
"Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties) (Read 317306 times)

Started by no1wammy, October 28, 2021, 02:12:11 am
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"Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#1  October 28, 2021, 02:12:11 am
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So, apparently, somebody from inside Warner Bros. leaked out a section of the Character Select screen to Twitter, confirming the game's existence and working in progress. The picture has since been claimed by copyright and barred from public view.

Hungry Box said:
Y’all thought I was lying, huh?

Warner Bros Multiversus

Character select screen. There seem to be levels and fighter type icons

- Stephen Universe
- Adventure Time
- Batman / Harley Quinn
- Superman / WW (Wonder Woman)
- Gandalf
- Rick & Morty
- Tom & Jerry
- Bugs Bunny
- New Char (top left)

image redacted by Twitter

Corroborated Links:

CBR: Leaked Art Appears To Confirm Warner Bros Multiversus' Fighting Game's Stacked Roster
IGN: Rick Could Fight Batman In Leaked WB Multiverse Fighting Game
Event Hubs: Rumor: Warner Bros. Reportedly Developing Their Own Super Smash Bros.-like Fighting Game Potentially Titled Multiversus
Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 07:11:37 pm by Speedpreacher
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#2  October 28, 2021, 02:20:36 am
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I'll leave a mirror of the image in case people are skeptical about that:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
And here's the original Reddit leak that brought attention:
Yes. It is based off Smash Bros (and now Nickelodeon All Stars, but this was in the works before Nickelodeon was even announced).

It’s a Tag Team game. Not sure if that means you pick two characters and switch between them. Or if each “character” is actually a pair, or if each character is an individual and you only switch when you lose a stock. All I know is there’s synergy between certain characters which implies custom teams.

Characters I Can Confirm Are In The Game:

Shaggy (Scooby Doo)

Gandalf (Lord of the Rings)

Tom & Jerry


Fred Flinstone

Mad Max

Harry Potter & Ron are apparently in but the rights are weird so they stopped development on them? Not going to lie this may have been said in jest.

Johnny Bravo

I know some more but I’m holding off on sharing until after the game’s revealed.

I was told that the origin of this game was actually due to the memes based around Shaggy getting into Mortal Kombat in his “Ultra Instinct” form. Obviously NR wasn’t going to put him in a game like Mortal Kombat, so ideas were tossed around and Warner Bros. loved the idea of combining their properties and establishing more Warner crossovers. As you obviously saw in Space Jam 2.

This isn’t the only one in active development and those at NR/Warner have known this for awhile now. It’s an open secret in the industry that fter the success of Smash Ultimate, combined with Nintendo’s complete tone-deafness towards their audience and playerbase, a lot of Western Studios have begun to capitalize on the opportunity to make their own platform fighter that doesn’t treat their playerbase and competitive players like shit. The numbers competitive smash, especially Melee, pulls is not lost on the Western studios and the opportunity to take a slice of that pie is extremely apparent.

Netherrealm isn’t the last. I know of at least 2 others with major IP that are developing others, all based off Melee’s speed and depth. Netherrealm i just have the most info on because, well, I won’t say anymore so I don’t get fired. But there’s at least one other that, as a studio, is significantly bigger than us and you already know a little about it. All I’ll say on that because I don’t have much info.
Last Edit: October 28, 2021, 02:24:04 am by Nemuresu
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#3  October 28, 2021, 02:48:43 am
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Looks surprisingly believable. Its quite surprising that other companies are now suddenly interested in making their own Smash-style fighting games. Like, yeah, I get that Smash Ultimate was amazing, but, as a franchise, Smash has been a success for a long time.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#4  October 28, 2021, 11:20:44 am
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honestly, brawl and smash 4 werent the biggest successes- at least from the "competitive" standpoint thats being described in that above quote. the point being that melees longevity has pulled numbers and money far beyond what they did. ultimate's success, for the most part, is on strength of the IP alone- the incredible cast, the budget, etc. melee's longevity can be attributed to how much depth it had as a competitive game. the smash franchise will always be mega popular, but the fire in a bottle they captured with melee has yet to be replicated cause of sakurai's less competitive, pro-"fun" design philosophy in late games (he framed melee as "too technical")

it seems other studios and companies want to try and foster these sorts of games as alternatives more amenable to competitive playerbases, but i highly doubt they're going to really match melee's success, nor are they going to beat smash ultimate when it comes to star power TBH
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#5  October 28, 2021, 03:02:23 pm
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Also worth mentioning that the Smash formula is pretty easy to copy. Kinda like Arena fighters for anime properties.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#6  October 29, 2021, 01:46:43 am
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I look forward to the mess of a roster this game ends up with, having boundaries as loose as those.

