
KOFE Cammy  (Read 42248 times)

Started by swipergod, December 07, 2016, 01:09:04 pm
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KOFE Cammy
#1  December 07, 2016, 01:09:04 pm
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, one more time, the amazing work of Metal Warrior. :)



Cannon Drill
Cannon Strike
Cannon Spike
Spinning Knuckle
Hooligan Slam


Spin Drive Smasher
Reverse Shaft Breaker


Pyscho Drive Smasher


Killer Bee Assault
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Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 02:30:28 pm by swipergod
Re: KOFE Cammy
#2  December 07, 2016, 07:14:33 pm
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Metal Warrior is doing a phenomenal job as usual. This Cammy sprite design looks absolutely fantastic, and I cannot wait to see how it'll turn out when done.

Re: KOFE Cammy
#3  December 07, 2016, 07:51:41 pm
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Awesome! Simply awesome!
Finally Cammy will be in Mugen! Particularly in your game!

Really glad to see she's mostly SSF2X inspired. Not zero, not SF4/SF5 (in term of appearance)

He heads tilt a little bit too much IMO (just my opinion)
And the feets looks big in comparison with her slim legs.

I can't wait to see more of this project!
Re: KOFE Cammy
#4  December 10, 2016, 07:48:54 am
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Oh man just when I thought One Cammy is awesome enough, a second is coming!
Hmmm, At this rate I'll have two Cammys in my roster, and hopefully Someone can patch the one I have to make her Killer Bee (Cause KOF KB would be interesting to see and she has that HSDM where she and Vega beat up the opponent)
Re: KOFE Cammy
#5  December 10, 2016, 02:26:11 pm
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Does her thigh movement seem odd to anyone else? I was zoomed in on her crotch cause something seemed like it was moving strangely.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE Cammy
#6  December 10, 2016, 04:38:21 pm
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It looks amazing, great job as usual from Metal Warrior.
@darkgirl: You should take a look at this and talk to these guys!
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: KOFE Cammy
#7  December 10, 2016, 05:31:42 pm
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Does her thigh movement seem odd to anyone else? I was zoomed in on her crotch cause something seemed like it was moving strangely.

That's just the shading itself jumpy. Also one frame had the darkest outline on the leotard go to black instead of dark green, fixed it for you:


Nothing big, but I think that now its perfect.
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Re: KOFE Cammy
#8  December 10, 2016, 05:46:50 pm
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Wow that a realy nice Sprites, good to see that you guys use the Delta Red design.  :)
Re: KOFE Cammy
#9  December 10, 2016, 08:30:53 pm
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It looks amazing, great job as usual from Metal Warrior.
@darkgirl: You should take a look at this and talk to these guys!
Thanks for calling me, Thedgi  :)

Hi guys! I currently working in a new KOF Cammy version with SFV appearance. When this work is done (as it was with Sakura) you can be used for all the projects that you want. Watch the progress in this gif in case anyone is interested:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Please, don't misunderstand me. My intention is not to take MW's job off, even more so if he's doing it for money (I really don't know if he's still working for commissions though).

I'm going not accept money for make this for the same reason that I'm not accept time limit for complete this. As I have always said, this is a hobby for me because I like the drawing.
If you want to keep your own Cammy version, go ahead, you have my support like for anything related with KOFE. For any consults about Cammy send me a pm.

-End of spam-
Re: KOFE Cammy
#10  December 10, 2016, 08:41:57 pm
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Ahh, that looks amazing.

I'm cool with both versions, and whatever y'all decide to do is fine by me.
Re: KOFE Cammy
#11  December 11, 2016, 04:29:00 am
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tbh having multiple versions of Cammy I do not mind that. Hell I did the same thing for Sakura :P (119way and Darkgirls) just for my roster, and I hope to see the day someone makes a Killer Bee variant on Cammy
Re: KOFE Cammy
#12  December 11, 2016, 09:21:32 am
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Those thighs!

I'm definitly hyped to have 2 different Kof Cammy.

Young Delta Red Cammy (SSFX2)
Older Delta Red Cammy (SFV)

You guys have a different style, but both are incredibly GOOD!

EDIT : Damn I watched this gif for several minutes XD
Last Edit: December 11, 2016, 09:25:49 am by Nedflandeurse
Re: KOFE Cammy
#13  December 12, 2016, 04:51:25 am
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Wow Darkgirl, looks like your Cammy is going well. She definitely looks good. And thanks for offering help. Your post is definitely not spam. ;)

My plan for Cammy is to do the SSF2X version, but she'll have some moves from her Alpha version. I feel she fits better with the other style of SF characters on the team.
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Re: KOFE Cammy
#14  December 12, 2016, 05:02:04 am
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damn. those theighs. mmmmmm

looks great darkgirl, keep it up
Re: KOFE Cammy
#15  December 18, 2016, 02:32:07 pm
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Updated with the moveset. Was procrastinating with that. Shouldn't be any surprises here.
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