
Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done (Read 10067 times)

Started by jweezy34, March 07, 2025, 10:52:34 pm
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Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#1  March 07, 2025, 10:52:34 pm
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Yo, first and foremost I don't know where this would go as far as topics go so I apologize in advance. Also it's been a LONG time since I touched Mugen in general so I don't know how the rules are with compilations these days but I did try to hit up the creators of the chars being used but got no answer so I assume a simple credit shall suffice hopefully? If a cease n desist is warranted then I totally understand.

Ok, thats out the way. The point of this project is to make a compilation that feels, sounds and sorta looks like it could be a full-game. I've always wanted a sorta cohesive feel to most compilations that ive ran into but never got that, not knocking those guys who worked hard on them but I've always noticed there almost never a cohesiveness feel to the compilations if that makes sense? Like "heres a bunch of meltyblood, mvc, chibi chars,ect smacked together with a edited 2000+ slot screenpack" which again im not knocking because essentially thats what a compilation is. So I wanted to do something different, using my personal preference roster of 53 MvC styled chars + a few MVC guest characters. The gameplay is mimicking Kenshiro99's awesome K-Style via 5 button layout. Z button being the launcher and using LP,HP,LK,HK. C-Button will be the Tag Switch button and D or W will be the assist buttons. Also the gameplay is mimicking MvCX3.0 with the ground bouncing ect. I am Making the hitsparks, effects and sounds all match, cleaning up the sounds, adding new sounds, characters will call out names when tagging out(Still trying to figure out how to make them taunt after an assist on ikemen). Movelists will be implemented in game pause screen. I'm going as far as learning and editing animation timings for some chars who I feel felt "Too fast" or just off. Im ripping a majority of sounds myself because I have problems with some resources online with errors and stuff so I said fuck it lol I had 2v2 tag in mind, idk if i'll redo the sounds for 3v3 regarding the callouts yet.

Characters being used are all MvC styled. Some characters you see in some videos of mine WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE COMPILATION because I've commissioned them for myself and respectfully cannot make them public like Megaman Zero X version for example or taskmaster or amateratsu. All Credit goes to Marvelous MUGEN Corner for MvCX 3.0(Download original game on his page or twitter), Kenshiro99, Beximus, JJKoolaid, FGC_D3v0, RaCE AKIRa, REDHOT, and BIG SHOUT OUT and credits to OroCrimson for creating the most aesthetically appealing screenpack for MvC imo. If I forget anyone else I do apologize. So yeah thats the gist of this, it's literally just me working on it so this os gonna take a bit but I've gotten back into mugen/ikemen and I wanted to do more than just be a sound guy lol

Also forgot to mention the tag system Im using is by OrochiKyo to which I modified to my liking.

Any ideas or tips will be greatly appreciated too. Help a brotha out mayne.

Idea of what im doing
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That ingame movelist in the end here
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Just some progress vids
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I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Last Edit: March 08, 2025, 01:01:31 am by jweezy34
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#2  March 08, 2025, 02:36:52 am
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Thank you Mods for moving to right spot lol
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#3  March 09, 2025, 01:41:23 am
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So I didn't know this was a thing you can do in Ikemen. Having an announcer call out names when you select them so I'm definitely gonna be implementing that in this as well lol I will likely edit the announcer voices so they kinda sound similar too.
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#4  March 09, 2025, 06:40:49 pm
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So I'm taking it even further with the sounds, now with the help of AI someone like Goku can specifically call for someone like Captain america or spiderman via their actual name. Also Im working on the announcer sounds for the select screen as well.

I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#5  March 09, 2025, 10:27:03 pm
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You're adding Goku into your MvC Inifinite Legacy X Compilation?!
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#6  March 09, 2025, 10:43:51 pm
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Lol yeah Kenshiro's goku will always be in my roster. I want guest characters that make sense though.
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#7  March 12, 2025, 03:38:44 am
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The announcer has been chosen and solidified. Dragonball FIghterZ Announcer showcase for the character select screen completed(Except sakura lol). This took longer than I thought but again I want it to feel like somewhat of a real game. Custom sounds by me, added the echo effect, adjusted the sounds to remove noise and muffled sounds, balanced volumes as much as possible, I think that part is done finally. Now back to the characters, to reiterate some characters that you see in this video will not be included because they are private but you can get them from Kenshiro99.
Those characters not included are:
Frank West
Megaman Zero(X version)
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#8  March 15, 2025, 04:45:58 am
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Update: Beerus and Beast being tackled now along with stage bgms that I mixed myself to make it sound like background noises are present too. Beerus I had to edit slightly with ticks and made sure his gameplay matches everyone else. His english dub isnt 100% yet but I like it so far.

Now Beast was a doozy and not even finished because I actually gave him a thorough re-dubbing to his voice to make him sound like he could be in a mvc game. Working on his volume balancing making his tag callouts as we speak(Why do I do this to myself?  :mcry: )

Im going through alphabetical order too and Im only.....on B lol

I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Ikemen Go MvC Infinite Legacy X Compilation Project 20% done
#9  March 18, 2025, 12:17:33 pm
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Forgot to post this. Leon and Chris showcasing with New custom voices for leon to make it sound more official.

That being said I wanna reiterate this is not a fullgame nor did I create these characters they are simply edited ever so slightly or highly depending. All of these characters are made by FGC_D3v0 with his MvCX 3.0 to kenshiro99/Beximus/Gladiiscloud, the point of this compilation is to not make it feel like some compilation of random chars slapped together but to feel like a full game somewhat. I wanted that same aesthetic feel for all the characters and the screenpack, which credit to OroCrimson for making Infinite Legacy X.  I'm still learning things about ikemen/mugen coding and I wanted to learn how to adjust the screenpack for 4:3 aspect but idk how yet so the release might be the way you see in the videos unfortunately.
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!