
KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting (Read 36858 times)

Started by swipergod, 12 years ago
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KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#1  12 years ago
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Use this as a dumping ground for gameplay issues, bugs, feedback, etc... for the latest release of KOFE 0.95

- Credits need to be revamped to add new characters.
- Select screen needs to be reorganized.
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Last Edit: 12 years ago by swipergod
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#2  12 years ago
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When u do Chizuru's Duplicate DM and do Orochi's counter , she keeps on doing the DM over and over and everytime he hits her image she becomes an actual characters on the stage ....
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#3  12 years ago
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This is a reoccurring glitch that I've tried to eliminate with simple methods.  It appears that I'm not very successful.  I'll have to hard code names and statenos into characters that produce this glitch to avoid it in the future.  Thanks for the catch.
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Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#4  12 years ago
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Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#5  12 years ago
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 Found a few things with Mr. Karate:
 - Can't do a strong kick while walking forward.
 - Strong Hien Shippukyaku juggles into itself about 3 times.

 I'll definitely see if I can find more with other characters, though. This project has come a long way and I just can't help but feel great about that.
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#6  12 years ago
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Mighty Kombat found a taunt without clsn boxes that I'll need to fix.

Well I noticed Ryo's taunt is no longer invincible in 0.95 since that video was done in the previous version before 0.95 was out.

No hard feelings were meant. I just thought it was weird.

Nice work anyhow, Swipe.
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#7  12 years ago
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Thanks for the updates.  Yeah, I just tested Ryo.  I think that was reported before.  My non-Mugen life has been a bit of a whirlwind, so I seem to be forgetting things every now and then.

Mr. Karate will need a juggle nullifier I guess.  The forward + hk issue is probably due to his unique move being removed.  Missed that one.  thanks.
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Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#8  12 years ago
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I don't know if its worth pointing out how Zero's strongest attack seems to be an instant kill. That said he is a boss, true.
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#9  12 years ago
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it was supposed to be. Neo-Dio had one before as well

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#10  12 years ago
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Zero and Orochi are buffed.  Their supers and specials do more damage than normal and both have instant kill HSDMs.  End bosses need to be cheaper than the rest, but still beatable. All that to say, intentional. lol
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Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#11  12 years ago
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ahh. Figures.
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#12  12 years ago
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 Good to see that, I know those Mr. Karate things may not be too hard to fix and this is all likely to be saved for the 1.0 version, but it's still nice to see the improvement. Speaking of which, I found a few more things:

 - Goro can't do a light kick while moving forward (surely the same case as Mr. Karate's)
 - Krauser's SDM misses some of its final hits (the rapid punches) in the corner, allowing the enemy to block the geyser and punish him even when the rest of the move works.

 And this is more general stuff, but I think you can smoothen half-circles by adding $ to one of the downward directions, if not just replace all of them with $D.  I honestly found [F, $D, B] much easier to input than the raw [F, D, B] motions for grab supers, but then I'm playing this on a keyboard and I don't know if KoFE is designed with joysticks in mind or something like that.
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#13  12 years ago
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Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#14  12 years ago
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Just wanted to point out a possible error with the movelist. Looking at the movelist, John Crawly seems to be on there... despite not appearing to be in the actual game yet. Do you plan to add him as a small expansion later, or did you just goof? :P

EDIT: ...And the same goes for Tizoc, apparently... :P
Last Edit: 12 years ago by kkhohoho
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#15  12 years ago
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Alpha, excellent vid as always.  I will look at making some of those fixes soon.  You do the Unique Chain combos way easier than I can.  I hate testing those. lol.  Keep it coming.

About the PDF, no mistake there, I translated those moves so I figured I'd throw them in.  Technically I should have everyone's moves in there now, but I'm a bit lazy.  I'm planing to release Chris in an expansion since there was a lot of demand for him.  The rest will be 1.0.
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Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#16  12 years ago
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Seems like there are still some cloning issues involving chizuru. Happened to me when she was hit by Orochi, don`t know the attack yet, but I'll probably look into it.
Orochi was cloning himself too, however this only happened against non-KOFE chars as of yet (I was looking for a KOF-style boss for my personal MUGEN and had to try him out;)).
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Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#17  12 years ago
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Just finished an arcade run with Raiden. Goenitz was total hell, you did a great job mimicing his difficulty for '96 but there's a few things off with him from what I can tell. You can't roll through his wind pillars which I'd imagine you should be able to roll though given they're projectiles, and you can't use Raiden's shoulder charge either as they seemingly bypass it's armour frames. B. Jenet's projectile snuffs out armour as well because it continues after it hits times. Yamazaki, or anyone with a relector for that matter (presumably, I've only tried with Yamazaki) can't reflect her projectile for this reason too. Also most, if not all, of the characters with projectiles have manipulatable AI. I used Raiden's breath attack at mid-range on wakeup repeatedly on many characters.

The arcade mode is pretty well paced overall I'd say though I expected Zero or Orochi at the end. I was pleasently surprised to see my name in the credits too.

I'll get back to you with more stuff as I find it.
Last Edit: 12 years ago by Alpha-452
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#18  12 years ago
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you really shouldnt try to take kofe characters out of kofe. They can be played outside of it, but some charcters WILL mess up(missing sprites in throws, cloning issues, missing required animations(usually 5200), etc).

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#19  12 years ago
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Shen's D&F sk doesn't work. He just won't do anything if you crouch and push forward and try sk.
His Punch DM is not delayable, instead of as said in the instruction.

He is very hard to control with the current keylogic, I'm not saying that you should alter his techiniques in any way, just to make a different keylogic for his DMs so it will not be so similiar with his techniques.  Or at least please tell me how can I manually change it.

There is a bug that clones Eiji Kisaragi when he does that Shuriken throw on characters spamming their closerange projectiles like Yuri.
Re: KOFE 0.95 Feedback and Bug Reporting
#20  12 years ago
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Yes, Lady in Magenta caught the Chizuru stuff too.  I'll have to do some more character specific coding to avoid her issues.  As LA said, I don't fix things that occur outside KOFE.  That's why my game is completely open source. :)

You can sidestep the whirlwind pillars, just tight in terms of position and timing.  interesting fact about the persistent projectiles.  I'll look into it. AI is another full game fix that's "on the list of things to do".

More basic restriction flubs by me.  Sorry about that.  I'm taking down the full list as they come up. Right, I never settled on whether I wanted the DM delayable or not and didn't change the PDF. Eiji glitch noted. 

Thanks, everyone for the awesome feedback!
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