
Alternate Versions??? (Read 13327 times)

Started by swipergod, November 01, 2015, 10:44:39 pm
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Alternate Versions???
#1  November 01, 2015, 10:44:39 pm
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So at this point this is nothing more than a tease as I won't even think about coding this until after 1.0 is released. That said, the recent change I made for Geese and Iori got me thinking about sticking a few "Alt Versions" in after all. This really goes against my preference, but I love some of the designs (like Omega Rugal). I would only change a few specials. Basic attacks would remain the same. What do you think? Here's the version I'm considering:

Classic Kyo:

Replace Wicked Chew with Fireball
Replace Overhead Kick with Triple Kick
Replace Leaping Strike with Run Grab

New Iori:

Replace Fireball with Fire Claws
Replace Run Grab with running slash
Add Leap Slash
Remove Triple attack

New Athena (classic Athena would use 'XI look):

Replace Reflect with Launching toss
Add Yuri style charge up fireball
Replace teleport with rush attack
Replace DM super fireball with Dash DM (different versions of Athena attack)

Orochi Leona

Replace X-Calibur grab with Air projectile version
Replace running slasher with  "biting" run grab
Replace grenade earring with crescent moon slash
Replace Rebel Spark with Leona's Storm Bringer

Omega Rugal:

Add Kaiser Wave
Replace grab with triple kick rush
Replace run grab with teleport dash

Classic Geese:

Change reppukens to '96 style
Change shippukens (N Geese would have full projectiles)
Change jai-en-ken (no grab on the fierce version)
Replace Dragon Punch swipe with Throw


Change fireballs (Karate to get "invisible fireball")
Replace counter punch with counter (chop from HSDM)
Remove haohshokoken as reg attack
Replace DM super punch with haoshokoken
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Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 12:48:39 am by swipergod
Re: Alternate Versions???
#2  November 02, 2015, 05:21:51 am
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I actually like the ideas you got going in here.

Re: Alternate Versions???
#3  November 04, 2015, 12:43:58 am
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Cool. Well it there's enough diversity there I think to make the characters feel a little different. I've decided to replace the standard roster of KOFE's Mr. Karate with Takuma (not the version above though), since he's a better fit for his team (Dad team). So this'll be the only way to get Karate now I guess unless you have an old version of KOFE.
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Re: Alternate Versions???
#4  November 22, 2015, 09:35:29 pm
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Sounds good. What I'd like to see though (even though you'll probably never do it,) is to have alt. versions of the Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting Teams with their classic movesets. AKA, Andy, Joe, Ryo, Robert, and Yuri all get their classic fireballs and whatever else they had back in the day. And Terry would get his 96' stationary projectile instead, since he already has his classic projectile. But then again, that's six different alts on top of whatever other alts you wanted to put in, so I understand if you'd prefer not to add them in.
Re: Alternate Versions???
#5  November 25, 2015, 03:40:51 am
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Glad the idea is catching on. For now I'm going to do just alternate skins for Classic Geese and Omega Rugal. Coding new moves should be easy enough, but I'll put this on the back burner for now until I'm closer to finishing the remaining roster. Just wanted to get people's thoughts on it. :)
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Re: Alternate Versions???
#6  May 30, 2016, 12:49:35 am
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Fooled around with a potential Orochi Leona moveset...
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Re: Alternate Versions???
#7  May 30, 2016, 01:36:32 am
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If you are moving with this, divide the new face team into their versions is a must.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
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Re: Alternate Versions???
#8  May 30, 2016, 04:21:24 am
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Will Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, & Chris get alternate versions when The King of Fighters E hits 1.0?
Re: Alternate Versions???
#9  May 30, 2016, 12:54:18 pm
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I'm exploring alternate versions, but I'm committing to nothing at the moment. Since Ryu is in the game, I'll brainstorm an alternate version for him as well. Think of this as me taking notes for later. I'm currently strongly considering Evil Ryu, Orochi Leona, Omega Rugal and Nightmare Geese out of the proposed alt characters.

