
KOFE Special Intros (Read 27090 times)

Started by swipergod, October 25, 2015, 05:00:11 pm
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KOFE Special Intros
#1  October 25, 2015, 05:00:11 pm
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So I realized that I put a lot of work into the special intros of this game and yet I rarely showcase them or even talk about them. So for those who like this kinda stuff, here's the list of KOFE's special intros. Some are better than others (I work with what I have). Goddess, Neo-Dio, Silver and Shiki do not have special intros.

Kyo vs Saisyu
Kyo vs Iori
Kyo vs Benimaru
Kyo vs Rugal
Kyo vs Chizuru
Kyo vs K'
Kyo vs Goro
Kyo vs Orochi

Benimaru vs Shermie
Benimaru vs Goro

Iori vs Yashiro
Iori vs Vice
Iori vs Chizuru

Rugal vs Heidern
Rugal vs Mature
Rugal vs Adel

Chizuru vs Orochi

Terry vs Andy
Terry vs Joe
Terry vs Geese
Terry vs Blue Mary
Terry vs Rock

Andy vs Mai
Andy vs Geese
Andy vs Joe

Joe vs Billy

Geese vs Billy
Geese vs Krauser
Geese vs Rock

Blue Mary vs Vanessa

Ryo vs King
Ryo vs Karate
Ryo vs Yuri
Ryo vs Robert
Ryo vs Kasumi

King vs Mai
King vs Kasumi
King vs Yuri

Yuri vs Karate
Robert vs Karate

K’ vs Kula
K’ vs Whip
K’ vs Maxima
K’ vs Krizalid

Kula vs Whip
Kula vs Krizalid
Kula vs Angel

Whip vs Krizalid
Whip vs Leona
Whip vs Clark
Whip vs Ralf
Whip vs Heidern

Heidern vs Leona
Heidern vs Clark
Heidern vs Ralf

Leona vs Goenitz
Leona vs Clark
Leona vs Ralf

Clark vs Ralf

Athena vs Kensou
Athena vs Xiangfei

Kensou vs Xiangfei

Kim vs Jhun
Kim vs Yamazaki

Yashiro vs Shermie

Mature vs Vice

Gato vs Hotaru

Eiji vs Ryo

Billy vs Rock
Jenet vs Rock

Chris vs Yashiro
Chris vs Shermie
Chris vs Orochi

Ash vs Elisabeth
Ash vs Shen
Ash vs Duolon

Mr. Big vs Mr. Karate

Goenitz vs Rugal
Goenitz vs Orochi
Goenitz vs Chizuru

Vice vs Orochi
Iori vs Orochi
Leona vs Orochi
Yamazaki vs Orochi
Mature vs Orochi
Yashiro vs Orochi
Shermie vs Orochi

Nameless vs K
Nameless vs Angel
Nameless vs Krizalid

Raiden vs Terry

Karate vs Pai

Duolon vs Elisabeth

Zero vs Nameless
Zero vs K
Zero vs Krizalid
Zero vs Kula

These are the only ones I have left to add:

Tung vs Terry
Tung vs Andy
Tung vs Geese

Mr. Big vs John

Maylee vs Kim
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#2  October 25, 2015, 05:18:03 pm
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Personally, I think Joe should have a special intro with Geese as well, seeing that Joe tagged along with Terry and Andy to defeat Geese. I would envision it as Joe acting all cocky with Geese, and Geese laughing it off, or something. Also maybe one between Shen and Duo Lon, Yamazaki, or Kensou, considering that:
 -Shen and Duo Lon are friends, so it would be something of a friendly rivalry.
 -Yamazaki operates in Hong Kong, so Shen (and Yamazaki) would see the other as an obstacle to overcome.
 -Shen knows Kensou and Athena's master (Chin), so it would be something as  Kensou doing something stupid, and Shen just going "Hmph"

Either way, I love everything I'm seeing here, those are just some suggestions that you are free to implement or disregard. Good luck! ^_^
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#3  October 25, 2015, 05:44:26 pm
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Do Benimaru and Kim have their special intros ? (females for Ben ; evil men for Kim)
If yes, what chars do you add in the "evil group" ?
Re: KOFE Special Intros
#4  October 25, 2015, 10:43:16 pm
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I used the "I cannot forgive evil" intro with Yamazaki and the "Let's go cutie" intro with Shermie. I'm personally not a fan of intros where the character just reacts normally. I like the exchange.

There's a few intros I'd still like to explore like Kyo vs Ash (I've regained some animations for that). Yamazaki and Shen and Kensou and Shen is interesting and I'll see what can be done for Duo Lon and Shen. I'll see what I can code/sprite. Joe vs Geese is an easy one to add. :)
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#5  October 26, 2015, 02:33:12 pm
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I feel that making those two intros exclusive to only a single encounter like something that sort of kills their character to begin with, given that Kim is always crazy about "reforming EVERYTHING that is evil" (not just Yamazaki), and Benimaru is clearly a ladies man. Making those intros far less common would kind of kill their personalities.