Spoiler: In fact, I have an insider peak (click to see content)
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#7  October 29, 2021, 03:59:04 am
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My biggest concern is that, with those icons over each character port and the rumors that it's going to be a freemium title, there's a lot of early red flags for this to have a bunch of really gross monetization.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#8  October 29, 2021, 04:12:24 am
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#9  October 29, 2021, 04:54:58 am
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Animaniacs as a Pokemon Trainer style stance character, but you have to buy Yakko, Wakko, and Dot separately through paid gacha pulls.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#10  October 29, 2021, 05:00:03 am
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IF this is real (the rumors hold water but we'll see) its pretty clear that everything is still in a very preliminary/pre-alpha state, if that picture is anything to go by. Unlike with the Nickelodeon game, Warner has a huge budget they can put on a project like this so it wouldn't be a quick cash grab type of game.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#11  October 29, 2021, 05:20:48 am
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If WB is smart then the very first things they should do are giving the roster a full-fledged voice cast, give them fun interactions like in the NRS fighters, and make a decent/mediocre story mode for people to look forward to. Those three things alone are certainly gonna get a lot more people to talk about the game than NASB, which was completely relying on just being a "competitor-friendly Smash".

They should also be careful about the roster. It'd be quite the wasted opportunity if they don't put in Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero despite how obvious they are as choices for WB crossover game. And if they get to put a Season Pass (I'm betting on it cuz' they are successful with that), there should at least be some characters that don't belong to Warner in them like they did with Alien and Predator, maybe some more horror characters, maybe something from toys like He-Man or hell, they could have another crossover with the WWE a put fucking John Cena in it.

I definitely believe that WB has a lot more tools to draw attention with a Smash-like title than Nick does, and it'd be rather baffling if they don't give this title a bigger budget.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#12  October 29, 2021, 06:11:08 am
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If there is voice acting, I wonder then how Steven Universe would turn out?  Zach Callison as I recall was growing out of the voice.  And Estelle wasn't keen on doing Garnet VO unless it's actual Sugar-related content for the show or concerts.  Good thing Sugilite wouldn't likely show, would be an even bigger hassle getting Nicki Minaj to reprise the role.

I'm jumping the gun assuming Garnet would show, but I'd go out on a limb and say it would be unusual to get Steven and not have the whole main team as well.  Maybe not the B-Team of Peridot, Lapis and Bismuth but the ones from the freaking opening and in 90% of the show would make sense.  Well, and Spinel, if they're going off of meme-related content thanks to the whole Shaggy thing.  People were obsessed with Other Friends for a time after all even outside the fandom.  Though thankfully that died down.  Coincidentally though I've been seeing it pop back up recently thanks to Takafumi Hori, but that's nothing new to the series, just neat to see Studio Trigger still getting involved.

Normally I'd dismiss such a out-there unlikely candidate because someone like Spinel showing up makes about as much sense as Warner Bros. making a game mostly because people have memetically crossed Scooby-Doo with a Dragon Ball event and it taking off like wildfire.  But oh wait.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#13  October 29, 2021, 08:02:26 pm
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I look forward to the mess of a roster this game ends up with, having boundaries as loose as those.

Spoiler: In fact, I have an insider peak (click to see content)

0/10 you forgot to include famous Warner BrosTM character ScorpionTM from famous Warner BrosTM franchise Mortal KombatTM
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#14  October 29, 2021, 08:19:13 pm
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I look forward to the mess of a roster this game ends up with, having boundaries as loose as those.

Spoiler: In fact, I have an insider peak (click to see content)

My biggest question so far has been...

Who's that in the top left?
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#15  October 29, 2021, 09:26:37 pm
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Spoiler: Potential leaked design docs and mockups (click to see content)
Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 10:01:23 pm by Person Man
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#16  October 29, 2021, 10:54:17 pm
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That one random dude who threw together that one video about Shaggy fighting some biker gang set to Dragon Ball Super music that kickstarted this whole meme must feel on top of the world now.

Well hey, got one of the SU guesses right.  Neat.
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#17  October 29, 2021, 11:43:56 pm
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Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#18  October 30, 2021, 12:46:33 am
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Spoiler: Potential gameplay document (click to see content)
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#19  October 30, 2021, 12:48:41 am
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Since the original tweet I linked appears to have been deleted, here's a another link with the leaked images:
Re: Rumor: Warner Fighter "Multiversus" (Fighting game with Warner Bros. properties)
#20  October 30, 2021, 02:10:45 am
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Spoiler: Potential gameplay document (click to see content)

That's assuming they plan on catering to a competitive playerbase to begin with.