
Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny (Read 613136 times)

Started by Ryu From Streets™, September 13, 2020, 09:59:58 pm
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Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#61  September 30, 2020, 05:19:43 pm
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Oh okay that makes sense I will not speak about characters outside of Capcom again.

Don't worry dude, I was just clarifying my point, feel free to speak your mind. It's up to Ryu From Streets to decide what to put in his game and who to listen to. He may end up disagreeing with me and agreeing with you, who knows.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#62  September 30, 2020, 06:22:56 pm
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I would prefer this game to be strictly Neo Geo + Capcom.

If we start putting Jojo characters, it means Marvel and other non-Capcom licences would join.
There are plenty of compilation games with characters from various universes.

Same for the Custom characters Or ones from anime...

I think Neo Geo + Capcom is enough to have great rosters ! ^^
And until now, I really like the choice of selected characters.

You are right bro, my bad.

First of all, thank you for all the feedbacks of my videos. I really do appreciate them.

Shadic as for Jotaro and Dio, they indeed were supposed to be in BBBxSF, but they got cancelled for Big Bang Beat x World.

But I also cancelled that one for the game that I'm doing right now lmao, so I'll probably drop Jotaro and Dio in BBBxSF.

And as for all the requests, I literally have my eyes on them and I'm picking the one that I like the most. :)

In such case, i'd like to suggest you to add Diepod's / Jesuszilla's Bluestreak for this game, friend, NeoGeoxCapcom, it would be nuts.

I've always loved Bluestreak, but does he really belong in this game??

Well, technically he does belong to any game, yet... anyway, i do get it.

Hmmm... in such case, how about Hanzo, from World Heroes or Hayate from Savage Reign? They would be pretty neat and they deserve a comeback.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#63  September 30, 2020, 06:34:52 pm
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Savage Reign? King Leo would be nice to see in the game.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#64  September 30, 2020, 07:42:35 pm
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Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 07:55:40 pm by AVPboy
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#65  October 01, 2020, 01:07:05 am
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You guys do realize that Capcom made a JOJO fighting game right. When you boot up the game the Capcom logo appears so in a sense JOJO is technically part of the Capcom verse unless you don't consider them as one from back then.

Well, that’s like saying that Wolverine is a Capcom universe character because Capcom made X-Men: Children Of The Atom. What we meant by “Capcom characters” is “characters created by and copyrighted by Capcom”.

Haha, Akuma in an X-Men game I'll never forget that!
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#66  October 01, 2020, 03:31:10 am
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I vote in my Akito, protagonist of CVS Mugen.

In past you said It's will be a good idea put him in one of your games, or I'm just going crazy? :mlol:

But If is true, this is will be a good chance now.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#67  October 01, 2020, 03:52:52 pm
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Shingo and Sakura are looking really solid so far. For another character suggestion, how about Juri Han? I feel she would be a great counterpart to Kim and can fill in the spot as the SF4 representative. Also really digging that remix of Rush from Cowboy Bebop, BTW.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#68  October 01, 2020, 04:14:18 pm
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I would prefer this game to be strictly Neo Geo + Capcom.

If we start putting Jojo characters, it means Marvel and other non-Capcom licences would join.
There are plenty of compilation games with characters from various universes.

Same for the Custom characters Or ones from anime...

I think Neo Geo + Capcom is enough to have great rosters ! ^^
And until now, I really like the choice of selected characters.

You are right bro, my bad.

Absolutely no problem, bro !
I know many want to add characters from every possible universe. It can be some of the MAIN "goal" of M.U.G.E.N initially.
But after so many years of mugen... from 1999-2000, I feel more like seeing projects with less character, but more worked on.

I'm definitely not the one to decide here. ^^

But I sincerely think that X-men characters, Marvel, Jojo, anime, or any "Original Character" would be out of place in a game named "Neo Geo X Capcom"

Otherwise, this game would look like a mish mash of all mugen universe... and not really a game STRICTLY about Neo Geo and Capcom...
There is already SO MANY good characters in these 2 universes, the choice will be hard for Ryu, so, no need to add other universe, or custom.

Again. I'm not the one to decide, this is just my point of view about such a concistent project.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#69  October 06, 2020, 11:56:00 pm
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Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#70  October 08, 2020, 05:07:41 pm
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Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 02:14:42 am by AVPboy
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#71  October 15, 2020, 04:34:02 am
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Woah, this looks pretty dope, love the fast-phase style, and I love the inclusions of Charles stages, it mesh perfectly.
Can't wait to see more of this, and the roster looks pretty darn epic already.

Outside of the most obvious thought through characters as suggestions I would say T. Hawk (I'd check the Jtun - Infinite edit) or Gen for Capcom and Zantetsu from Last Blade 2 or Alice Garnet for SNK that would fit very well. Either way, oh snap, what a beautiful roster already.
Previously known as;
Mugen-Ninja 2011-2014.
The Street Fighter 2014-2021.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#72  October 16, 2020, 06:12:35 pm
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Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#73  November 16, 2020, 07:48:44 am
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Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#74  November 16, 2020, 08:56:13 am
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Super hype... but I hate to be that guy but you forgot Ryo in the ending list of all the characters. XD

But welcome back man, this is continuing to look epic!!
what do i put here ew
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#75  November 16, 2020, 08:59:41 am
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Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#76  November 16, 2020, 11:48:01 am
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Good job again with this set of new guys !
Waiting to see more in the Capcom side and hopefully my favourite fast grapplers R.Mika and Shermie(regular) :)

I love where it goes!
Did you recived the link for Gai Tendo CVS sprites Dampir made before? I think tey can be very useful for your project.

Bon courage !
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#77  November 16, 2020, 11:19:23 pm
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Wow, Akito's stage looks good in this project.

In future, I hope look him with a playable char too. :mlol:

Thanks for it!
Last Edit: November 16, 2020, 11:25:58 pm by Akito
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#78  November 17, 2020, 12:08:20 am
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
So Akito/Ortsac will be one of the Neo Geo + Capcom character... Strange, but if it's Ryu's choice...

The project is getting better and better every day.
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#79  November 17, 2020, 05:49:05 am
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So Akito/Ortsac will be one of the Neo Geo + Capcom character... Strange, but if it's Ryu's choice...

The project is getting better and better every day.

Akito is the protagonist of CVS MUGEN, so the idea is for him to enter as a secret character.

In other words, he would be like a collaboration character.
Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 05:57:23 am by Akito
Re: Neo Geo x Capcom (NGxC) - Battle For Destiny
#80  November 17, 2020, 08:38:32 am
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I don't think Akito would fit in this universe, though. :(