Re: KOFE Special Intros
#6  October 28, 2015, 12:33:52 pm
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Point taken. I'll see if I can't revise the intros with Shermie and Yamazaki. I do want those one to be more of a stand out type of affair. Shermie because she's an electricity wielding lady and Yamazaki because he's Kim's next reform target. Anyway, we'll see what comes up.
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#7  October 28, 2015, 10:14:29 pm
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If you want to make the intro for  Benimaru vs Shermie stand out a bit more, you could always make him have the intro animation against women that he had in the Capcom vs SNK games-- you know, the one where his hair is down and he sends a little kiss, before fixing up his hair. For the rest of the girls, Benimaru can just use his usual special intro from the KOF games.

As for Kim, I'm not sure which one of his intros you have in mind, but he actually had two different special intros against evil opponents in the KOF series.

The first one in here could be used against Yamazaki, and the second one could be used for every other evil character.

Re: KOFE Special Intros
#8  October 28, 2015, 10:33:24 pm
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If my opinion carries any weight in this situation, I like that idea. 
it's the perfect compromise really.
Re: KOFE Special Intros
#9  November 01, 2015, 10:29:15 pm
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Naw, I'd rather have something special then just switching the animations. I have an idea how I'll approach them, but I'll get to it a bit later on. There was another intro like those ones right? Like Shen against strong fighters or something right? If I'm doing it for Benimaru and Kim, might as well do it for all the character who have those "group" intros
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#10  November 01, 2015, 11:32:41 pm
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Yes Shen has a special intro against tough At 0:35 against Kyo.
I don't have list of tough char
Would you use multi name triggers or a binary var?
Re: KOFE Special Intros
#11  November 04, 2015, 12:41:09 am
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Multi name. Ok, so Benimaru, Kim and Shen. I think Shermie had one for cute boys (which is where I got her initial animation for the Benimaru intro). Not sure if there's others out there. Probably good enough anyway. I'll figure out who's evil and who's tough. lol. That doesn't need to be 100% game accurate. :)
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#12  November 15, 2015, 01:38:52 am
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So a few more of these "vs many intros". I'll be adding Leona vs good people (I don't want to do this), Shermie's flirting with studs and May Lee's vs evil. Also, while I haven't officially announced anything, I would like to add Ryuhaku to KOFE, so an intro with Kasumi and probably Ryo will be in order.
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
New #13  November 15, 2015, 01:57:27 am
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Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 12:11:25 pm by Melcore
Re: KOFE Special Intros
#14  November 15, 2015, 04:22:55 am
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Hell yes, that's a great portrait.

Re: KOFE Special Intros
#15  November 15, 2015, 05:02:15 am
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Neato, Melcore. I love what you did with Todoh. :)
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#16  November 15, 2015, 05:13:44 am
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Neato, Melcore. I love what you did with Todoh. :)

Hell yes, that's a great portrait.

thanks, I'm just excited to possibly see a good and balanced kof version of Todoh, the day he told me that he might make that happen I couldn't help it, I just had to make it.

So a few more of these "vs many intros". I'll be adding Leona vs good people (I don't want to do this), Shermie's flirting with studs and May Lee's vs evil. Also, while I haven't officially announced anything, I would like to add Ryuhaku to KOFE, so an intro with Kasumi and probably Ryo will be in order.

hey man, if you feel like she shouldn't have that kind of intro against "evil" characters then I she really doesn't have too, honestly that's what Kim is there for, his character is so hell bent on justice and stopping evil that it makes sense.

I just don't get that vibe from her I guess.

I am dumb, completely misread

but still though, if you really don't want it in the game its not a big deal bro.  this is your project after all and you include a lot of things that people suggest to put in even though they haven't helped at all with the project.
Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 05:29:09 am by Melcore
Re: KOFE Special Intros
#17  November 15, 2015, 05:22:02 am
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To be honest, I always thought of Leona as an anti-hero. She works for the good guys, but uses brutal methods as the means to her ends (her fighting style can be seen as something symbolic of this).

In my honest opinion @swipergod: If you don't want to do the Leona vs. good guys intro, then don't. IMHO, it makes no sense, since she's always so somber and quiet.

Just my $0.02.
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#18  November 15, 2015, 06:50:12 pm
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I gotta say that I agree. I don't think that Leona really gives a damn if her opponent is good or evil.

Re: KOFE Special Intros
#19  November 15, 2015, 07:23:01 pm
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lol sorry. I didn't mean I don't want to add the intro. "I don't want to do this" is what she says when she's about to fight good hearted people (from KOF '98). I'm fine personally with adding it. I was also thinking of adding an Athena intro for young fighters like Kula and Hotaru where she winks at them and wishes them good luck. And was also thinking of giving Maxima his "I can't read your moves" intro to certain over the top powerful characters. So that makes 8 special intros based on a group. :) I'll get to it eventually. Adding new moves to Maxima and fixing Elisabeth's animations today. :D
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Re: KOFE Special Intros
#20  November 19, 2015, 01:35:23 am
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Rugal and Krauser had a special intro in KOF98'UM they both use kaiser wave at each other.
Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 01:52:01 am by videoman