
How to i resize the slots for Cosmic Drift so i can fit my 800+ character roster (Read 9602 times)

Started by snowy997, February 25, 2025, 01:44:39 pm
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How to i resize the slots for Cosmic Drift so i can fit my 800+ character roster
#1  February 25, 2025, 01:44:39 pm
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I'm using P.O.T.S.'s Cosmic Drift screenpack i have more than 700 or 800 characters on it. I would like to know how to resize the slots so i can fit all those characters within the same screen. I am a noob with these stuff
Re: How to i resize the slots for Cosmic Drift so i can fit my 800+ character roster
#2  February 25, 2025, 02:23:42 pm
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    • USA
Open whichever system.def file you plan to use and search for "[Select Info]" with ctrl + f. Once you get there, change the rows and columns values until you can fit the number of slots you want. Once you have that figured out, you can start adjusting the cell.size, cell.spacing, etc. values so the individual slots actually fit onto the screen. In the spoiler below is an example of the changes I made to the Mugen1 Remix Screenpack I use for my roster, which is structured the same way as the Cosmic Drift Screenpack, so you can use it to get an idea of what I mean if the above doesn't make sense. I also included some more detailed instructions that (ideally) will help you understand what you're changing and why.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: How to i resize the slots for Cosmic Drift so i can fit my 800+ character roster
#3  February 25, 2025, 04:16:08 pm
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Ok so i made the slots smaller,but they are all lumped together. What should i do so the slots are more far frok each other? I tried spacing but that didn't work well for me