
Freeza Z2 [Project] (Read 635653 times)

Started by Balthazar, December 27, 2011, 06:59:29 pm
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Re: Freeza Z2
#1701  July 16, 2014, 10:22:05 am
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Thanks for your feedback, man, we'll definitely be implementing that into the char shortly :)
Re: Freeza Z2
#1702  July 16, 2014, 01:17:06 pm
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No probs. Oh one other thing. And I guess this applys to all characters. Jabs on Counter hit need a bit more hit stun. I'm usually attacked before I can recover. Just seems a bit off to be punished for stopping an attack. At least vegeta seems to feel that way. :P
Re: Freeza Z2
#1703  July 16, 2014, 04:13:49 pm
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I know that Freeza it's still in beta, but here's my "feedback":

Basically, everyone else had said almost everything. So perhaps the only thing I can recommend it's to work a little more on the character "readme" section. For example, you should specify that Death Beam it's comboable into itself after the opponent it's hit by Death Wave. It was fun to discover that after Death Wave every LV1 Super it's comboable into each other, but still I guess you should add that to the readme.

Oh, and also what Smurfy already said: make Death Beam/Death Saw cancel-able on hit, fix Death Beam dmg AND Death Beam Barrage dmg, (in my opinion, I guess DBB should deal DB damage and viceversa) and work a little on Death Saw properties.
Re: Freeza Z2
#1704  July 17, 2014, 05:35:38 am
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Feedback Continued:
- As is now, Frieza must say "Af---" (as in "after you") before the counter is considered active. Due to how fast passed this game is, I would suggest making the port active slightly before he begins to speak.

- Vs certain moves (i.e. In corner, Gohan's Super Dragon Fist) Frieza can be knocked out of the recovery animations of the port allowing him to be punished. Adding frames of invisibility to his recovery could fix this.

-The slight pause just isn't enough to stop most punishes, Extending the opponent's freeze duration until the his recovery is done. This will prevent most if not all potential punishes against him.

- Although it's based on Bison's Knee Press Nightmare, It doesn't seem to have its start-up invisibility nor its anti-air properties.

- As stated before, it whiffs at times on cornered opponents (especially on short characters). Mirroring Jedah's "Dio = Sega" (buzzsaw-like attack Darkstalkers) by making Frieza throw the saw directly in front of him help the it connect more frequent. This would only be fore the light version of course.

-The tail doesn't match reach of the animation. Just before the connecting frame, there is another frame that extents out further but doesn't connect. This makes it seem like Frieza is attacking with a recovery frame.

[COMBO (In corner)
* Sorry no video capture software*
Launcher > J.LP > C.LP >Launcher > J.LP > C.LP > Launcher > J.LP > Launcher > J.HK > wait for bounce >Launcher >J.LP > AIR EX DEATH WAVE > DEATH BALL

Alt. finishers! Scrap everything the last J.LP and do :
S.LP > Standing EX. Death Wave > DEATH BEAM/DBB
S.LP > Death Saw > J. Head Charge.
Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 06:39:50 am by Smurfyeah
Re: Freeza Z2
#1705  July 17, 2014, 03:44:11 pm
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COMBO (In corner)
* Sorry no video capture software*
Launcher > J.LP > C.LP >Launcher > J.LP > C.LP > Launcher > J.LP > Launcher > J.HK > wait for bounce >Launcher >J.LP > AIR EX DEATH WAVE > DEATH BALL

Alt. finishers! Scrap everything the last J.LP and do :
S.LP > Standing EX. Death Wave > DEATH BEAM/DBB
S.LP > Death Saw > J. Head Charge.

I could try to replicate the combo and record it, if you want to. You know, for reference.

Re: Freeza Z2
#1706  July 17, 2014, 07:04:14 pm
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    • Netherlands
More combos from guys:
Appently standing Strong Punch > standing Medium Punch is possible, I did now know this.

Crouching Strong Kick is also a corner infinite, needs a combo limiter of 2 I think (the combo drops if he performs c.SK a second or third time).

Some more feedback from a guy off Facebook:
- c.HP has slow start up to where it's beat out by many attacks, and can't be used as a reliable punish. SSJ Goku can spam fireballs, and kamehamehas, with no risk at all. SSJ Goku's kamehameha have invincibility on start up too? I've had that move go through many attacks.

- Head Charge/Psycho crusher/Nova strike, has horrible recovery when compared to the recovery of moves like Goku's dive kick, Vegeta/Goku's supers. It has little utility outside of combos. The risk of using it completely outweighs the reward.

- The turn-around punch, elbow seems useless aside from the EX version. Sure he spins around the fireball, but when every character can shoot more than one? It kind of defeats the purpose if he can only evade one. Plus regular one seems to put you at no frame advantage AT ALL (On hit)

- Counter could use some use such as countering a projectile
(Like Wesker's counter from UMvC3)? It's an alright move, but leaves something to be desired.

-Deathsaw keeps coming out when I try to use Deathbeam. I don't know if it's a coding thing, because I'm pretty good with my execution, but it's about 50/50 when I'm trying to use deathbeam, and I get the saw.

Other than that, I'm not trying to rant, just throw out some suggestions. I really love playing the game and can't wait to see what more is made like Freiza's sadistic mode.
Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 07:10:35 pm by Balthazar
Re: Freeza Z2
#1707  July 17, 2014, 08:30:35 pm
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Crouching Strong Kick is also a corner infinite, needs a combo limiter of 2 I think (the combo drops if he performs c.SK a second or third time).

