haven't got around to fixing his Tiger Claw move yet but enjoy nonetheless lol

EDIT: MOVE NOW FIXED, I only had to change the movetype = H to movetype = A
Download the CNS file here:
Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 08:13:52 pm by Meldo Wiseau
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit)
#3  June 25, 2016, 02:05:59 pm
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
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Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit)
#4  June 30, 2016, 09:28:07 pm
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
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Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 09:34:46 pm by Meldo Wiseau
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit)
#5  July 01, 2016, 05:43:45 am
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    • Canada
Nice to see this little guy getting a good tune-up after all this time! Glad to see you liked my small portrait too ;D
Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 05:49:16 am by ShiroTori
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit)
#6  July 01, 2016, 11:37:33 am
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
    • UK
Nice to see this little guy getting a good tune-up after all this time! Glad to see you liked my small portrait too ;D

Heh no probs dude, I wanted to use a better small port for Maxime since the old one looked MS-Paintish lol
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit)
#7  May 06, 2017, 05:08:23 pm
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
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Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit) (UPDATED 2019)
#8  October 12, 2019, 11:18:09 pm
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
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updated him again after 2 whole years. details are in the first post.
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit) (UPDATED 2019)
#9  October 24, 2019, 04:42:02 am
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Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit) (UPDATED 25-10-19)
#10  October 25, 2019, 12:58:20 pm
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
    • UK
those palettes look nice, thanks a bunch dude! uploaded a new zip file with the palettes included which is linked in the first post.
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit) (UPDATED 27-10-19)
#11  October 27, 2019, 11:51:35 am
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  • the strongest motherfucker on the planet
    • UK
updated again. made some adjustments to Maxime's damage dampener.
Re: Narayan Maxime by Ryanide (Meldo's fix/edit) (UPDATED 25-10-19)
#12  October 29, 2019, 03:34:40 am
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