
Requesting a new Title Screen (Read 10205 times)

Started by swipergod, July 31, 2011, 02:05:54 am
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Requesting a new Title Screen
#1  July 31, 2011, 02:05:54 am
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This is the current one for KOFE:

Many people, including myself, have pointed out that's it's pretty ugly.  I'm wondering if there's anyone out there willing to try to touch it up and mesh it with the character select screen and life bars (kinda a silver-ish theme).  Thought the 2k2 UM stuff might look good, but I think anything would be better than what I have...  Of course you get full credit.  Looking for it for the 1.0 release, so that won't be for awhile, so no terrible rush.  Post your ideas here for community feedback.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: Requesting a new Title Screen
#2  July 31, 2011, 12:30:57 pm
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i think for character select screen must be like kof 13 but with more character than that, that just my idea
Re: Requesting a new Title Screen
#3  July 31, 2011, 12:41:19 pm
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We have enough characters as is. The select screen itself looks fine.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Requesting a new Title Screen
#4  July 31, 2011, 12:53:00 pm
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well that just opinion ^^
Re: Requesting a new Title Screen
#5  July 31, 2011, 03:40:14 pm
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Honestly, Enlightened Shadow made a great XIII screenpack, but the problem is I don't have consistent high-res artwork for using as portraits.  For example, there is no Ash artwork that would blend nicely with Ryuhaku artwork.  Because of this, I'm forced to use ingame sprites.  I used to have portraits before, but as the roster grew, it became a problem...
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: Requesting a new Title Screen
#6  August 01, 2011, 07:10:13 pm
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We could always request a portrait maker, but that would be time consuming.  unless there's money involved. ::)
Re: Requesting a new Title Screen
#7  August 01, 2011, 09:58:48 pm
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I actually like sprite based portraits. In this case it makes sense. Otherwise we would have a lot of clashing going on.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!