Since this is not properly a cvs style nor a capcom style I opened a new topic, Takuma stance attempt All right, I changed a bit the face and added light effect on wristbandsNow then, i did a new retouched - Waking animation done (it may needs some fixing) -
AlexSin said, April 18, 2022, 11:22:13 amAt this point you should just open your own graphics topic and post your sprites there, there's no real reason to post your sprites here or in the other themed sprite topics if you're refusing to follow the style of the themes themselves.Since you didn't read my comment I'll post it here too. This is the third time I'm posting this.From now on, you'll post your sprites here if you don't comply to the rules of the theme threads.Spoiler: info (click to see content)The Ralf running animation was posted in the CvS thread and we already had a discussion about where to post it, the way to sprite etc.; he "forgot" about that and proceeded to post another Ralf animation there, so I merged that post and the other topic with the Takuma animations.Also no, demongorne, you didn't open a new topic by yourself, I had to make it for you because you would always post the sprites in the wrong place.
About that Takuma: He looks fine to me, but I feel as if he's either too wide or too short. I'm more thinking towards the latter.
RagingRowen said, July 30, 2022, 12:50:41 pmAbout that Takuma: He looks fine to me, but I feel as if he's either too wide or too short. I'm more thinking towards the latter.hello mate, yes indeed i scaled the picture of -15 points for the height and + 6 points for weidth because the purpose was to make him in a sort of kakuge yaro style.
Well, if you want to ask me, you got yourself some CPS-2-like proportions here (you know, SFA stuff). Hell, maybe with proper palette he'll even look the part good. Looks pretty good, BTW, but I think you need some darker picels to emphacise his press (stomache muscles?) on the viewer's right.
The Takuma is alright yes, but I do think that the first 2 versions are a lot better in regards to the shading and design. My suggestions, please reference your CvS Takuma sprite sheet more closely with what you can, I feel that would help bring in cleaner results as well as bring it closer to that CvS Style if your aiming towards that, but if your also trying to do your own thing that is fine as well
At this rate i would want to try an attempt by editing my cvsTakuma sff, may be i will have more luck. Also i want to repost this Takuma stance from kof95 because i think this was the best stance conversion i ever did -
That looks really good but his feet aren't quite aligned with his legs. Most noticeably his right one (our left).
I don't know what happened.Your work was quite impressive tin the last 4-5 years.Perhaps it(s just my perception of it.
Hello Demongorne.Some days ago I found this gif in Deviantart, the author is called "cvsnb": this animation helps you as an idea.
Charles_2011 said, August 01, 2022, 05:13:14 amHello Demongorne.Some days ago I found this gif in Deviantart, the author is called "cvsnb": this animation helps you as an idea.That would be me. I personal would say that is a bad reference because i wasnt all that good with animation late mid 2010s
Jhun hoon from kof99 stance attempt - original my edit what i have done - palette colors shading dropped from 5 to 3 shades for skin and clothes and hair as well, ratio of shoes and face increased.
Indeed it supposed to be him.All right, i just attempted the stance - sprites updated, I added a lil motion of the arms -