
Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3 (Read 211899 times)

Started by Sean Altly, January 18, 2012, 11:51:54 pm
Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#1  January 18, 2012, 11:51:54 pm
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At some point in the future, I will make a SHADEs 3, just because things seem better as trilogies IMHO. It would wrap the main story up and be the climax for the series. Whether I make this during or after Capcom vs The World is up in the air. I've found working on popular characters for that game to be a generally negative experience, so it may be a bit before I get back to work on it. I will finish it though, because I don't want SafirKreuz's portraits or WizzyWhipitWonderful's excellent themes to go to waste.

Anyway, here are the main plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3: City of Chaos.


-The main plot would revolve around Byrne's permanent transformation into the rage-fueled being known as Obsydian. He would then align himself with a weakened Kane Kelly, and they would begin wreaking havoc on New York City. Snow, upset about Chad In Black's self-imposed exile at the end of SHADEs 2, decides once and for all to put an end to Maddicorp by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Maddigan becomes increasingly more obsessed with capturing or eliminating the SHADEs subjects, and relinquishes his CEO duties to Fray. The ensuing chaos with Obsydian and Kane causes more subjects to come out of hiding, some of them to battle the two, and some of them to take advantage of the situation for their own gain.


-The forward hop and forward hop attacks will be replaced with runs for everyone. While I've been working on CvTW and playing more KoF games, I've decided I just like the Run system better.
-Everyone will have the same command for their DM.
-Characters will get a slight attack boost when their Super Meter is full.
-More to come as I decide or receive suggestions.


Note: Most of the following art is concept/unfinished art.


Short Bio: Chris Malone is a young runaway with the best of intentions. He aligns himself with Maddicorp due to a feeling of loyalty to Joseph Maddigan, who had awarded Chris' family a large amount of money when they were down on their luck. Chris' father wasted the money, which led to him running away and becoming part of the experiment, and later, the Collection Agency. He is unaware that Moses Maddigan is actually responsible for Joseph's death.
Abilities: Able to produce and control life-like copies of himself.


Short Bio: Elle is a mysterious agent of a clandestine British law enforcement agency. She is dispatched to New York when The Specialist, an international assassin, is identified in the background of one of Maddigan's photos in the Empire Chronicle. The Specialist had been very careful not to be photographed, but it became nearly impossible once he started to work for Maddicorp. Her only mission is to capture The Specialist and bring him back to England. The Specialist abandons Maddicorp and the Agency in order to deal with Elle himself.
Abilities: Nothing supernatural, but she's an extremely skilled agent of espionage, trained in many hand-to-hand combat styles. She has a gun in her picture, but she won't use it during fights. There are already too many people with guns.


-Short Bio: Ambrosio Castillón is the leader of a powerful private militia based in South America. Planning a huge coup, Castillón volunteers for the experiment to see if it can benefit his army and make them stronger. He is a man of honor and feels that he should volunteer first, since he would not ask his men to do something he would not. He becomes nearly impervious to pain or damage of any kind. He decides to keep these powers to himself, and tells his men that he is invincible because he has been chosen by God to lead them. He recognizes Obsydian and Kane as the only beings capable of stopping him, and arrives in NYC to dispose of them so that he can be free to conquer.
Abilities: Feels no pain, and his skin is impervious to damage from almost any man-made weaponry. Appears to be undying. However, he is still susceptible to internal injuries and trauma.


Short Bio: A young girl from inner city New York. She's a former friend of Wyldestar's and a bit naive. She was always an over-achiever at her mostly Hispanic High School, and a star athlete on several teams, including basketball and track. She volunteers for the experiment, not knowing how long it would take or how costly to her life it would be, in order to get an edge on the other students competing for College scholarships, since her family couldn't afford to pay for it themselves. Unfortunately, the experiment robs her of the important years of her life, and when she escaped with the others, she returned home where she he has been in hiding until now. To those here with more knowledge of the culture and language, I am open to suggestions for her name. Her family is from Mexico but she was born and raised in New York. I don't have a name for her because up until recently, she was intended to be Caucasian, but I recently decided to make her Hispanic since I have too many white people.  :P
Abilities: Obviously, she has the gift of super-human speed.


