
Ikemen Plus (Read 995710 times)

Started by ShinLucho, November 20, 2017, 12:45:35 am
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Ikemen Plus
#1  November 20, 2017, 12:45:35 am
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Ikemen Plus is a custom build with some new features. The main idea of this project is to extend the lua code and implement some mugen modes.

It looks like I've already implemented everything you aim for and more. TheFclass97 probably remembers me from discord where we discussed this project few months ago.

Here's quick rundown of things already implemented in ikemen:
1. Modes:
- Arcade
- VS Mode
- Team Co-op
- Survival
- Survival Co-op
- Training
- Watch
- Options
- Extras (some additional modes like Free Battle, Boss Rush, Bonus Games)
2. Each mode works exactly the same as in mugen with some extras
3. select.def parser (everything is taken into account including stage and music selection for particular matches and [Options] section that controlls arcade mode)
4. Select screen that works the same way as mugen + additional support for looping through not visible rows known from ikemen
5. Parser for some vanilla mugen DEF files, so that you don't have to recode them in lua:
- screenpack logo
- screenpack intro
- screenpack gameover
- screenpack credits
- character intro
- character ending
6. Win quotes support (text read directly from character files)
7. Options screen can save values and has more options unique to ikemen
8. Some things not present in mugen:
- character animations in select screen
- counter in continue screen
- a way to change characters order before each battle starts (you know, the way team modes work in KOF games)
9. Ported Winmugen Elecbyte's screenpack to ikemen format and included some sample characters and stages for easier testing
10. Probably tons of other stuff that I forgot to mention since it's been months since I touched the code.

In other words pretty much everything from vanilla mugen is available in ikemen.


Latest version: v0.3

Archived (as of July 12th 2018 by Fclass) -
Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 02:43:08 am by TheFclass97
Re: Ikemen Plus
#2  November 20, 2017, 01:49:02 am
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Re: Ikemen Plus
#3  November 20, 2017, 03:47:38 am
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Hats off to you mate.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#4  November 21, 2017, 02:34:44 pm
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Congratulations for the initiative!
Re: Ikemen Plus
#5  November 21, 2017, 04:09:56 pm
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This is almost exactly what I'm looking for. As far as adding more things, what's the limitation? Or is it too early to say?
Re: Ikemen Plus
#6  November 21, 2017, 04:22:46 pm
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How did i haven't seen this before!? That's some really great news, i'm really hyped to see more mugen features on ikemen in the future, thanks for releasing mate.

Edit: Just noticed that there's only Single mode on arcade, is there any particular reason for this?
Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 04:30:00 pm by -Ash-
Re: Ikemen Plus
#7  November 21, 2017, 08:13:39 pm
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This is almost exactly what I'm looking for. As far as adding more things, what's the limitation? Or is it too early to say?

I still need to figure out how to change values during a fight, and how to return a fight results (life, time, etc). This is necessary to implement survival and training mode. It gonna take some time, but is possible.

Also 24 bits images doesn't work very well and are unstable, and ikemen has some performance issues. Despite those things, I don't see any problem implementing more modes.

Just noticed that there's only Single mode on arcade, is there any particular reason for this?
First I'll work on single arcade, there are some arcade issues that I want to work on before team arcade. Once it get stable, I'll work on simul/turn arcade offline and simul arcade online.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#8  November 21, 2017, 08:53:36 pm
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Cool,Is there any idea to try to implement 32 Bit support fully?
Re: Ikemen Plus
#9  November 21, 2017, 08:58:15 pm
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This is amazing to see that someone took the time to implement more of MOOGEN into IKEMEN. I love to see more coming from this, especially since you're working on putting in a store and unlockable fighters in the data for fullgame use. I know it's a big if on the unlock system but it would be so cool to see, I know Fclass is definitely going to be interested in the progress of this.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#10  November 27, 2017, 09:34:51 pm
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I have one question how to change size of modes in main menu?
Re: Ikemen Plus
#11  November 27, 2017, 10:29:11 pm
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Ikemen Plus with Arcade mode?! Oh man this looks sweet!
I wonder, will this version incorporate mugen 1.1 stuff in the future, as well as better 1.1 compatibility for stages? I ask because I have a stage made that works perfectly in mugen but the torch/animated parallax floor does not show in Ikemen.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#12  November 27, 2017, 10:35:09 pm
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Wow... this has a LOT of potential. If you can finish this.... That would be amazing. With these changes, plus perhaps a few system changes to better match Mugen. Mugen would be obsolete.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#13  November 27, 2017, 10:51:20 pm
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  • Raging Fist
And it can be a perfect online engine as well!
Hey Shiyo I hope you're looking into this if you're on!
Re: Ikemen Plus
#14  November 28, 2017, 12:39:03 pm
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    • Brazil
Ikemen Plus with Arcade mode?! Oh man this looks sweet!
I wonder, will this version incorporate mugen 1.1 stuff in the future, as well as better 1.1 compatibility for stages? I ask because I have a stage made that works perfectly in mugen but the torch/animated parallax floor does not show in Ikemen.

