
FNF Lullaby mod Frostbite stage (Read 7145 times)

Started by SoulBF Is so Cool, November 16, 2022, 04:28:25 am
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FNF Lullaby mod Frostbite stage
#1  November 16, 2022, 04:28:25 am
  • SoulBF
  • Hi! i like to do stages and love soul bf so much
    • USA
yes i know, people may hate me just because i upload something from fnf and i am sorry if anyone is mad, but please let me upload this stage because it has a cool sycn animation,zoom and it works in MUGEN 1.1 And Ikemen Plus Ultra, and 1280x720 only, it has a readme for ikemen plus ultra players to how add the stage, hope you like it!

and idk if work in mugen 1.0 or ikemen go

Previews of the stage


also the assets of stage all come from the FNF Lullaby mod and the specific song Frostbite, but I don't know where I got the snow