Short Bio: Gospel's real name is Chelsea Wright, and she was raised by extremely strict, protective, devout Christian parents. Their over protectiveness leads her to run away, much like Snow and Sabotage. She ends up in NYC, alone and without any friends. She is soon kidnapped by agents of Maddicorp for the experiment. When she escapes, she realizes that her parents were right, and that the world is filled with vile, deviant people who only want to hurt her and others. She decides that they must pay for their sins, and she becomes a violent zealot who claims to be doing God's work.
Abilities: Able to create and manipulate electricity.


Note: Those that have played SHADEs 2 may recognize Gant from Bloodtide's ending. I have two designs for him here because I realize I have a lot of suit/tie-wearing characters. I like the suit design, but the more combat ready design works as well for him, and reflects the precautions he would have to take as a retired field agent forced into action after a long period of inaction. I'm torn, and any suggestions or opinions are welcome. I also had this weird third design where he was basically wearing Yamazaki's outfit, but with suspenders and his ID/badge hanging around his neck like John McClane in Die Hard With a Vengeance. It ended up looking a little silly, but I can post it too if you guys like.
Short Bio: Gant is Bloodtide's direct superior and "handler" in the CIA. After she begins to show doubts in her mission and expresses more concern for her friends and family, Gant decides that in order to avoid any mishaps, he'll have to become a field agent again and handle the situation himself. Gant is ruthless and single-minded to a fault.
Abilities: Nothing supernatural, but is an expert fighter and particularly skilled with explosives. He is also a great leader, and has the support of his team.

Donny Brooks

Short Bio: A lifelong friend of Ruckus and his tag-tam partner. Together they're multiple-time Tag Team champions The Manhattan Madmen. Donny decides that things are getting too dangerous for him to sit idly by, only helping now and then, and decides to throw himself into the situation head-on in support of Ruckus. He may also have a soft spot for Fray, but he would never tell her brother that because bros before hos, man. He has a great sense of humor and is actually very kind and agreeable when not in a fight or in the ring.
Abilities: Nothing supernatural, but he exhibits peak strength and durability. He would definitely be a big, slow, pure grappler, something SHADEs is lacking.

More info to come.


Here is the planned new design for Snow. Nothing terribly drastic, enough so that it will just be an edit of the existing sprites. The one after that is Moses' new design. He will have brand-new sprites.

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Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 08:56:21 am by SeanAltly
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#2  January 19, 2012, 12:04:55 am
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i love your characters sean and i really like this new ones since they look pretty cool i like specially Ambrosio Castillion Persona   :P .
 im liking what you have so far for shades 3  :D
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#3  January 19, 2012, 12:08:02 am
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Looking forward to this game. Keep up the good work.  :)
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#4  January 19, 2012, 12:36:20 am
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So, Chirs will be based off of Charlie from SFA. Castillion from that Resident Evil guy you just made ... but I just can't figure out the lady. Is she going to be based from Mature/Vice without the long skirt?

Also, do it like Castillón, or Castrillón ... Castillión is the uncommon-to-non-existent category.
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#5  January 19, 2012, 12:52:06 am
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Chris won't be based off of Charlie, they just have similar outfits. Castle was going to be an edit of Mr. X, but I've since grown too fond of his design and personality, and will instead make all new sprites for him. Nothing yet on the girl.

I rarely base my characters off of just one person. Outside of Snow, Thirteen, and Specialist, I try to vary the anims as much as possible. For example, Sabotage has anims from Terry, Dudley, Heavy D, SNK's version of Balrog, and Ryu. Zenith has anims from Hayato, Iori, Hibiki, and Kaede. Rorschach has anims from Seth, Q, Spider-Man, and Sean. So on and so forth.

