
Feedback on ShugenDo's capabilities (Read 14000 times)

Started by The Railgunner, February 08, 2009, 01:48:55 pm
Feedback on ShugenDo's capabilities
#1  February 08, 2009, 01:48:55 pm
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I tested this on my ST Akuma, Ken, and Sagat, here's what I got:

Akuma and Sagat didn't load, though Akuma loads fine if controlled by the computer in Arcade mode.

Ken loads fine, but can air guard because of ShugenDo's lack of the "noairguard" AssertSpecial.

ShugenDo's memory requirements are rather steep - it runs very slow during a match (my computer has 128 MB of RAM and a 648 Mhz processor).

Also, it lacks a juggling system, allowing a player to combo any attack into any other attack.

However, I like some of the concepts here (palette selection at the select screen, standing anim below the portrait). Hopefully, Beta 3 will fix several of Beta 2.5's issues.
Re: Feedback on ShugenDo's capabilities
#2  February 10, 2009, 08:21:29 pm
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I tested this on my ST Akuma, Ken, and Sagat, here's what I got:

Akuma and Sagat didn't load, though Akuma loads fine if controlled by the computer in Arcade mode.

Ken loads fine, but can air guard because of ShugenDo's lack of the "noairguard" AssertSpecial.

ShugenDo's memory requirements are rather steep - it runs very slow during a match (my computer has 128 MB of RAM and a 648 Mhz processor).

Also, it lacks a juggling system, allowing a player to combo any attack into any other attack.

However, I like some of the concepts here (palette selection at the select screen, standing anim below the portrait). Hopefully, Beta 3 will fix several of Beta 2.5's issues.

You should test your chars again with the new beta wich will be available on 20th feb.

But i am not sure about if shugendo will work on your pc. You need a least a dx9 gfx card.
Here you can find ShugenDo
Re: Feedback on ShugenDo's capabilities
#3  May 27, 2009, 04:20:12 am
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Broken, this might be a bit off topic here, but if possible you could try upgrading your pc, something pretty decent you could probably get with a couple hundred if you live in the US... I remember having small problems on a 256 MB ram/2.0 GHz processor PC in the past, where memory would pile up and cause slowdowns and crashing in regular winmugen, so I shudder to think of what you're accustomed to :o
But anyway hope you can upgrade ;D and take cares now ^^
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