
Freeza Z2 [Project] (Read 635550 times)

Started by Balthazar, December 27, 2011, 06:59:29 pm
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Re: Freeza Z2
#1761  March 06, 2015, 06:53:29 pm
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Re: Freeza Z2
#1762  March 06, 2015, 07:03:10 pm
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i am sorry ;)
Re: Freeza Z2
#1763  March 14, 2015, 08:14:20 pm
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WekRiptor said:
I made a concept for alternative proportions for Freezer since some complained of it
Blurry and jpeg... not good. You should post a png image; also be sure to use the image tags:
Also, can you tell us the major differences between your edit and the normal sprite/s?
Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 10:25:10 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: Freeza Z2
#1764  March 15, 2015, 03:05:21 am
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Understand two things:

1. You made no relevant change(s), whatsoever.

2. Even if you did, it certainly wouldn't be worth redrawing each frame, all over again, to match yours.

Don't be offended by this. I'm just making an obvious point/Observation. personally speaking, there really shouldn't be anymore input on what needs .to change, be added, or be done. Just wait until there is actually something to talk about.
Re: Freeza Z2
#1765  March 15, 2015, 06:07:00 pm
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Like it has been said: Freeza is basically done, why would he go back and redraw every sprite of Freeza?  If he were to, however, he would have to truly be interested in the idea of revamping him, like with M. Vegeta.  Besides, Freeza's art style is consistent enough with the other Z2 cast anyway :) I'm not complaining about his design, either.  Who's complaining?

Plus, if you're truly up for it, why don't you redesign the sprites yourself and make an alternate .sff file instead of asking for Balthazar to do it?
Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 06:14:11 pm by The Sudden Patrick
Re: Freeza Z2
#1766  March 17, 2015, 09:59:31 pm
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Blurry and jpeg... not good. You should post a png image; also be sure to use the image tags:
Also, can you tell us the major differences between your edit and the normal sprite/s?

Understand two things:

1. You made no relevant change(s), whatsoever.

2. Even if you did, it certainly wouldn't be worth redrawing each frame, all over again, to match yours.

Don't be offended by this. I'm just making an obvious point/Observation. personally speaking, there really shouldn't be anymore input on what needs .to change, be added, or be done. Just wait until there is actually something to talk about.

I will be honest, I know it was absolute crap, and I didn't think I posted it, sorry about that
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1767  July 19, 2015, 01:30:51 pm
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Okay, so Freeza must have been the Z2 character which has gone through the most problems when looking for a coder. Five (!!! :gonk:) people have worked on him at some point (me included), and we have unfortunately never been able to get somebody to replace me entirely on his coding (it's nobody's fault, really).

Anyway, after a long hiatus on my end, I have no other choice than to finish what I have started, even though @Iced: still hasn't delivered what he had promised regarding "he knows who". >:)

To sum it up : new moves, new intros, new winposes, new finishers, bug fixes, nerfing, yada yada.
Much is still to be done, but at least there's some progress. :)

Finisher 2 - Daichiretsuzan :

Intro and winpose :
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1768  July 19, 2015, 01:52:14 pm
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HE'S BACK BITCHES!! Haha! Great to hear! I love the goofy soldiers.
Speaking of soldiers, are all those community-created soldier heads still going to be used or are they scrapped? I did think it might be hard to animate them fluidly with only one head sprite but maybe they could just stand around for a winpose or something...
Formerly LunchPolice aka Quack
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1769  July 19, 2015, 02:05:07 pm
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Yes, they're being used in at least one intro, which has already been coded (but not shown here).
They may be used in a winpose too, we'll see.
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1770  July 19, 2015, 03:03:47 pm
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Aw yis.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1771  July 19, 2015, 04:00:53 pm
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Done (they're randomized) :
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1772  July 19, 2015, 06:47:58 pm
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Wait so that finisher, is basically what we have now, followed up by freeza jumping, releasing a cut wave thingy, returning to the ground and then Krillin Busting the opponent ? O.o?
Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 07:42:49 pm by X-Sky-X
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1773  July 19, 2015, 08:48:02 pm
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Yay, he's alive once again ^..^ this is good news.  Also liking the cameo heads as well XP though the one on the far right his head seems misaligned ^^;
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1774  July 19, 2015, 10:08:31 pm
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the one on the left looks so sad :c
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1775  July 19, 2015, 11:48:58 pm
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          About time ol' Freezie Pop and me got off the rag.
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Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1776  July 20, 2015, 12:53:04 am
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I can tell that the dancing soldiers were made by Daeron. It's just like him to make the shading on the anti aliasing to be so... linear.

Yes, I am pointing that out as a critique.

Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1777  July 20, 2015, 03:28:34 pm
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Wups, busted!   :sweatdrop:
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1778  July 24, 2015, 04:27:42 pm
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Freeza has been missing his flourishes for a while.

We believe that these characters end up delivering a lot more by being polished. You have intros and winposes that serve as fanservice, with the odd moments of the character shining through and getting a glimpse at everything that composes the character. Its part of the reason i would have fun planning out a yamcha or even a tienshinhan. theres so much to use in all of those characters
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1779  July 24, 2015, 09:47:51 pm
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Freeza has been missing his flourishes for a while.

We believe that these characters end up delivering a lot more by being polished. You have intros and winposes that serve as fanservice, with the odd moments of the character shining through and getting a glimpse at everything that composes the character. Its part of the reason i would have fun planning out a yamcha or even a tienshinhan. theres so much to use in all of those characters

Tien's multiple arms would be really cool to see.
Re: Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1780  July 26, 2015, 06:15:29 am
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HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! I thought Freeza had been...... lè killed! Super excited to see this up and running a again, I seriously can't give enough 10/10's! Since you stated things were going to get nerfed, I was wondering if anything was getting a buff, like the counter,because IMO it could be better, having too many start up frames that are inactive and having a wonky hit box.
Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 01:19:27 am by WekRiptor