Lord Kain said, 10 years agoWhen did you guys played?... everytime i get on the lobby no one is thereThese were previous matches I recorded a while back b4 the update. We are down to the last 2 vids and that playlist is finished. I'll no longer be recording footage with Toxic But we'll continue to duke it out off cam. You and Toonar12X on the other hand, have a long way to go! If your intested in finishing our playlist, PM me and notify me that you'll be on and want to go in cuz I too have been going on & no one is showing up. Your call Kain.
ELECTR0 said, 10 years agoIntense finale!Good Look E! Maybe in the future, We'll Duke it out. You should check out my FT10 I've done with Toxic. I.K.E.M.E.N. - (WatsonGrim69) vs. (Toonar12X)
Damnnn I never expected Toonar to be such a good player, dunno just didn't expect it. If It wasn't for Evil Ryu's over powered hyper I wonder if Toonar wouldn't have had the better of you for most of those matches Grim, but being this build is what it is I have to give the nod to you Watson for being the better player. Fun matches to watch :}
i gotta better laptop now so i want my rematch WATSON & ELECTR0. and f*** it. TOONAR can get it TOO! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! lol
Are you guys still logging in? I though you guys gave up cause of pretty much no one was joining in other than the 4 or 5 people as usual, im really surprised of that, this being a mugen forum and ikemen pretty much made us the online dream come true and not many people are that excited about it , shame :-( oh well let me know when you guys are joining so i can jump in
Nah I just got my laptop back from servicing yesterday. I've been planning on making some changes and updating blah blah etc. I'm about to finally get back to these characters and then I'll just add them in. This honestly is what motivated me to do characters in the first place so we could play competitively. Mugen without online is kinda just blah.. lol. Hella people on the board! I'll just have to rally again haha
Lord Kain said, 10 years agoAre you guys still logging in? I though you guys gave up cause of pretty much no one was joining in other than the 4 or 5 people as usual, im really surprised of that, this being a mugen forum and ikemen pretty much made us the online dream come true and not many people are that excited about it , shame :-( oh well let me know when you guys are joining so i can jump in I think the problem with this Kain is that there is no one in charge of setting times and dates to play. I log in and no one is there so I log back out & others probably do the same. So this won't change until someone that we all respect takes charge.
ELECTR0 said, 10 years agoDamnnn I never expected Toonar to be such a good player, dunno just didn't expect it. If It wasn't for Evil Ryu's over powered hyper I wonder if Toonar wouldn't have had the better of you for most of those matches Grim, but being this build is what it is I have to give the nod to you Watson for being the better player. Fun matches to watch :}Thank you Electro! You guys are the reason i go in as well as showcasing skill and whatnot.
ELECTR0 said, 10 years agoLord Kain said, 10 years agoAre you guys still logging in? I though you guys gave up cause of pretty much no one was joining in other than the 4 or 5 people as usual, im really surprised of that, this being a mugen forum and ikemen pretty much made us the online dream come true and not many people are that excited about it , shame :-( oh well let me know when you guys are joining so i can jump in I think the problem with this Kain is that there is no one in charge of setting times and dates to play. I log in and no one is there so I log back out & others probably do the same. So this won't change until someone that we all respect takes charge.Thats a excellent Idea! Just need to set the time and date. If anything else, someone should host on a thread on the schedule seeing as users time zones are different. It can work.
That would be cool. I've been wanting to get back to Ikemen for a while now.Here's some fights with Tips4tat, it was supposed to be up a while ago.