Also, I was given Castillion as a randomly generated Spanish surname and liked it, which led to the nickname Castle and the development of his powers. I Googled it and found it, it's supposed to be a form of Castillo. I understand you'd know this stuff better than I would, I just wanted to note that it is a real name and I like the way it sounds better than the other forms of it.

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Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#6  January 19, 2012, 01:02:29 am
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Oh well. Castillo and Castillón still mean Castle :P

Spoiler: It's a personal thing (click to see content)
Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 01:06:36 am by walt


Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#7  January 19, 2012, 01:04:31 am
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Walt- the mexican dude who spoke up.
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#8  January 19, 2012, 01:06:22 am
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Further research shows that Castillion isn't even part of that research I posted, while Castillo and Castillón are indeed VERY common names.

Edit. EVEN FURTHER RESEARCH shows that statistically it's a very rare. There's not a single registered Castillion family in any of the countries of Central or South America. There are 34 families registered in all of Mexico, and 95 in the USA ... and that's pretty much the whole continent. If you really want to go with that name, say he's american, and be over with it.
Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 01:18:00 am by walt
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#9  January 19, 2012, 01:40:05 am
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-The main plot would revolve around Byrne's permanent transformation into the rage-fueled being known as Obsydian. He would then align himself with a weakened Kane Kelly, and they would begin wreaking havoc on New York City.
I knew it :C
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#10  January 19, 2012, 02:39:19 am
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Yeah, Walt, we're cool and all and I have respect for you, but the line "If you really want to go with that name, say he's American and be over with it" really irks me. He's my character. If there are families with that name in Mexico, how hard would it be to believe that some of them ended up in South America at some point? It's fiction, man, just because there's not currently any families registered in South America with that name doesn't mean there isn't in the fictional world that SHADEs is set in. Ever seen Thank You For Smoking? One line can explain it away. His family is from Mexico. He moved to somewhere in South America. Boom, done. Can we move on now?

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Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#11  January 19, 2012, 03:29:18 pm
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Well, in that sense, since you're talking exceptions ... I guess I am an exception myself, so you're be right :uhoh:

I still hate Javier Escuella >:(


Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#12  January 19, 2012, 04:20:54 pm
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Chalk it up to John pronouncing his name wrong for the entirety of the game.
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#13  January 19, 2012, 08:29:05 pm
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The only ideas I have for the system is faster guard breaking and the addition of a stun gauge (That works similarly to SF3's in that different attacks of a character's moveset can increase it ALOT or very little, and combos hardly increase it.). So that way it pays off a bit more to be aggressive in different ways than just BnBs. The new characters look great and I'm very interested in Castle. Though with Ellie I hope her fighting style is based on a real martial art, and not just "street".

If you make another character I suggest a Bruce Lee character, no fighting game is complete without one.  :)
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#14  January 19, 2012, 08:33:36 pm
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I'm loving the looks of things so far.

..maybe you can give Castle a white palette? :y
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#15  January 19, 2012, 08:46:20 pm
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He needs a black palette more.  :afro:
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#16  January 21, 2012, 10:53:41 am
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These Fighters Look Sick, Castle Looks like someone from Advanced Wars?

are these the only planned chars?
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#17  January 23, 2012, 12:09:37 pm
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These Fighters Look Sick, Castle Looks like someone from Advanced Wars?

are these the only planned chars?

Knowing Sean, he definitely has a few tricks, twists, and turns up his sleeves.
The Roasted Pheasant voice acting company is open for business. PM me, and I'll be glad to help.

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face." -Mike Tyson
Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#18  January 26, 2012, 09:04:16 pm
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Updated the first post with a possible new character, as well as the new design for Snow. I need help with a name for the new character. Read her info for details.

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Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#19  January 26, 2012, 09:27:20 pm
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Holy shit !!! that's goood !! i love Castillon
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Re: Plans for SHADEs of Manhattan 3
#20  January 26, 2012, 09:31:48 pm
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Well, what kind of Mexican name are you looking for. The more common ones like Maria? Or something with a bit more variation to it?