
Street Fighter 6 Graphic Rips? (Read 842 times)

Started by Jacintab24, March 04, 2025, 04:58:56 pm
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Street Fighter 6 Graphic Rips?
New #1  March 04, 2025, 04:58:56 pm
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For a long time, I've been trying to extract the graphics from Street Fighter 6 since it's release, but I'm having some trouble (as the Steam PC version uses encrypted Denuvo DRM). Previously, I first used RETool to extract the entire .pkg, and found hundreds of .tex and .dds files inside that may have textures for models, or in-game graphics in some of them (which I'm actually trying to find and extract) along with .dds files. Other types of files that I extracted from the pkg aside from them included .mov, .user, .motbank, .mdf, .jcns, .pfb, .scn, .msg (for in-game messages/text scripts), .chain, .mcmlist, .motfsm2, .mot, .mcol, .efx (for visual effects), .mesh (for in-game models), .mp4 (for pre-rendered movies), .bnk (for BGM, sounds and voice banks), .mdf2, and others.

I've already seen a user here extract this game's in-battle UI graphics, but as the game's .tex and .dds files couldn't be read by my laptop in some way, it's quite hard to extract the other graphics/textures with the proper tools (like the gallery and Arcade Mode character story/comic art) and convert the files to .pngs...

These are some screenshots that I've took while playing the game as reference to see what I'm dealing with:

Does anyone here know of, or have any tools to help with this?
Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 11:36:15 am by Jacintab24