I have the same question: ikemen + mugen1.1
.... will it be possible in the future?
Re: Ikemen Plus
#15  November 30, 2017, 02:19:54 am
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Sorry for the late answer, yesterday I was writing an answer but the forum session died and I lost the writed text. So I'll make it shorter this time.

Cool,Is there any idea to try to implement 32 Bit support fully?

Ikemen Plus with Arcade mode?! Oh man this looks sweet!
I wonder, will this version incorporate mugen 1.1 stuff in the future, as well as better 1.1 compatibility for stages? I ask because I have a stage made that works perfectly in mugen but the torch/animated parallax floor does not show in Ikemen.

I have the same question: ikemen + mugen1.1
.... will it be possible in the future?

I don't know how to implement mugen 1.1 compatibility at the moment, but it's possible.

Ikemen is divided into lua and ssz. Lua is used as a scripting language, you can code whatever you want that happens before and after the battle, and there is a lot of documentation to look at, meanwhile ssz is used as a backend that handles all the fighting logic and chars/stages/etc compatibility. The problem is that ssz language was created by suehiro and there aren't information on internet, and the weird syntaxs and japanese errors make it worse.

So right now I'm mainly working with Lua code and modifying some calls to ssz. I can understand some of the ssz code and modify some small things, but I have no idea how memory/threads/sprites are managed. Maybe I could understand a little more about this in a future when I have more experience with it, so I don't want to rush directly to this particular problem.

Sorry for my english, I hope you could understand what I wrote.

I have one question how to change size of modes in main menu?

Like font size? You can use textImgSetScale function. It takes 3 arguments: text to modify, x scale, y scale.
For example:

Code: (lua)
local menuText = createTextImg(font, 0, 1, 'Some Mode', 0, 0)
textImgSetScale(menuText, 2, 2)

In that case font gonna duplicate its size.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#16  December 04, 2017, 02:21:28 pm
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is it possible to configure something like "choose your destiny" as in Mortal Kombat games?

Re: Ikemen Plus
#17  December 05, 2017, 12:40:22 am
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  • Raging Fist
well at least this is a plus to know.
On the off hand, do you happen to know how to modify mugen's select screen code so it can have that "IKEMEN Revolving character select"?
Re: Ikemen Plus
#18  December 05, 2017, 02:45:56 pm
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well at least this is a plus to know.
On the off hand, do you happen to know how to modify mugen's select screen code so it can have that "IKEMEN Revolving character select"?

Man you know he cant do that without the source code
Re: Ikemen Plus
#19  December 05, 2017, 07:40:04 pm
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well at least this is a plus to know.
On the off hand, do you happen to know how to modify mugen's select screen code so it can have that "IKEMEN Revolving character select"?

Man you know he cant do that without the source code

Yes, what he's working on is putting MUGEN into IKEMEN, MUGEN can't be worked on unless the creators work on it themselves or they release the source code.
Re: Ikemen Plus
#20  December 10, 2017, 01:49:42 am
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It looks like I've already implemented everything you aim for and more. TheFclass97 probably remembers me from discord where we discussed this project few months ago.

Here's quick rundown of things already implemented in ikemen:
1. Modes:
- Arcade
- VS Mode
- Team Co-op
- Survival
- Survival Co-op
- Training
- Watch
- Options
- Extras (some additional modes like Free Battle, Boss Rush, Bonus Games)
2. Each mode works exactly the same as in mugen with some extras
3. select.def parser (everything is taken into account including stage and music selection for particular matches and [Options] section that controlls arcade mode)
4. Select screen that works the same way as mugen + additional support for looping through not visible rows known from ikemen
5. Parser for some vanilla mugen DEF files, so that you don't have to recode them in lua:
- screenpack logo
- screenpack intro
- screenpack gameover
- screenpack credits
- character intro
- character ending
6. Win quotes support (text read directly from character files)
7. Options screen can save values and has more options unique to ikemen
8. Some things not present in mugen:
- character animations in select screen
- counter in continue screen
- a way to change characters order before each battle starts (you know, the way team modes work in KOF games)
9. Ported Winmugen Elecbyte's screenpack to ikemen format and included some sample characters and stages for easier testing
10. Probably tons of other stuff that I forgot to mention since it's been months since I touched the code.

In other words pretty much everything from vanilla mugen is available in ikemen.

The project is available on my github:

ShinLucho, considering this work is much further in development than yours I've sent you invitation on github, so that you can modify it as you wish without pull requests. I think combining our efforts would be better rather than developing 2 different projects with the same goal (which is a sample screenpack that can be used by others as a base for ikemen games). Feel free to improve the code and implement new things. I'm not really a programmer, so some code may look a bit messy and probably there are better ways to achieve some things. Before publishing it I wanted to write proper documentation to make screenpack editing easier but I lost motivation on it (English is not my first language so this proved to be the most boring part). Some things are also not polished enough to bother ikemen author yet (I wanted to send him these files so that the project could be officially implemented in ikemen if he likes it).

If you’re interested in working together on this we can use this topic going forward. If not than I will create new one on this board, request moderator to move posts there and rename the project on github.

edit: the message that shows up each time you add new characters is related to characters animations in select screen / continue screen. Of course it's easy to get rid of it in lua code and use normal portraits instead.
Last Edit: December 10, 2017, 04:41:12 am by K4thos