Can't you recover from that in air? Because I can.
Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 08:47:35 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: Freeza Z2
#1708  July 17, 2014, 08:36:39 pm
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Yeah you're supposed to be able to recover from it.
Re: Freeza Z2
#1709  July 17, 2014, 08:47:40 pm
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Well about Frieza, I found that you can cancel the "Death" supers if you do a Death Wave first.
- The Death Wave hits the enemy;
- perform a Death Beam...
- but in the same moment (super pause) repeat the Death Beam motion (once or twice) or do the Death Ball one, or the Death Saw or the Tail Press Nightmare (second level);

doing so will not remove the Death Beam explod (it disappears if you do the Death Ball or another Death Beam but it won't go away if you do Tail Press Nightmare) and you will be able to waste all of your power.

I didn't say anything about the lvl.2 Death Beam because that can be done normally.
Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 09:07:37 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: Freeza Z2
#1710  July 17, 2014, 11:19:03 pm
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Based on Smurfy's input, I know that I was able to do one more Launcher > J.LP, still I didn't do it. Also at the end perhaps I could have done a Death Beam since Death Wave actually hit Gohan (I didn't think it would connect) But still...

Also, the combo doesn't do too much damage in my opinion that it isn't worth it to "remove that pseudo-loop". But, as always, it'll be up to Balthazar and Team Z2
Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 11:23:29 pm by gray_kaiser
Re: Freeza Z2
#1711  July 19, 2014, 10:56:55 am
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I finally got around to playing Frieza and aside of the fun I'm having with the beta I wanted to point a few things out.

• After comboing an opponent, launching them, and then bounce juggling them Frieza can get in another combo string without using any specials or supers unlike the others. Not sure if this is to compliment his sub-boss status or if it's still a beta.

• His Dancing Elbow comes out often when I try to perform his counterport (I use a keyboard cause I have no joystick); I would suggest that the input gets changed so that it comes out when you want it to (maybe QCF+K would be better) or change the input of the Dancing Elbow (again, QCF+K would be preferable).

• Another thing is that his Focus Attack doesn't cause a knockdown when used after another move (like his aerial attacks). Not sure if this is beta development or Frieza exclusive.

• Lastly his Strong and Fierce Death Wave chaining from his Superior Dash comes out too slow to be viable to use after it, though the EX Death Wave chains from it fine.

That's all I'm able to jot down right now. I'll get back to Frieza and learn more about him later on today.
Stay true to your own heart, faiths, and convictions; your destiny is what YOU make of it.
Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 06:32:55 am by BlueSunStudios
Re: Freeza Z2
#1712  July 19, 2014, 03:12:55 pm
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• His Dancing Elbow comes out often when I try to perform his counter teleport (I use a keyboard cause I have no joystick); I would suggest that the input gets changed so that it comes out when you want it to (maybe QCF+K would be better) or change the input of the Dancing Elbow (again, WCF+K would be preferable).

- As a control pad user, I can confirm that Counterport does come out at the wrong time quite often. This is especially true when performing combos that require crouched attacks. Changing the Counterport notation to [HCF + K] should help. Also, it only seems to counter MID attacks. This makes his Read-Me notation misleading as it states "when they (the opponent) hit Frieza". Allowing it to counter HIGH attacks (I.e. Jump-ins/Cross-ups) would make it more of a threat as they occur more frequently.
Re: Freeza Z2
#1713  August 16, 2014, 06:50:17 am
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Frieza's readme doesn't have the Double Death Saucer in it and the sprites for the start-up pose and the second saucer launch aren't present in his sprites file; this means that the move either hasn't been implemented yet or you guys decided not to give him that move. I read off of Frieza's page that the move would have different angles just like the Death Saucer; perhaps this was the reason the move was possibly dropped? I'm just curious.
Stay true to your own heart, faiths, and convictions; your destiny is what YOU make of it.
Re: Freeza Z2
#1714  August 16, 2014, 06:57:50 am
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normal death saucer was too good and the second launch didnt really add anything to the move other than making it overpowered.
Re: Freeza Z2
#1715  August 16, 2014, 07:07:55 am
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I felt that it complimented his supposed "sub-boss" tier, but you guys are going for balance with every character (and balancing Frieza would mean no Double Death Saucers unless they were extremely nerfed in some aspect). Whichever direction you guys are going with him I'm pretty chill with it.
Stay true to your own heart, faiths, and convictions; your destiny is what YOU make of it.
Re: Freeza Z2
#1716  August 16, 2014, 07:40:13 am
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Maybe code it in later as a separate boss version for arcade mode?
Re: Freeza Z2
#1717  August 16, 2014, 05:10:31 pm
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They were right not to add 2nd death saucer, even though i like the attack i'm already wiping any character's ass with it, and i don't look forward to feel the same when freeza's AI is completed (goosebumps)
Re: Freeza Z2
#1718  September 20, 2014, 06:12:20 pm
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I really like this Frieza, cannot wait till I get the complete one.. Missing.. Nova Strike though? The ultimate Frieza move :o...I will deal though. I like it alot :D
Re: Freeza Z2
#1719  September 20, 2014, 07:03:33 pm
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Oh speaking of what's left have you thought of the way sadism mode should work?
Re: Freeza Z2
#1720  October 29, 2014, 04:41:55 am
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I was thinking, perhaps a ground death ball that moved slowly on the ground. this way, it could combo easier and counter against projectiles better,and the more iconic way of throwing it just be in the air.