
Did we ever determine a Weapon Flip Technique standard?  (Read 18905 times)

Started by Bannana, November 21, 2020, 01:17:41 am
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Did we ever determine a Weapon Flip Technique standard?
#1  November 21, 2020, 01:17:41 am
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  • Non est hoc propter hoc sed propter est hoc
    • USA
Like the title reads, I searched through the forum and found nothing discussing it, nor do I recall in my 12 years discussing it at all except maybe on some defunct forum with Arpa.

Seeing how most "accurate" SS creators were Japanese, I'm not sure if this ever came up, but it doesn't seem like an offensive WFT standard has been set whatsoever. There are plenty of Japanese creators who had weapon loss (montana springs to mind) as a reaction to being hit by a super, but I'm not sure if the Japanese community ever decided an animation/state standard or they were simply coded into the characters themselves.