Regarding the new face team, I will probably not split them. I feel it would limit their KOFE movesets and the character's uniqueness. I'm not trying to change the KOFE version when creating an alternate character. I also won't be doing an Orochi Iori since his KOFE fighting style incorporates his Orochi side.
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Re: Alternate Versions???
#10  May 30, 2016, 05:21:46 pm
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On the topic of Orochi New Faces Team... honestly, it's completely doable, without requiring much of a change in the current versions. I mean, Shermie as she is of now seems to use nearly only her Orochi version's moves, Chris only has one DM and a SDM that are related to his Orochi version, and Yashiro... mostly plays like his normal self. Any changes necessary would hardly affect their current gameplay style, and including both their normal and Orochi versions sounds more like a benefit, rather than a downgrade to their current KOFE versions. There are many moves from the original KOF games that you can still use for either versions.

And besides, the Orochi versions of them are like completely different characters, in terms of personality and canon. Not simply as some sort of "wild" version like Orochi Iori and Orochi Leona, but more as a reliving of their long past lives as the Heavenly Kings, making both of their versions completely different in another aspect. Seeing both versions mixed to me feels really wrong.

Re: Alternate Versions???
#11  May 31, 2016, 12:13:32 am
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In terms of KOFE, the versions are definitely their Orochi counterparts (post '97 storywise). Hence the stages and music. I think I borrowed moves from the original versions that compliment this (like Chris' teleport, Yashiro's superpunch). That's my opinion anyway. I'm just not really convinced to develop full movesets for the normal versions storywise or gameplay wise (same with Orochi Iori). Others are welcome to try to make KOFE version of the normal characters.

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Re: Alternate Versions???
#12  May 31, 2016, 12:23:34 am
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The difference between the New Face team and Iori is that they are not just powered up versions of said characters, they play completely different.
BTW, In this close environment you could have Akuma as Ryu alternate, they borrow a lot of stuff anf their SvC sets are pretty much the same.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: Alternate Versions???
#13  May 31, 2016, 02:15:34 am
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If I did Riot Iori, he would play differently from his normal version as well. :) I don't want to make an alternate that doesn't have different/adjusted moves. I suppose I could consider Akuma as an Evil Ryu Alternate. Anyway, just brainstorming right now. We still have the real roster to finish first.
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Re: Alternate Versions???
#14  May 31, 2016, 03:22:41 am
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What Aeros meant is that in concept, Riot Iori was always simply meant to be a powered up version of Iori. Obviously, you could take liberties with his moveset if you were to try it, but it wouldn't change the fact that when SNK made him, they simply thought "Iori but faster and screaming lol". The Orochi New Face Team, on the other hand, have entirely different movesets and personalities. Comparing Riot Iori to them is apples and oranges.

Re: Alternate Versions???
#15  May 31, 2016, 03:56:11 pm
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Yes I understand, but this is a conversation about play styles. I could have Shermie blow kisses instead of electric sparks. It would provide different personality, but the same move functionally. The idea is adjusting character to feel different. And honestly Iori's personality is different when he riots and the heavenly kings technically power up which is why they're mid bosses. That's the angle I was taking.

Someone had mentioned a fully Hero May Lee. This is interesting.
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Re: Alternate Versions???
#16  July 02, 2016, 08:15:36 pm
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KOFE will look at Nightmare Geese, Omega Rugal, Orochi Leona and Evil Ryu as booster characters for the roster. I decided I wanted to focus on just a handful (enough to make a team) that I could really make them unique. Kusanagi is also an alternate, but because he's technically a different character than Kyo he got a slot on the roster.

What will be different?

- A unique intro
- 2 unique win poses
- A unique stance
- A new taunt
- New moves and DMs
- They'll have their own stage and music

Nightmare Geese - Will have full screen projectiles, a throw, he'll have a long range Projectile DM and a new HSDM
Evil Ryu - Will essentially be the Gouki I had released before. He'll also gain a counter "chop"
Orochi Leona - Gains a throw, a dive, her moon projectile, the leaping DM from '99 and a new SDM slasher and HSDM X Slasher
Omega Rugal - Gains Kaiser Wave as a special, teleport rush, kick combo, new Forcefield DM and Kaiser Phoenix HSDM.

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